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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,假设你是明启中学 Ming Qi Middle School的李明,想申请一个扶贫工程,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信信中不能提到真实姓名和学校。,启事,国际儿童基金会将资助中学生开展扶贫工程,以帮助贫困地区的儿童。申请成功者将获得工程经费2000元。,有意者请来信告知:,1 你个人的根本情况;,2 你对申请工程的根本设想;,3 工程经费的使用方案。,联系方式: 2021hopeicf.org 2021,2021高考作文:,Dear Sirs,Hello! Im Li Ming, a student from Mingqi High School of Shanghai. As Ive always been interested in charity, Im writing to you in the hope that I could be given the 2,000-yuan fund to carry out my project to help children in poverty-stricken areas.,My poverty-relief program is divided into three parts. In the initial stage, Ill try to purchase textbooks for subjects such as English and Maths. Given that new books are usually expensive, Ill be on the look-out for good-quality second-hand books. The second stage of my program is to recruit high school students who have a strong desire to help pupils in poor areas. Surely they should be armed with relative knowledge to be qualified teachers. Lastly, we will set out for primary schools, which are selected and contacted in advance, to carry out our program.,As to how to allocate the money, Id like to use 1,000 for textbooks, and the rest to pay for the travelling fee of volunteers.,I am looking forward to your reply, thanks!,Yours,Li Ming,Word came that the International Children Funds Association intended to aid middle school students financially in launching programs designed to help children in poor areas. And I am writing to you to apply for one, hoping that the fund as much as 2000 yuan can realize my wish to help these children.,As a normal student of MingQi Middle School, I, Li Ming, Has been long cherishing a dream that every single child in poverty can have free access to knowledge, thus devoting themselves to society to make it more harmonious in turn.,Consequently, if my application can be luckily agreed to, I will spare no efforts to build a library for those children as my program.,To be more specific, the fund will be divided into three parts. First of all, 800 yuan of it will be spent on buying books which may be mainly second-hand, in order to ensure the quantity. Also, another 400 yuan will be intended to carry out advertisements that call on the people with a sense of responsibility in society to donate textbooks and so forth. Whats more, the remaining 800 yuan, according to my design, shall be given to those children, entitling them the right to buy their favorite books that are beyond what is mentioned above.,As you can see from what is talked about above, my plan may still leave something to be desired, but as far as my strong wish to help those children is concerned, I genuinely hope you and your association can grant me the opportunity to turn it into reality.,总分,22,内容,9,语言,8,结构,5,I am Li Ming. A student in Ming Qi Middle School, who is eager to apply for the project. I have a perfect blueprint for that and I am self-confident in making best use of the fund as well. My management is as followed.,Firstly, I will talk about my plan on the project. Resuming the fact that the children in poor area lack opportunities to study and know something new about the modern society, a series of lectures will be held in the poor area, I will select many excellent students and volunteers to address the lectures, which is beneficial not only to the children but ourselves as well. Further more, large quantities of books will be sent to the students in poor area which we believe can contribute to the childrens growth up.,Secondly, the fund of 2000 yuan can also be well used. We will rent a bus to reach the poor area and it may cost half of the fund and we will release a report about our activity on newspapers to attract more volunteers. Furthermore, the rest of the fund will be spent on buying books.,I am sincerely willing to apply for this project and I believe it will be a remarkable event under my organization.,总分,19,内容,8,语言,7,结构,4,My name is LiMing from MingQi School.I always watch the poor children study hard with bad condition in poor area on television.I was totally moved by that.So I am dying to apply for a product which can help them.The following is my plan.,First, I think what they need most is clothes and books.The clothes can keep them warm and the books will be their friends.So we need an activity about donation.We will appeal for the students to donate these things which they dont need in our school.My schoolmates are all warm-hearted and glad to help people.They will ready to do it so we will succeed at last.,Then, to expand the influence of the activity, we can set up a website.We can put some photos on the website to introduce the conditions of the children in poor areas to let people know more about them.Then they will be eager to play a role in the donation.Frankly speaking, I am good at computer so I have the confidence to do well.,As we all know, we cant completely change their situation by it, but there is a famous saying which stands the test of the time Rome is not built in a day.If I wish, I will put all the money into holding the donation.I think with our joint effort they finally have got rid of the poverty.,Thank you for reading the letter!,总分,17,内容,7,语言,7,结构,3,My name is Li Ming from Ming Qi Middle school. I am proficient on English and have a good command of singing and writing.,I plan to apply for a project of helping the children who come from the poor areas. I have several plans. To begin with, I will keep a close touch with them. You know. Finally, communication can put our heart together.,Secondly, I will teach them some necessary skills, such as singing and dancing which can bring them happiness.,Last but not the least, I will spent money calling a experienced teacher. He can teach them a lot of knowledge which I can give them.,I apply for this project successfully, I will use project money to call in a teacher.,in all, I can eager to get this chance.,总分,15,内容,6,语言,6,结构,3,My name is Li Ming. I am a student from Ming Qi Middle School. Id like to apply to you for the item. I will help the poor.,Since I am 18-year- old teenager, I have ability to afford for the item. My parents are going to help me too. I can use the knowledge I have learnt from the class to improve poor childrens life.,I have planned for the item. I will offer for their tuitions and other payments about studying and living.,The money of 2000 will be used up in two years for their tuition and other payment meaningful.,I hope that you would give me the chance. It will serve as a bridge between I and one poor child. I will do my best for him.,总分,12,内容,5,语言,5,结构,2,


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