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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Read & Explore,UNIT,3,(,Passage B,)ADVERTISING,Oct. 14-18, 2021,Week 7,Warming Up,Italian Spacecraft,How do you understand the word “Spacecraft,What connotations do you have when you think of it,No One Cares More About Your,Image,.,How do you interpret the word “Image,The Uses and Abuses of Advertisements,Lead-in,Many products for sale seem to scream at us, “Buy me! Buy me! Advertising is a big business in our world with many products 1)_ for our attention. Think of the last time you bought clothes. You probably noticed the 2)_ of colors, patterns, fabrics and brands you could 3)_ from. Which kind of soft 4)_ would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our senses. But products arent always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as 5)_, we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to 6)_ products and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need.,competing,variety,choose,drink,consumers,compare,Lead-in,But the good thing about advertising is that it helps people to 7)_ and refine their choices.,In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Their purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can 8)_ to. Inspiring ads cause individuals to take action and even save lives. 9)_ in America, for example, has been reduced over the years because of the creative public service advertisements that the council 10)_. “Please, please dont be a litter bug, cause every litter bit hurts. Many families have taught their children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected generations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter.,make decisions,respond,Pollution,provides,Lead-in,for sale,be on sale / have a sale,a clearance sale,appeal to,deceptive,raise awareness of,take action,trash can,出售,减价销售,清舱出售,吸引,欺骗的,提高意识,采取行动,垃圾箱,Language Focus -,Lead-in,Task,1,Task,2,Dialogue,1,Dialogue,2,SAMPLES,Communicative Tasks,John:Lili, have you seen this public service advertisement on children in the mountainous regions who are dropping out of school or are unable to attend school because their families cannot afford the tuition,Lili:No, John, I dont believe Ive seen it. Where did you find it,John:In the local newspaper. Apparently its an advertisement by a public service group who is seeking financial assistance and donations to help these children.,Lili:I had no idea this problem even existed. I wish there was something we could do to help.,John:Well, the advertisement provides a telephone number and an address where donations can be made. I think I know where the location is; its a large volunteer center. The advertisement says that they are looking for money donations as well as educational books and school supplies.,Lili:Ive got quite a few school books left over from a Summer School program that I was enrolled in a few years ago. I would love to donate them to the children there.,John:And I would be willing to donate some money. Why dont you carry the books over to the address,Lili:That sounds great. Im really glad you saw that public service advertisement. It feels good helping others in need.,John:Im glad I saw it too. Im sure more people would be willing to help out if only they knew there was a need.,Lili:I agree. Volunteer groups are so important. We need more of these kinds of efforts helping society.,Dialogue 1: Talking About a Public Service Advertisement,Communicative Tasks,Michael:I sure feel cheated!,Xiaolin:Why Did somebody take advantage of you,Michael:Not really. Its really my own fault. I saw a sales promotion advertisement in the newspaper last week saying that many items at AA Supermarket were going to be marked down 50% over the weekend. So, I got up early Saturday morning and rushed over there first thing and bought several of the items.,Xiaolin:Sounds like you got some great deals! So why do you feel cheated,Michael:I guess I was so caught up in the excitement of getting such a good discount that I didnt bother to notice the expiration dates on some of the products. I bought a large box of milk thinking it would last me the whole week. I just noticed today that it was due to expire tomorrow! What a waste!,Xiaolin:I learned the same lesson the hard way myself. Its frustrating, I know.,Michael:It makes me so angry to realize that not only did I not save 50%, I lost money because I had to throw the milk away.,Xiaolin:Shoppers have to be on guard against those “beautiful traps of advertising. We think were getting a really good discount when in fact were just getting a lower quality product.,Michael:Ill still watch for discounts, but Im going to make sure I always check the expiration dates from now on.,Xiaolin:Thats what I do.,Dialogue 2: Talking About a Sales Advertisement,Communicative Tasks,Brian and Xiaohong talk about an environmental protection advertisement in which the citizens are requested to sort out the useful wastes and put them in three slots blue slot for paper, yellow for aluminium cans, and brown for plastic bottles. They think it a good idea to dispose of the wastes.,Brian, who comments on an environmental protection advertisement about west disposal.,Reference,Situation,1,Communicative Tasks,Role,A,Role,B,Role,A,Role,B,Brian and Xiaohong talk about an environmental protection advertisement in which the citizens are requested to sort out the useful wastes and put them in three slots blue slot for paper, yellow for aluminium cans, and brown for plastic bottles. They think it a good idea to dispose of the wastes.,Xiaohong, who also contributes his/her idea on the same advertisement.,Reference,Communicative Tasks,Situation,1,Brian: I received an advertisement in the mail today about sorting waste products to help protect the environment.,Xiaohong:I received it too. It sure sounds like a good idea sorting out items that can be recycled, like paper, aluminium cans and plastic bottles.,Brian: Ive already seen the three slots that the advertisement said we should use: a blue slot for paper, yellow for aluminium cans, and brown for plastic bottles.,Xiaohong:Do you think were supposed to rinse out the cans and bottles before we put them in the slots,Task 1,Communicative Tasks,Brian:The ad didnt say, but I think its a good idea since the items are going to be recycled. Well, at least thats what I plan to do.,Xiaohong:Me too. Do you think other citizens will bother with this program,Brian:I certainly hope so. Everyone should be able to recognize the importance of protecting the environment.,Xiaohong:Youre right. Recycling these kinds of items should drastically reduce the amount of land used for waste disposal.,Brian:Lets hope everyone else sees this advertisement and starts recycling today!,Task 1,Communicative Tasks,Role,A,Role,B,Victor saw an advertisement saying “Clearance Sale in front of XYZ fashion shop. He paid 30 yuan for two T-shirts, but they shrank to childrens size after being washed only once. His friend Lili reminded him to be always careful about the so-called “price cutting and not to be misled by the beautiful lies in the ad.,Victor, who bought two T-shirts for the “Clearance Sale” advertisement while the shirts shrank to childrens size after being washed only once.,Reference,Situation,2,Communicative Tasks,Victor saw an advertisement saying “Clearance Sale in front of XYZ fashion shop. He paid 30 yuan for two T-shirts, but they shrank to childrens size after being washed only once. His friend Lili reminded him to be always careful about the so-called “price cutting and not to be misled by the beautiful lies in the ad.,Lili, who suggests Victor to be careful about the beautiful lies in the ad.,Reference,Communicative Tasks,Situation,2,Role,A,Role,B,Victor:Im never going to shop at XYZ Fashion Shop again!,Lili: Its not one of my favorite stores either. What happened to you there,Victor:They were advertising a “Clearance Sale in front of the shop and I bought two T-shirts for 30 yuan. The problem is, the shirts shrank to childrens size after being washed only once!,Lili:Did the shirts have laundry instructions on them,Victor:Yes, and I followed them exactly. Talk about cheap merchandise!,Lili:Did you try and get your money back from the store,Victor:Yes, but they said they dont guarantee their products. Im never shopping there again!,Task 2,Communicative Tasks,Lili:Thats why XYZ Fashion Shop is not a store I will shop at either. There are other better quality stores that will refund your money if there is a problem with one of their products. Its just not worth taking a chance when stores use so-called “price cutting techniques to mislead shoppers into buying poor quality products.,Victor:Yeah, misleading with their beautiful advertising lies!,Lili:If enough people become aware of their poor quality, and their lies in advertising, the store will not be able to stay in business because no one will shop there.,Victor:I hope youre right. Stores like that should not be in business!,Task 2,Communicative Tasks,public service advertisement,attend school,drop out of school,apparently,seek financial assistance,volunteer group,donation/donate,I have no idea,Why dont you,公益广告,上学,辍学,显而易见,寻求经济援助,志愿者组织,捐助,我不知道,为什么不,Language Focus, Dialogue Sample 1,take advantage of,sale promotion ads,expiration date,be due to expire tomorrow,learn the lesson,be on guard against,get a discount,low / poor quality product,clearance sale,trap of advertising,Its really not my fault.,Sounds like,The items are marked down 50%.,利用,促销广告,保质期至,保质期到明天,吸取教训,警觉,打折购置,质次产品,清仓甩卖,广告陷阱,不是我的错。,似乎,这些商品半价销售。,Language Focus, Dialogue Sample 2,Text Structure,Content Awareness,Content Awareness,job vacancies,home services,Life partners,announcements of,births and deaths,second-hand,houses & cars,new products,Content Awareness,_ 1 Advertisements contribute financially to most magazines.,_ 2 Advertisements of cigarettes are not seen any more nowadays.,_ 3We may turn mentally numbed by continuous advertising.,_ 4 Keeping a cold mind may prevent people from being taken in by advertisements.,_ 5 We can escape the onslaught of advertisements if we want to.,T,F,T,T,F,Content Awareness,Content Awareness ,Para 2,The uses of advertisements are _. Large companies depend_ on advertisements to make their products known to the consumers. These companies play a major role in the development of sports in our country. Without them acting as _ we would not be able to _ international sporting events. Most magazines and periodicals _ because of advertisements. The people or firms that advertise provide the necessary finance to keep these magazines _. Both parties benefit. The publishers get to carry on their business and the advertisers get to sell their products. However some magazines seem to lose their _ purpose after a while because they have too many advertisements.,undisputed,heavily,sponsors,stage,survive,running,original,Content Awareness ,Para 7,Besides giving us a mental _ they _ numb and abuse our minds until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their _without actually listening. It would certainly be for the good of all viewers if the advertisers cut down on their advertisements and only advertise _. Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless _on the viewers.,jolt,methodically,chatter,discreetly,assault,Reading Skills,Reading meaning clusters is one of the techniques for increasing reading speed. It means that when you read,try not to think of a sentence as a string of single words,.,Instead,think of it as several word clusters, or phrases.,In other words,try to move your eyes cluster by cluster, not from word to word.,In this way you will read faster.,Ex. 16,Reading Skills,The United Negro College Fund has been reminding Americans that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” since 1972.,Ex. 16,/,/,/,Reading Skills,The War Advertising Council, a private, non-profit organization, was founded to rally support for World War II-related efforts.,The Ad Councils mission is to identify a select number of significant public issues and stimulate action on those issues through communications programs that make a measurable difference in our society.,In 1995, to maximize the impact of all of the campaigns, The Ad Councils Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt a new, ten-year initiative to help Americans who cant speak for themselves our children.,/,/,/,Ex. 16,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,Reading Skills,The Ad Councils pledge is to remain committed and vigilant in establishing a foothold for public service advertising in a rapidly changing media landscape.,These new messages are designed to inform, inspire and involve all Americans to participate in activities that will strengthen the nation and help win the war on terrorism.,/,/,/,Ex. 16,/,/,/,/,/,Conjunctions and Connective Words,We sometimes wish to join short, choppy sentences to form longer sentences. One way to join two ideas is to use a,coordinating conjunction,and,a comma,.,General Writing,Ex. 18Each of the following thoughts is complete by itself, but you can join two of them together to make more interesting sentences. Combine these thoughts into pairs, using,and,but,yet,for,so, and,or,and write six new sentences on the lines below. Punctuate correctly.,General Writing,Ex. 18,General Writing,Ex. 18,Teeth fascinate him,so,Jack has decided to become a dentist.,General Writing,Ex. 18,He will rent a small apartment by himself,or,he will get a large place with a friend.,General Writing,Ex. 18,Since the 1840s, American women had fought for the right to vote,yet,they did not win that right until 1920,General Writing,Ex. 18,A curious crowd gathered on the sidewalk,and,live models danced in the store window.,General Writing,Ex. 18,They are the best pool players on the block,but,they cant beat my cousin from Cleveland.,General Writing,Ex. 18,The ancient Chinese valued peaches,for,they believed that eating peaches made a person immortal.,General Writing,Ex. 18,The trip was fine,and,I learned a great deal from it.,The television picture is blurred,but,we will watch the football game anyway.,She wants to practice her Italian,so,she is going to Italy for the entire summer.,Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, yet, for, so, or,General Writing,We can also use a special kind of,adverb,to join ideas. This special kind of adverb is called,a conjunctive adverb,because it is,partly a conjunction and partly an adverb,. A conjunctive adverb joins ideas together in an emphatic way. It is used with a,semicolon,when both ideas are independent and can stand alone.,Common Conjunctive Adverbs:,furthermore, however, nevertheless, therefore,Conjunctive Adverbs,General Writing,He received an A on his term paper,; furthermore,the instructor exempted him from the final.,He rarely seems to study,; nevertheless, he always gets As.,Examples,General Writing,Ex. 19,My parents may not have had much formal education; nevertheless, _.,Thomas is afraid of the dark; therefore, _.,On the morning of the test, I awoke with chills and a fever; however, _.,I refuse to wear those red cowboy boots again; furthermore, _.,The days are getting longer; therefore, _.,they are interesting, articulate people.,General Writing,Ex. 19,he sleeps with a light on in his room.,I took the test and got an A.,I wont wear the ten-gallon hat.,we can stay later at the park.,Pros,Cons,VS,Commercial advertisements are more a blessing than a curse.,Debate,Vocabulary,(Ex. 13),Phrases,(Ex. 14),Translation,(Ex. 15),Language Focus,1. If you agree to be our sales agent, we will allow you a good discount as part of the _.,bargain,abuse reveal economical sponsor stage,discard authority eliminate destructive bargain,2.On no account should we _ our fine traditions and styles of work.,discard,Ex. 13Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,3.The pop singer cancelled his concert scheduled for tonight because the _ cannot pay him the money he asked for,.,sponsor,4.The curtains opened, to _ a darkened stage.,reveal,abuse reveal economical sponsor stage,discard authority eliminate destructive bargain,Ex. 13Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,5.Severe damage witnessed the _ force of the storm.,destructive,6.The mother could not _ her amusement at the boys mistake,.,abuses,abuse reveal economical sponsor stage,discard authority eliminate destructive bargain,Ex. 13Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,7.The _ showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapers demands,.,authorities,8.Engineers are forever seeking more _ methods of solving problems.,economical,abuse reveal economical sponsor stage,discard authority eliminate destructive bargain,Ex. 13Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,9.T,he protest was a well-planned and carefully _ affair.,staged,10. If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, _ it from your diet,.,eliminate,abuse reveal economical sponsor stage,discard authority eliminate destructive bargain,Ex. 13Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,1.,Hes disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him _, the man is hopeless.,In short,2.,Read over your composition and _ every sentence that is not related to the subject.,weed out,Ex. 14Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from,the passage. Change the form where necessary.,3.,In his job, he _ different people.,comes in contact with,4.,We can no longer claim ignorance about the effects of pollution or continue to _ it.,turn a blind eye to,Ex. 14Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from,the passage. Change the form where necessary.,5.,Dont _ by his charming manner; hes completely a cruel man.,be taken in,Ex. 14Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from,the passage. Change the form where necessary.,1.,儿子的死让老妇人变得麻木痴呆了。,(numb),The old woman was numbed by her sons death.,Ex. 15Translate the following sentences into English.,be numbed by,2.,在所有这些烦恼之中,他依然能保持乐观。,(in the midst),troubles,remain cheerful,In the midst of all troubles, he managed to remain cheerful.,Ex. 15Translate the following sentences into English.,3.,虽有困难,他们还是设法坚持试验下去。,(carry on),in spite of the difficulties,They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.,Ex. 15Translate the following sentences into English.,manage,4.,我们必须淘汰不合格的申请人。,(weed ou


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