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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,18/5/18,#,情态动词,目 录,CONTENTS,一、情态动词的那些事儿,二,、情态动词的那些一般用法,三,、情态动词的那些推测用法,四,、情态动词的那些特殊用法,情态动词的那些事儿,01,PART ONE,情态动词的那些词儿,maymight,cancould,willwould,shallshould,musthave toneed,情态动词的那些特点,Cai Xukun can sing songs well.,Fan Chengcheng can sing songs well too.,But Dong Yanlei cant sing songs well.,3.,有助动词,的作用,1.,不能单独,作谓语,必须与,动词原形,连用,2.,没有,人称和数的,变化,情态动词里的那些一般用法,02,PART TWO,may/might,can/could,will/would,shall/should,must/have to/need,May I go to the Ball,Yes, you,may,.,Yes, you,can,.,No, you,mustnt,.,No, you,cant,.,maymight,意义:请求获得对方的允许,“可以might (委婉语气),否认-mustnt/cant,肯定,-,may/can,musthave toneed,否认mustnt, “制止,否认答复用 neednt,No, you,neednt,.,No, you,dont have to,.,Must I do the housework,Yes, you,must,.,musthave toneed,3. must,与,have to,的区别,I must go to the Ball.,But I have to finish the housework, before I go to the Ball.,cancould,1.,表具备某种能力:,能,能够;,could (,过去的能力,),Cinderella,could,dance well in the past.,Cinderella,can,dance well now.,cancould,2. 表请求和允许:“可以= may; could (委婉语气),答复:肯定-can,否认-cant,Could I dance with you,Yes, you can.,知识要点总结,情态动词,本意,may, might,can, could,must,允许,能力,,允许,必须,否认含义,不能,不可以,不可以,制止,答复,may/can,mustnt/cant,can,cant,must,neednt,1. -Must he sing the song in English,-No, he _.,A. neednt,B. cant,C. mustnt,Practice,makes,perfect,2. -Mum, _ I visit the science museum tomorrow,-Im afraid you_. It is closed on Monday.,A. must; mustnt,B. may; cant,C. should; cant,Practice,makes,perfect,3. -Mum, _ I play football this afternoon,-Sure, but you _ finish your homework first.,may, could,can, must,can, mustnt,may, cant,Practice,makes,perfect,willwould,用于第二人称的疑问句中,表“请求、建议等; would (委婉),用于表示意志,意愿或决心,意为“会,愿意。,will指现在,而would指过去。,Will you marry me,Yes, I will.,I will love you forever.,shallshould,1.,征求,对方,意见,,用于,第一,第三人称疑问句,中,shall,Shall we hold our wedding this Sunday,Ok.,shallshould,意为:应该。,表达义务,职责说话人的观点,should,As human, we,should,be,kind to others.,1.,-Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.,-Thats too bad.,Everyone _ be a book lover.,Reading is more enjoyable,A. may,B. should,C. would,Practice,makes,perfect,Lets,take,a,break!,情态动词那些推测用法,03,PART THERE,may (might),can (could),must,can/could may/might must,用于肯定句,“可能,might (可能性更小),0,50,100,用于疑问句,否认句,“不可能,可能吗,could (可能性较小;可用于肯定句,疑问句,否认句),用在肯定句中,“一定,Guessing game,Who is this,It _ be Fan Bingbing.,It _ be Guo jingming.,It _ be Wang Baoqiang.,Its a he.,Its not very tall.,He played as Tang Ren in the movie,Detective Chinatown,.,must,may/might,cant,1.,The girl in the classroom _ be Sarah. She has gone to the library.,A. may,B. must,C. cant,D. neednt,Practice,makes,perfect,2-Whose book is this,-I am not sure. It _ be Marys.,A. shall,B. must,C. might,D. can,Practice,makes,perfect,3. -Listen. I think it _ be Mr. White singing in the office.,-No. It _be him. He left for London just now.,A. must, mustnt,B. may, mustnt,C. must, cant,D. can, can,Practice,makes,perfect,4.,-He_be in the classroom,I think.,-No,he_be in the classroom.,I saw him go home a minute ago.,A. can,;,may not,B. must,;,may not,C. may,;,mustnt,D. may,;,cant,Practice,makes,perfect,情态动词的那些特殊用法,04,PART FOUR,used to do,be/get used to doing,had better do,情态动词的那些特殊用法,意义,used to,do,be/get used to,doing,过去常常做某事,习惯于做某事,Obama,used to eat,hamburger,but now he,is used to eating,spicy bar.,情态动词的那些特殊用法,had better,had better,do,最好做,had better,not do,最好不要做,Youd better work hard in middle school.,表达“建议和“忠告,,had better do“为好,,建议某人“最好不,,要用had better not do。,1.,My grandfather _ live in the countryside,,,but now he _ living in the city.,A. used to;,used to,B. got used to;,gets used to,C. used to;,gets used to,Practice,makes,perfect,2.,-Youd better,too much time chatting online,-OK,I wont,A. dont spend,B. not to spend,C. to not spend,D. not spend,Practice,makes,perfect,1. -I dont care what people think,-Well, you _ . Youre not alone in this world.,A. can,B. may,C. should,D. will,真题演练,2. -May I take the dog with me, sir,- _ . Pets are not allowed to enter the hall.,A. Yes, you may.,B. No, you mustnt.,C. Yes, you can.,D. No, you neednt.,真题演练,3. -Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday,-He _ try. In fact, it depends on how much,the journey costs.,A. may,B. has to,C. need,D. must,真题演练,4. When you are travelling, bring a map because it_help you,A. cant,B. mustnt,C. used to,D. may,真题演练,5. A good friend is someone you_share your pleasure and pain with.,A. can,B. must,C. need,D. should,真题演练,Summary,Thanks,for,your,attention,


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