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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M7Unit 2,Robots,Language points,1.,desire,n.,渴望;欲望;渴求,他渴望知识。,He has a desire for knowledge.,show/express a desire to do/for sth.,表现出对,的欲望,have no desire to do sth.,不想做某事,他们丝毫没有表现出陪我们的意愿。,They did not show the slightest desire to,accompany us.,vt. 渴望,希望,想要,后接名词、不定式或从句,desire sth. desire to do sth.,desire sb. to do sth. desire that,任何想投票的人都必须参加会议。,Anyone desiring to vote must come to the meeting.,王子希望她能成为自己的王后。,The prince desire her to be his queen.,desire作及物动词,意为“要求,这时接宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词用should加动词原形,should可省。,举例,It is desired that this rule(should) be brought to the attention of all the members.,要求这一规定必须引起所有成员的注意。,实践,We desire that help _ here without delay.,A. be sent B. is sent,C. has been that D. was sent,A,1. desire,v.,1),渴望,;,希望,(,做某事,):_,2),要求某事,_,3),要求,(,请求,),某人做某事,_,4)desire thatdo/should do;,desire to do sth.,desire sth.,desire sb. to do sth.,我请您立即回信。,I desire _ of yours.,我们希望有个好结果。,_,去请他进来。,_,Exercise,an,immediate,answer,We,desire to have a good result,.,Please,desire him to come in.,他们要求你马上回来。,They desire _.,that you should come at once,desire n.,(1),愿望,;,欲望,(2),要求,(3),食欲,(4),向往的东西,他有强烈的求知欲。,He has _.,a,strong,desire for,knowledge / to learn,meet ones desire,havefeel a great desire for,at ones desire,满足某人的欲望,强烈渴望得到,照某人希望,P1-2,Larry Belmont,worked for,a company that made robots. Recently it had,begun,experimenting with,a household robot.,It was going to be,tested out,by Larrys wife, Claire.,Claire didnt want the robot in her house,especially,as her husband would,be absent,for three weeks, but Larry,persuaded her that,the robot wouldnt,harm,her or allow her to be harmed. It would be a bonus. However, when she first saw the robot, she,felt alarmed,. His name was Tony and,he seemed more like a human than a machine,. He was tall and handsome,with,smooth hair and a deep voice although his,facial expression,never changed.,2. experiment vi. 做实验,experiment常与with和upon/on连用,表示“用做实验,举例(1) The teacher experimented with a new teaching,method. 那位教师尝试了新的教学方法。,(2) The scientists experimented upon/on mice.,科学家在小老鼠身上做实验。,拓展n. 做可数或不可数名词,意为“实践。,(+ in/on/with),do/conduct/carry out/perform an experiment 做实验,(1) Yesterday we made(did/carried out) an experiment in,chemistry. 昨天我们做了一个化学实验。,(2) He learned the truth by experiment.,他通过实验获得真实情况。,3. It was going to be tested out by Larrys wife.,test out sth.=put sth. to the test,对新试做的物品或新产生的理论进展“试用或“检验、考验, 检验其试用的程度或有效性, 以便加以改进。,eg. Their theory is going to be tested out.,They are testing out the new machine.,1.,昨晚我叫他过来测试我的新电脑。,I asked him to _,_.,test out,my new computer,last night,考验;充分检验;测试;试验,2.,科学家靠实验检验理论。,Scientists _ by experiment.,test out,theories,完成以 out 结尾的动词短语。, _ out 设计出;计算出, _ out 拿出;取出, _ out 穿破;耗尽;使厌烦, _ out 出来;显露, _ out 动身;开场,work,take,wear,come,set,4. Claire didn,t want the robot in her house,especially,as her husband would be absent,for three weeks, but Larry,persuaded,her,that the robot wouldn,t harm her or allow,her to be harmed.,1)especially,adv,.,特别地,I love the country, especially in summer.,辨析,:especially,和,specially,especially,adv,.,强调尤其、特别地、格外地,specially,adv.,强调专门地、特意地,I bought a present,specially,for you.,The ring is of,especial,importance to their marriage.,5.persuade vt.,1). 说服,劝服(+into/out of)/ (+sb. to do sth.),She persuaded me into buying it.,她说服我买下了它。,The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.,那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。,2). 使某人相信 (+of) / (+that),How can I persuade you of my sincerity,我怎样才能使你相信我的诚意呢,We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.,我们想尽方法以使他们相信我们确实对这一方案感兴趣。,3) persuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事,persuade sb. not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of doing 说服某人不做某事,persuade假设用于过去式,是指劝说成功, 假设劝说不成功,就不应用persuaded,而应用tried to persuade或advised.,She,tried to persuade/advised,her husband to give up smoking, but failed.,她曾劝说她丈夫戒烟,但失败了,He was,persuaded to give,up smoking at last.,他最终被说服戒烟了,3.,alarm,n.,警报,;,惊慌,;,恐慌,火灾引起很大恐慌。,_,The fire caused much alarm.,give/raise/sound the alarm,take (the) alarm at,a fire alarm,a false alarm,air alarm,water level alarm,发警报,;,敲警钟,对,感到吃惊,;,火警,虚惊一场,空袭警报,水位警告,alarm vt. 使警觉; 惊动; 使惊慌,不要惊慌 Dont alarm yourself.,be alarmed at (the news) 被(那消息) 吓了一跳.,be alarmed for (the safety of ),放心不下; 担忧(的平安),完成句子:,1) A small boy saw the smoke and,_ (发出警报).,2) _ (人人都感到惊慌),the news that war might break out.,raised,the,alarm,Everybody,was,alarmed,at,smooth,adj.,平坦的,;,平滑的,;,顺利的,路平坦了,/,困难扫除了。,_,vt.,使,光滑,平坦或顺利,用熨斗把这件衣服熨平。,_,smoothly,adv.,平稳地,;,顺利地,一切进展顺利。,_,The way is now smooth.,Smooth this dress with a hot iron.,Everything went smoothly.,P3,-4,On the second morning,Tony,wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. She,felt embarrassed,and quickly told him to go.,It was disturbing and frightening that he,looked so human.,One day,Claire,mentioned that,she didnt think she was clever. Tony said that she,must,feel very unhappy to say that.,Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.,But she began to trust him. She told him how she was,overweight,and this made her feel unhappy. Also she felt her home wasnt elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to,improve,his,social position,. She wasnt like Gladys Claffern,one,of the richest and most powerful women,around,.,7,.,embarrass vt.,使困窘,使局促不安,Eg: He embarassed me with a difficult question.,他出难题使我困窘。,I was embarassed, because I had no money.,我因为没钱而不知如何是好。,be,embarrassed,in the presence of strangers.,在生人面前局促不安,Be careful not to _ others by asking _ questions.,注意不要问令人为难的问题, 那样会使人难堪。,Little James seemed _ in the presence of the guests.,小詹姆斯在客人面前显得局促不安。,embarrass,embarrassing,embarrassed,embarrass vt. 使困窘,使局促不安,embarrassed adj. 感到为难的,害羞的,embarrassing adj. 使人为难 / 难堪的,【,n,.,】,embarrassment,Claire thought,it,was ridiculous,to be,offered,sympathy,by a robot.,1. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.,A. to be heard B. to have heard,C. hearing D. being heard,2. It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness _. (江西2006),A. to make B. to be made,C. making D. being made,点拨 根据“It takes / took (sb.) + 一段时间+ to do sth. 可排除C、D, 再根据make与connection构成动宾关系, 所以用不定式的被动式,sympathy,n.,同情;体谅,赞同,(pl),慰问,赞同,Out of sympathy for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night.,You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.,Im sure she will be in sympathy with your proposal.,Never give a sympathetic look to/ towards the disabled.,感到同情,表现出同情,表示慰问,慰问信,赞成一项方案,feel sympathy,for,express sympathy,for,have ones sympathies,a letter,of,sympathy,be in sympathy,with,a plan,adj. sympathetic,be to ,vi. sympathize/ise, with sb./sth.,出于怜悯,表示慰问,赞同,对,露出同情的表情,in sympathy with,同情,;,赞成,;,跟着,;,和,一致,out of sympathy for ,have no / some sympathy with sb /sth,不支持,/,支持某人,/,某事,出于对,的同情,翻译,:,我确信她一定赞成你的建议。,(in sympathy with,),Im sure she will be in sympathy with your,proposal.,我不同意他的意见。,(,have,no,sympathy,with,),I have no sympathy with him.,我同情你。,(sympathize),I sympathize with you.,P,5,As a favour,Tony,promised to,help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. So Claire,borrowe,d,a pile of books,from,the library for him to read,or rather,scan,. She looked at his fingers,with wonder,as they,turned each page,and suddenly,reached for,his hand. She,was amazed by,his fingernails and,the softness and warmth of his skin,.,How absurd,she thought. He was just a machine.,容许/承诺干 sth,从.借来,一堆书,更确切地说,浏览,惊奇地,翻动书页,伸出手去拿,对.感到大为惊异,多么可笑啊,promise to,do sth,borrow,.,from,a pile of books,or rather,scan,with wonder,turn each page,reach for,sth,be,amazed by,How absurd,10. favour 1) n. (1) 帮助 C,ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮助,do sb. a favour 帮某人忙,do sth. as a favour 为帮助而做某事,owe sb. a favour 欠某人的情,return a favour 还某人的情,(2) 支持,赞许 U,find/gain/win favour 受到赞许,得到赞同,lose favour 失去支持,in favour of sth. 同意支持方案(主意或制度等),show favour to sb. 偏袒,be in favour with sth. / in favour 受喜爱,受宠爱,2) vt. 赞同,支持(方案,想法等),The president is believed to favour,further tax cuts.,大家认为总统将支持进一步减税。,偏袒,a tax cut that favours rich people,偏袒富人的减税,7. So Claire borrowed,a pile of,books from the library for him to read,or rather, scan.,pile,n.,堆,;,摞,;,叠,a pile of = piles of = a lot of,堆积如山的,今晚我有一大堆作业要做。,I have a,pile of,homework,to do this evening.,pile,v.,堆起,;,堆积,pile up,增多,;,积累,; (,车辆,),相碰,The fallen leaves,piled up,.,堆积,(3),or rather,或者说,准确地说,他工作到深夜,或者更确切地说是今天凌晨,He worked till late last night,or rather, early this morning.,2.,我需要的是事实,准确地说是一系列事实。,What I want is the truth,or rather,a series of truth.,3.,我们学校坐落于汕头,更确切说,在汕头郊区。,Our school lies in Shantou,or rather,in suburban Shantou/ in a suburb of Shantou.,(2),scan,vt.,细看,仔细检查,粗略浏览;扫描;,他边吃早餐边浏览报纸。,He scanned the newspaper over the breakfast.,扫描,a body scan,全身扫描,脑扫描,a brain scan,P,6,Tony,gave Claire a new haircut,and changed the makeup she wore. As he,was not allowed to,accompany her,to,the shops, he,wrote out,a list of items,for her. Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding. Then she went into,a jewellery shop,to buy a necklace. When the clerk,at the counter,was rude to,her, she,rang,Tony,up,and told the clerk to,speak to,him. The clerk,immediately,changed his attitude. Claire thanked Tony,telling,him that he was a dear.,As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.,How awful,to be discovered by her, Claire thought.,By,the amused and surprised look,on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was,having an affair,.,After all,she knew Claires husbands name was Larry, not Tony.,g,i,ve,sb.,a new haircut,w,ear,makeup,be,allowed to,do sth.,accompany,sb.,to,sp.,wr,i,te out,a list of,items,a jewellery shop,at the counter,be,rude to,sb,r,i,ng,sb.,up,speak to,sb.,immediately,By,(doing) sth,the amused and surprised look,hav,e,an affair,.,after all,给sb换了个发型,化装,sb被允许干sth,陪伴 sb.去sth,写出,一份.清单,一家珠宝店,柜台,对sb.粗鲁,给sb打,和sb.讲话,立即,通过,有趣而又惊奇的神色,有风流韵事,毕竟,accompany,vt,. 1),陪伴,2),伴奏,3),同时发生,accompany sb. ( to sp. ),陪伴某人,(,去,),accompany sb. at/on +,乐器 给某人伴奏,accompany sth. with / by sth.,与某事物同时存在或发生,1.,我得要求你陪我去趟警察局。,I must ask you to,accompany,me to the police station.,2. 14,岁以下的儿童必须有成人陪伴。,Children under 14 must,be accompanied by,an adult.,3.,那个著名的歌手有朗朗钢琴伴奏。,The well-known singer,was accompanied at,the piano,by,Lang Lang.,4.,这个季节,雷,伴,大雨,是很常见的。,_,_are very common.,Thunders,accompanied,by,heavy rain in this season,ring sb. up=call sb. up=give sb. a call/ring=call sb. on the telephone=phone sb 打 给某人,ring off the telephone挂断,call back=ring back回,14. As she,turned around,there stood,Gladys Claffern.,当她转过身去时,格拉雷斯,克拉芬站,在那里。,turn around,同,turn round,转过身,11.,turn around,转身,;,回转,;,旋转,;,好转,有起色,他突然转过身来,看见了我。,_,_,All of a sudden he turned around/about,and saw me.,turn about,turn against,turn away,turn on,turn off,turn out,转身; 转向; 调向,背叛; 对抗, 使对抗,把(脸)转过去; 抛弃,开(电灯, 收音机, 自来水),辞退; 关掉; 使失去兴趣,结果是; 证明是; 生产(产品),affair,【,单数,】,暖昧关系,私通,have an affair with sb.,跟某人有不正当的男女关系,She was,having an affair with,someone who has a wife (,有妇之夫,).,affair pl 业务/ 事务/ 事态,Affairs at present in that country are unsettled.,那个国家当前的局势动乱不安.,current/foreign/world affairs,时事,/,外交事务,/,世界事务,n.,事情,Its not my,affair,.,空闲时间做什么是我自己的事。,What I do in my free time is my affair.,Dont mind ones own,affairs/business,.,别管闲事!,=Mind your own affairs/business!,16. When Claire got home, she wept with anger.,当克莱尔到家后,她生气地哭起来。,with: because of 因为,由于,Her fingers were numb 麻木的with cold. 她手指冻麻木了。,Be wild with joy 欣喜假设狂,17. She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time.,fall off: decrease in quantity or quality 数量或质量下降,Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably相当地.,关于,fall,的短语:,fall in love with sb.,爱上某人,fall apart,破裂,破碎,fall back on sb. /sth.,有困难求助某人,fall behind sb. /sth.,落后于某人,fall behind with,拖欠,18. She cried out “Tony and then,heard him declare that he didnt want,to leave her the next day and that he felt,more than just the desire to please her.,declare,vt,.,1),宣布,宣告,;,声明,to make known formally or officially.,The new Congress,declared,a state of war with Germany.,新的国会向德国宣战了。,1),declare +n.,宣告,他们将很快宣布选举的结果。,_,_,2),declare+n.+(to be) n./ adj.,宣布,为,裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军。,_,_,They will declare the results of the,election soon.,The judge declared him (to be) the,winner of the competition.,我宣布这次会议开场.,_,3) declare +(that)从句宣称; 声称,她宣称她是对的.,_,I declared this conference (to be) open.,She declared (that) she was right.,declare war on/ upon,对,宣战,declare,against,声明反对,declare,for (in favour of),声明赞成,申报,(,纳税品等,),I have nothing to,declare,.,我没什么要申报的。,declare,declare 与announce的区别:,declare 多指正式地当众发布,常用宣战、议和与宣判,declaration n.,announce: 那么指公开地发布人们所关心的或感兴 趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。,announcement n.,完成句子:,. India_ ( 宣布独立in 1947.,Britain _(宣战against Germany in 1914.,The teacher _宣布that there would be an English party this Thursday.,He _(断言that it was true.,declared independence,declared war,announced,declared,19. more than,后面跟名词, 意为“不只是, 不仅仅是。 Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。,Modern science is more than a large amount of information.,现代科学不仅仅是大量的信息。,My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.,我去北京不仅仅是观光。,2) more than与数词连用, 意思是“多于,大于, 超过。,More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened.,十多位警察出现在出事地点。,3) more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分。,They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition.,看到我们远征而归, 他们异常快乐。,I am more than happy to accept your invitation.,我很快乐承受你的邀请。,no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是。,All his education added up to no more than one year.,他承受的所有的学校教育只有一年。,Their new flat has no more than 60 square meters.,他们的新居只有60平方米。,not more than表示“至多,不超过,Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen.,躺在地上的那个男学生最多十七岁。,impress sb with sth,impress sth on / upon sb,make an impression on sb,这位姑娘既活泼又有幽默感,给这位男孩留,下了深刻的印象。,The girl,impressed,the boy,with,her liveliness,and sense of humor.,他的话铭记在我心里。,His words was,impressed,on,me.,他给我留下了深刻的印象。,He,made,a,strong,impression,on,me.,17.,envy,vt. & n.,忌妒,;,羡慕,1),envy+sb.(for sth.),2),envy sb. sth.,忌妒,/,羡慕某人某事,我真羡慕您!,_,他们羡慕我们的成功,. _,envy sb. doing sth.,羡慕某人做某事,How I envy you!,They envied us for our success.,


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