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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Where have you seen and heard advertising?,Game,做广告,In,the street,on,the bus,at,the bus station,on,radio,on,TV,in,the newspaper,in,the magazine,on,the Internet,spokesman,spokeswoman,Do you think advertising actually works?,Have you ever bought anything because you liked the idea,promoted,in the advertisement?,促销,Lesson 3,The Advertising Game,Paragraph 1,1.The simplest types of adverts are the ones that give information about finding certain products.,-,Find out the,topic sentence,of each paragraph,Fast reading,Paragraph 2,A,lot of money is spent on applying the latest techniques of graphic design to produce the best-looking adverts.,Paragraph 3,Modern,adverts must stand out in a world full of competition by combining the highest standards of graphic design with ideas linked with the products to make them more attractive.,Paragraph 4,Todays,award-winning advertisers believe that using,humour ,surprise and original ideas is important in modern advertisements,.,There,are public,ads,which encourage people to participate in improving their,neighbourhood ,protecting,the,environment and,helping other people.,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,the,classical,ads,the ads in the market,modern ads,the top ads of today,the public ads,Fast reading,traditional, typical,Read the text and complete the table.,Careful reading,Paragraph 1,aim,contents,the,classical,ads,give information about finding _,a. the name of a,_,b. what the companies _,c. where they are _and the _ names,products,company,sell,brand,located,certain,subject,corporation,n.,公司,certain,adj. sure,确信,some,某一,the,classical,ads,location,brand name,company name,product,brand name,product,company name,location,Paragraph 2,aim,contents,the,ads in the market,_and hold the _of the public,_pictures or the words of _,advertisements that people _looking at,attract,experts,enjoy,attention,consist of,subject,contain,由,组成,the ads in the market,pictures or the words of experts,enjoy looking at,Paragraph 3,aim,contents,modern,ads,high _of _design,_the highest standards of design with _linked to the products to make them more attractive,standards,visual,combine,ideas,subject,concept,概念,原则,ideas,which are,linked to,modern ads,highest standards of visual design,high clear,light,thin,idea linked to the product,Paragraph 4,aim,contents,the,top,ads,of,today,_something that has never been seen before and is _ for people to look at,_ , surprised,and new and _ideas,create,fascinating,humour,unusual,subject,fascinating,adj.,迷人的,赏心悦目的,the top ads of today,humour, surprised and new and unusual idea,the best part,They make people forget that someone is trying to sell them something.,Paragraph 5,aim,contents,the,public,ads,make _ to society,encourage _to _in improving their,neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people,citizens,participate,contributions,subject,the public ads,protect the environment,make contributions to society,What are the main characteristics of the ads?,1)They are meaningful, interesting,.,2)We can find,in the ads.,attractive, humorous, fascinating, surprised, new, creative,information, modern techniques of design ,Consolidation,Ads,1.What,are the advantages of ads?,2.What,are the disadvantages of ads?,3.Will,you be persuaded by ads?,Why,?,Enjoy yourself,What do you think of the advertisements below? Which one do you like or dislike? Why or why not?,Write a composition to describe,an advertisement you like.,Homework,


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