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,Chapter 2,The customer service dimension,Outline,The marketing and logistics interface,What is customer service?,Customer service and customer retention,Service-driven logistics systems,Setting customer service priorities,Setting service standards,Summary,This chapter:,Highlight the importance of managing the marketing and logistics interface on an integrated basis.,强调在协调的基础上管理市场营销与物流接口的重要性。,Emphasizes the need to understand the multiple elements of service from the customer perspective.,从顾客角度出发,强调理解多重服务要素的重要性。,Explains of the importance of customer retention and the life time value of a customer.,解释客户保持与客户终身价值的重要性。,Outlines the idea of a service-driven logistics system based upon identified service priorities and a customer based segmentation according to service requirement.,概述服务驱动的物流系统理念,该理念建立在确定服务等级、根,据服务需求细分客户群的基础上。,Introduce the idea of the perfect order as the basis for measuring Service performance.,介绍以“完美订单”进行服务绩效测评的思想方法。,The mission of logistics management,was defined simply in terms of providing the means whereby customers service requirement are met.,The ultimate purpose of any logistics,is to satisfy customers.,The objective,should be to establish a chain of customers that links people at all levels in the organization directly or indirectly to the marketplace.,1.The marketing and logistics interface,市场营销和物流相互关联,New words and expressions,1.Payroll 职工名册、发薪簿,on the payroll 被雇用。 off the payroll 被解职。,2.,inexorable,不可动摇的,不屈不挠的。,Questions 1,According to text, there are signs that old view is rapidly changing, how does it change?,Questions 2,What are the two factors which contributed most to the growing importance of customer service?,Two factors to the growing importance of customer service:,1.The continual development of customer expectations.,2.The slow but inexorable transition towards commodity type markets.,持续上涨的客户期望。,向“无差异商品”市场的过渡,这是一个缓慢却不可避免的过程。,2.What is customer service?,Questions 1,What is ,in essence, the distribution function of the business concern about?,Making the,products,or service,available,Questions 2,By LaLonde and Zinszer s opinion , how to examine customer service ?,LaLonde and Zinszer suggested that customer service could be examined under three headings:,1.Pre-transaction elements,2.Transaction elements,3.Post-transaction elements,客户服务可以从三个方面来检查:,交易前要素,交易中要素,交易后要素,Pre-transaction elements,Written customer service policy,(Is it communicated internally and externally, is it understood, is it specific and quantified where possible?),Accessibility,(Are we easy to contact/do business with? Is there a single point of contact?),Organization structure,(Is there a customer service management structure in place? What level of control do they have over their service process?),System flexibility,(Can we adapt our service delivery systems to meet particular customer needs?),客户服务策略的书面文件,易接近性,组织结构,系统灵活性,Transaction elements,Order cycle time,(What is the elapsed time from order to delivery? What is the reliability/variation?),Inventory availability,(What percentage of demand for each item can be met from stock?),Order fill rate,(What proportion of orders are completely filled within the stated lead time?),Order status information,(How long does it take us to respond to a query with the required information? Do we inform the customer of problems or do they contact us?),订单周期时间,库存可得性,订单完成率,订单状况信息,Post-transaction elements,Availability of spares,(What are the in-sock levels of service parts?),Call-out time,(How long does it take for the engineer to arrive and what is the first call fix rate?),Product tracing/warranty,(Can we identify the location of individual products once purchased? Can we maintain/extend the warranty to customers expected levels?),Customer complaints, claims etc.,(How promptly do we deal with complaints and returns? Do we measure customer satisfaction with our response?),备件可得性,上门服务时间,产品追踪/保证,客户投诉、索赔等,Questions 3,Why is it essential for any business to have a clearly identified policy towards customer service?,It is because of the multivariate nature,Of customer service and because of,The widely differing requirements of,Specific markets.,Revenue loss due to an out-of-stock,100%,20%,20%,6%,54%,Intended,purchase,expenditure,Consumer,shops,elsewhere/,does not,make purchase,Consumer,delays,purchase,Decrease,in value of,purchased,alternatives,Purchase,expenditure,when out-of-,stock occurs,46% decline,in intended,expenditures,Low cost strategies may lead to efficient logistics but not to effective logistics.,低成本战略可能促成,有效率的物流,但难,以形成有效益的物流。,The impact of logistics and customer service on marketing,Consumer,franchise,Customer,franchise,Supply chain,efficiency,Marketing,effectiveness,=,Customer service,Partnership,Quick response,Flexibility,Reduced asset base,Low cost supplier,Market share,Customer retention,Superior ROI,Brand value,Corporate image,availability,消费者特权 客户特权 供应链效率 市场营销效率,品牌价值,企业形象,可得性,客户服务,合作关系,快速反应,灵活性,降低的资产规模,低成本供应商,市场份额,客户保持,高投资回报率,3.Customer service,and,customer retention,Organizations are not only compete on the products features but also on the products added-value services.,People dont buy products, they,buy benefits.,Theodore Levitt (one of,leading thinkers),人们购买的不是产品,购买的是利益。,Core,Product,service,surround,Quality,Product features,Technology,Durability etc.,Delivery lead time and flexibility,Delivery reliability and consistency,Single point of contact,Ease of doing business,After-sales support etc.,Using service to augment the core product,质量,产品特征,技术,耐用度等,配送的前置时间与灵活性,配送的可靠性和连贯性,单一的联系渠道,交易的便捷度,售后服务等,配套服务,One of the classical definitions of marketing is that it is concerned with “getting and keeping customers”.,Lifetime value,The importance of customer retention,is,underlined by the concept of the lifetime,value of a customer.,Lifetime value= Average transaction value yearly frequency of purchase,customer life expectancy,客户保持的重要性可以通过客户“终身价值”的概念体现出来。,客户终身价值平均交易额年购买频率客户“寿命期望”,A simple measure of customer retention is to ask the question :how many of the customers that we had 12 months ago do we still have today?,Customer retention indicators,Retained,Customers,New,customers,No. of customers,12 months ago,No. of customers,today,Value of purchases,12 months ago,Value of purchases,by retained customers,12个月之前的客户数量,新增客户,原有客户,当前客户数量,12个月之前的购买量,原有客户购买量,英镑,The importance of customer retention:,Furthermore there is evidence to suggest that retained customers are more profitable than new customers.,Why?,A prime objective of any customer service strategy should be to enhance customer retention.,So, there is rapidly emerging a new focus in marketing and logistics on the creation of ,relationships, with customers.,The principle behind Relationship Marketing is that the organization should consciously strive to develop marketing strategies to maintain and strengthen,customer loyalty.,4.Service-driven logistics systems,The role of logistics,can be seen as the development of systems and the supporting,co-ordination process to ensure that customer service goals are met.,This is the,idea,of the service-driven logistics system a system that is designed to meet defined service goals.,So often we find that organizations design and manage systems which have internally-focused objectives rather than external goals.,A far more,effective starting point,for logistics system design is the marketplace; in other words we must fully understand the service needs of the various markets that we address and then seek to develop low cost logistics solutions.,Ideally all logistics strategies and systems should be devised in the following sequence:,Identify customers service needs,Define customer service objectives,Design the logistics system,认清客户对服务的需求,确定客户服务目标,Identifying customer service needs,Identify the key components of customer service as seen by customers themselves.,Establish the relative importance of those service components to customers.,Identify clusters of customers according to similarity of service preferences.,找出在客户眼中关键的客户服务因素。,设定客户服务要素的相对重要性。,根据服务需求相似性,划分客户群。,Defining customer service objectives,The whole purpose of logistics strategy,is to provide customers with the lever and quality of service that they require and to do so at less cost to the total supply chain.,供应链及物流管理的全部目的在于,保证供应链总成本增幅较小的同时,按客户要求提供服务。,The definition of appropriate service objectives is made easier if we adopt the concept of,the perfect order,.,The perfect order is achieved when the customers service requirements are met in full.,The measure of service,is therefore defined as the percentage of occasions on which the customers requirements are met in full.,One frequently encountered,measure,of the perfect order:,On-time:90%,In-full:80%,Error-free:70%,The actual prefect order achievement:,90% 80% 70%=50.4%,准时率,无错率,全部完成率,The cost benefit of customer service,a basic fact,: there will be significant differences in profitability between customers.,Pareto Law,(or the 80/20 rule)?,The challenge to customer service management?(P53),The cost of Service,0,Service level,100%,Costs of service,A steeply rising,curve,Why?,100%,Service level,Costs of service,Shifting the cost of Service,Whats the use?,How to do?,Service level,100%,Costs of service,the returns to Service,Why is the,service,Response,Curve,S-shaped?,P55,5.Setting customer service priorities,设定客户服务,优先级,Since not all our customers are equally profitable nor are our products equally profitable, should not the highest service be given to key customers and key products?,既然并非所有客户都带来高利润率,不同产品对利润的贡献程度也截然不同,难道不应对核心客户和核心产品设定最高的服务优先级?,The Pareto or 80/20 rule,20%,30%,50%,% Products/customers,A,C,B,5%,80%,15%,%sales/profits,How,Does a,Typical,Company,Find its,Profits,Varying by,Customer,And by,Product?,Question,What use might be made of the A,B,C categorization?,The stock-holding policy,Product category,A,B,C,stock availability,99%,97%,90%,The best way,to manage product service levels is to take into account both the profit contribution and the individual product demand.,Volume (by SKU),Lo,Hi,Lo,Hi,Managing product service levels,(1),Seek cost,Reduction,成本有待,降低,(2),Provide high,availability,确保高,可得性,(3),Review,复查,(4),J.I.T,Delivery,准时配送,Profit contribution (by SKU),Customer service and the 80/20 ruleu,Develop,Develop,Maintain,Review,A,C,B,C,B,A,Customer,Key products, key accounts (protect),Products,If the 80/20 rule applies both to products and customers then all businesses are actually very dependent upon a very few customers buying a few high profit lines.,20% of customers buying 20% of the products,= 4% of all customer/product transactions,Which provides:,80% of 80% of total profit = 64%,In other words just 4 per cent of transactions gives us 64 per cent of all our profit.,Customer service and the 80/20 rule,如果运用80/20法则同时对产品和客户分类,那么企业的绝大部分经营活动仅依赖于少量客户,他们购买为数不多的高利润产品。,Question,How can we make use of this important fact?,Setting service standards,Some key areas wherestandards are essential,Order cycle time,Stock availability,Order-size constraints,Ordering convenience,Frequency of delivery,Delivery reliability,Documentation quality,Claims procedure,Order completeness,Technical support,Order status information,订单周期,库存可得性,订单规模限制,订货便捷性,送货频率,送货可靠性,文档质量,索赔程序,订单完整性,技术支持,订单状态信息,Composite service index,Service element Importance weight Performance level Weighted score,(i) (ii) (i) (ii),Order fill rate 30% 70% 0.21,On time delivery 25% 60% 0.15,Order accuracy 25% 80% 0.20,Invoice accuracy 10% 90% 0.09,Returns 10% 95% 0.095,Index = 0.745,服务要素,重要度权重,服务绩效水平,分值,订单满足率,及时送货率,送货准确率,单据准确率,退货率,Case Study,British Steel: creating customer,value through logistics and supply chain management,Background,Problems,Solutions,Result,Background,British Steel is the largest steel manufacturer in the Western hemisphere, and among the most efficient.,Before 1997,it was also one of the most profitable, exporting around half of its 16m tonnes annual production, mostly to other parts of Europe.,Problems,In the late 1990s, British Steel faced two challenges:,1. From the new breed of US-style mini-mill operators (small, flexible and highly efficient );,2. From encroachment by alternative materials manufacturers (growing use of aluminium which is lighter, more sophisticated, higher performance).,Solutions of BSSP,BSSP invested heavily in supply chain partnership development activities with selected indirect pressworkers, creating a range of value-adding products and services, each designed to support them in fulfilling the demands of the vehicle manufacturers.,BSSP offers its customers access to specialist expertise and technologies.,Solutions of BSD,In 1996, BSD opened the first steel service and processing centre to be designed, built, and located specifically to meet the needs of its automotive industry customers.,BSD facilities are designed to enable it to work more closely than ever before with its presswork customers and their subcontractors.,Result,They form the core of a unique three-year program designed to strengthen British Steels own position within the industry by improving the competitiveness of its service centre and presswork customers, and through them its whole motor industry supply chain.,The program brings together the first fully co-ordinated network of these three key tiers of automotive suppliers.,Summary,Customer service is a multi-faceted concept. It is increasingly important as a means of gaining and maintaining differentiation in the market-place. Equally, since no two customers are alike it must be recognized that Service must be tailored to meet the needs of different customers.,客户服务是一个复杂的概念。,有必要为不同的客户群量身定制服务策略。,Logistics management can play a key role in enhancing,customer lifetime value,through increasing customer satisfaction and thus customer retention. to achieve this will require the development of a market-driven logistics strategy and the redefinition of service objectives based upon customers specific requirements. Perfect order achievement should form the basis for the measurement of service performance and the creation of service standards.,在,延长客户终身价值上,物流管理扮演了重要的角色,它可以提高客户满意度、巩固客户保留价值。,“完美订单”应作为衡量服务绩效和制定服务标准的基础。,


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