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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 How Tall Are You?,人教PEP六年级下册英语,话题:figure,功能:能够运用目标语进展身体或事物高矮、大小、重轻、长,短的描述和问答。,语言构造:,1句型:How tall are you / is he/she,Im/He/She is 160 cm tall.,How heavy are you / is he/she,Im/He/She is 40 kg.,How long / How big / How large is ,I wear Size 16.,He/She is taller/ heavier / bigger than ,2、词汇:taller、stronger、older、younger、,shorter、heavier、thinner、,longer、bigger、smaller、,meter、height hait 高度,海拔、weight weit 重量,体重、,length le 长度,时间的长短、size saiz 大小 ,尺寸,规模。,单元重难点,1、本单元的教学重点是让学生在联系日常生活的,对话中运用比较级。,2、本单元的教学难点是:,1各类比较级词汇及相应问题的掌握。,2不规那么比较级写法的掌握。,Lets review the numbers :,10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90,22 35 48 53 95 87 74,123 115 162 170 152 134 142,one hundred and twenty-three,226 cm,Hes 226 cm .,cm = centimeter,tall,158,cm,Im,158cm tall.,cm = centimeter,How tall are you,.,_ is tall,er,than _.,_ is short,er,than _.,Line up from shorter to taller!,Im,_ years old.,How old are you,.,_ is old,er,than _.,_ is young,er,than _.,Line up from younger to older!,Im,_ kg.,How heavy are you,kg = kilogram,.,_ is heav,ier,than _.,_ is thin,ner,than _.,Line up from heavier to thinner!,.,_ is strong,er,than _.,Line up from stronger to weaker!,The magic mirror,I want to be,tall,er,short,er,old,er,young,er,heav,ier,thin,ner,strong,er,_s hair is long,er,than _s.,The _ eraser is big,small,er,ger,than the _ one.,tall,tall,er,thin,thin,ner,heavy,heavi,er,你能发现以下的规律吗,形容词比较级构成法:,1、大局部直接在后面加er2、双写加er,3、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,再加er,4、以e有结尾的,直接加r,nice,nice,r,Lets chant,:,Mike is taller than Lee.,Lee is taller than Sue.,Sue is taller than Amy.,How tall are you.,Amy is smaller than Sue.,Sue is smaller than Lee.,Lee is smaller than Mike.,Are you smaller than me,A is er than B,比较级的句子模式:,比较对象一致,226 cm,178 cm,Yao Ming is,taller,than,Jay Zhou.,Jay Zhou is,shorter,than,Yao Ming.,Yao Ming is,taller,than,Jay Zhou.,48cm,Mr Ye,Mr Wu is,heavier,than,Mr Ye.,Mr Ye is,thinner,than,Mr Wu.,Mr Wu,90 Kg,62 Kg,Mr Wu is,28 kg heavier,than,Mr Ye.,Mr Li,Age: 88,Mr Li is,36 years older,than,Mr Chen.,Mr Li is,older,than,Mr Chen.,Mr Chen is,younger,than,Mr Li.,Mr Chen,Age:52,The turtle is,older,than,the cat.,The cat is,younger,than,the turtle.,175 years old,33 years old,The turtle is,142 years older,than,the cat.,A is er than B,比较级的句子模式:,A is 比较数量er than B,变化规那么,1,一般情况下,比较级在后面加-er;,small-smaller, short-shorter,2,以重读闭音节即:辅音+元音+辅音结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er.,big-bigger hot-hotter,3,以不发音e结尾的单音节词,在原级后加-r.,large-larger nice-nicer,4, 以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,再加-er.,easyeasier heavy-heavier,5, 多数多音节词,比较级在前面加more.,beautiful-more beautiful different-more different,6, 有少数形容词、副词的比较级是不规那么的,必须熟记。,good-better bad-worse many/much-more,little-less far-further/farther,Homework,1,按要求改写以下单词。,1,tall-(比较级_2,short反义词_3,younger-(原形_,4,strong(比较级_,2,选词填空。, 1,He is 160 cm _.,A,taller B, tall C, short,( ) 2,Im _than you.,A, old B,older C,young,3,-Which dog is _,-The brown dog is stronger.,A, funny B,tall C,stronger,听力材料:,There are three elephants in a zoo, Father Elephant is taller and older than Mother Elephant. Mother Elephant is smaller than Father Elephant. She is stronger than her son. Son Elephant is younger but taller than his mom and dad. Which picture is the Son Elephant.,Lets talk:,John: How tall are you?约翰:你有多高?Wu:Im 164 cm tall. Youre shorter than me.吴:我有164cm高。我比你高。John: yes. Im 160 cm. Youre 4 cm taller than me. 约翰:是的。我160cm。你比我高4cm。A局部lets talk。Mike: How heavy are you?迈克:你有多重?Zhang: Im 48 kg. 张:我有48kg。Mike: Im thinner than you, and shorter.迈克:我比你瘦,矮。Zhang:Yes. Im bigger and stronger than you.张:是的。我比你高大强壮。,Dad: 你喜欢哪只猴子,本,Ben:我喜欢黄色的.看, 他比那只棕色的猴子更高些,Dad:哪只猴子更强壮,Ben:棕色的猴 子更强壮.但那只黄色的猴子更高些.,Dad:我喜欢那只小猴子, 它年幼又有趣,它尾巴有 38厘米长.,Ben:我想这只小猴子只有 40 厘米高 .,Dad: 我想那只黄色的猴 子有 150 厘米高.,Ben:它比我矮些.,Dad:猴子是比较矮,但你也很有趣.,Heavy,heav,ier,the elepant is heav,ier,.,heavy,The dog is heavy,heav,ier,The elepant is heav,ier,.,thin,The tiger is thin.,thin,ner,The dog is thin,ner,.,Thin, thin,ner, the dog is thin,ner,.,long,The bus is long,.,long,er,The train is long,er,Long, long,er,The train is long,er,big,The donkey is big.,big,ger,The horse is big,ger,.,Big, big,ger, The horse is big,ger,.,small,The dog is small,.,small,er,The rabbit is small,er,.,Small, small,er, the rabbit is small,er.,询问体貌用how,A: How tall are you 提问高度 “.多高,B: I am cm tall.,A: How heavy are you提问重量 “.多重,B.I,A.How big are your feet提问尺寸 “.多大,B.I wear size .,A.How long is your hair提问长度 “.多长,B. .,A.How old .(提问年龄)“.多少岁?,B.Im .,A.How are you 你身体好吗?,cm=centimeter,这里的cm是centimeter 的缩写,“厘米。不管前面的数字有多大,书写时一般使用单数形式,如:160cm,67kg.但读的时候要读成centimeter 。超过1厘米时,要读其复数形式centimeters.,I am 175 cm tall.,I am one hundred and,Seventy -five centimeters tall.,kilogramm类似.,Panghu is strong,er,than Daxiong.,Panghu is,than Daxiong,.,thinner,The man is _ than the woman.,strong,er,The father is older than the boy.,The boy is younger than the father.,Can you say,The man is _ than the woman.,The woman is _ _ the man.,taller,shorter,than,Can you say,The bear is short,er,than the giraffe.,The giraffe is tall,er,than the bear.,B. Lets try听力材料:,(1).How long is your pencil,My pencil is 15 cm. Its 5 cm shorter than yours.,Circle the shorter pencil,please,(2).Your schoolbag is bigger thanmine!,Yes, and its heavier than yours, too.,Circle the bigger and heavier schoolbag.,B. Lets talk:,Mike:How heavy are youMike:你有多重?Zhang:Im 48 kg.zhang:我48千克。Mike:Im thinner than you,and shorter。mike:我比你瘦或轻,又比你矮。Zhang:Yes. Im bigger and stronger than you。zhang:是的,我比你大并且强壮。Sarah:How long are your legs?sarah:你的腿有多长?chenjie:76 cm.chenjie:76厘米。sarah:How big are your feet?“feet 是“foot的复数形式sarah:你的脚有多大?chenjie:I wear size 17.chenjie:我穿17码。sarah:I wear size 16.sarah:我穿16码。,Whats the difference between them,Lets read英汉对照,抹香鲸 虎鲸,长度:15 米 长度:8 米,重量:35 吨 重量:3600 千克,牙齿: 50 颗,每颗长达 20 厘米 牙齿:40 颗,每颗 长达 20 厘米,尾巴:8 米长 尾巴:6 米长,食物:鱿鱼,龙 虾和小鲨鱼 食物:鱼,小鸟,海豹甚至 鲸鱼,技能:能跳进深冷水中 技能:游泳能手;能从水里跳出来,C 局部 Task time 你房间有多大 你床有多大 你桌子有多大 我的房间是平方米.我的床是厘米长.我的桌子 是厘米长 Good to know 长度单位 毫米 厘米 米 千米 英尺 重量单位 千克 克 吨 1 英尺=0.3048 米 如果一个男孩是 5 英尺高,换算成米他有多高,longer,smaller,10,more,20,了解双元音/ei/ /ai/ /i /及辅音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/的音与形,能读出相,应的例词:,ai,/,ei,/ / p / /b/ /t/ /d/,ay,/,ei,/,p,ai,n疼痛 b,a,by婴儿 t,ai,l尾巴 d,ay,日,a,/,ei,/,p,i,ne消瘦 b,i,ke自行车 t,y,pe类型 d,i,ve,驾驶,oy,/,i,/,p,oi,nt(小数)点 b,oy,男孩 t,oy,玩具 d,oy,en,老前辈,oi,/,i,/,i,(,y,),/,ai,/,C. Lets check录音材料,1, Man: Im shorter but stronger. I often do sports on weekends. Who si the man2, Girl: Im younger., so I eat smaller apples. Who is the girl3, Man1: How tall are youMan2: Im 182 cm.Man1: Youre 16 cm taller than me! Who is the taller man4, Boy: How heavy is your brotherGirl: Hes 60 kg. You are much thinner than him. Who is the thinner man,长度单位 重量单位,毫米 千克,厘米 克,米 吨,千米,英尺,1 英尺=0.3048 米,如果一个男孩是 5 英尺高,换算成米他有多高,译文,(1).Zebra:他们需要一个新守门员。,Deer:我想试一试。,Giraffe:我也是。,Dog:我等不及了.,(2).Zoom:你多高?,Deer:我180厘米高。,Zip:你多重,Deer:我86千克重 .,(3).Zip:他比鹿先生高10厘米,Zoom:使得他更强壮一些。但是她拦不住球!,(4). Giraffe:我是最高的一个 .,Zip:对不起你脖子太长了别人够不到你。足球讲究配合 .,(5).hippo:那里发生什么事了?,Zip:哦!这是我想要的!,Zoom:为什么?他太重了。,Zip:当然了!我们需要一个大家伙!,(6). Zoom:哦!他几乎比球门还要大!,Zip:是的!他是一个优秀的守门员!,


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