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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Helpful tips to help prepare for the interview, from apparel to responding to difficult questions,THE SUCCESSFUL,JOB INTERVIEW,Dealing With Interview Anxiety,Purpose Of The Job Interview,Several Types Of Interviews,How To Prepare,Questions To,Ask Before,The Interview,Interview Dos & Donts,Things To,Remember During,The Interview,Possible,Interview Questions,Questions To Ask,The Issue Of Salary,What To Do After The Interview,How To Dress For Success,And Interview BLOOPERS For Fun,Interviewing for a job is often filled with anxiety and fear but it doesnt have to be that way.,There are things we can do to,prepare ourselves,and become more self-confident and relaxed.,Being prepared,is the best way to reduce anxiety and help ensure a successful job interview.,Dealing with Interview Anxiety,Your opportunity to shine,Your abilities, talents, interests, personality, work experience, education, and motivation,Informs you about the employer,Employer needs, history, work environment, business activities, and future plans,Requires skill and,PREPARATION,NOT LUCK,Purpose of the Interview,Someone brought in their high school yearbook to show the employer that they were voted “Most Popularby the senior class.,Applicant Blooper #1,The Directed Interview,Impersonal, seeks to reveal facts,Interviewer takes notes using an outline and checklist,Compares you to others,The Undirected / Meandering Interview,Unstructured, an open discussion of your qualifications,“Tell me about yourself,The Stress Interview,“Hazing in a sense; creates discomfort,How do you deal with stress,Remain calm and tactful,Types of Interviews,The Behavioral Interview,Interested in past behaviors, “Describe a timethat required problem-solving skills, adaptability,leadership, conflict resolution,and “How did you deal with this,Be prepared to have stories to demonstrate,The Audition,A simulation or brief exercise to evaluate your skills,Inquire specifically about the instructions,Take ownership of your work,Types of Interviews,Continued,This applicant asked the employer to please excuse some of her answers because she was still a little hung over from the weekend.It was Wednesday!,Applicant Blooper #2,The Group Interview,Several applicants at one time,Provides a sense of yourleadership potential and style,How do you interact with peers,Keep an eye on the interviewer,The Panel/Board Interview,Several interviewers are present,Positions are usually with govt agencies or large organizations,Maintain eye contact when answering questions:questioner, each group member, back to questioner,Types of Interviews,Continued,The Tag-Team Interview,Companies that rely,heavilyon,team cooperation,Series of one-to-one,interviewsor,panel,style,The Mealtime Interview,Jobs that require interpersonal acuity,How you handle a fork, how,you treat your,host, other,guests and,the serving staff,May be structured, informal, or,socially situated; allow,theinterviewer,to lead conversation,Take cues from the interviewer,Food: order quickly, non-messy foods,This applicant showed up to the interview sick. She shook hands before the employer knew it and indicated that she would probablycatch the flu within a week!,Applicant Blooper #3,The Second/Follow-Up Interview,Serious candidates; confirmation,Difficulty deciding on a candidate,Other decision,makers want,to,gain,a sense of,you,Be,prepared to,negotiate compensation,More in-depth questions,The Telephone Interview,Have copy of resume nearby,Speak a bit slower than,usual and dont,worry about pauses,Make sure,roommates or,family are quiet,Types of Interviews,Continued,Gather work samples, copies of resume, references and place in a nice case or folder,Remember to bring a pen,Rehearse your answers,Write down your,questions about,the job or organization,Review your work history,Practice your answers,to common,interview questions,Be prepared for surprises,Preparing for the Interview,When this applicant came into the room, he started bouncing up and down on the carpet and told me I must be highly thought of by the company because I was given such a thick carpet!,Applicant Blooper #4,Ask Some Questions,How many people will be interviewing me,Will I be the only one interviewed during this time,What kind of questions will be asked,How can I best prepare for the interview,What are the names of my interviewers,Research The Company,Before the Interview,Do not chew gum or smoke,Do not distract the interviewer,Do not bring family or friendsto the interview,Do not use slang,Do not ramble,Do formulate your answers before beginning to speak;,avoid “umwell,InterviewDos and Donts,An applicant was asked, “If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be She said that she would be a cat because they are lazy and lie around all day!,Applicant Blooper #5,Firmly shake,hands with,those you meet,Greet all involved in,theinterview,process and,tryto,remember names,Be friendly to,everyone (,secretaries, other employees, etc.),Follow the interviewers lead (direction, selecting a seat, drink, etc.),Beginning the Interview,Sit on the front third of the seat,Men: legs uncrossed, but closed,Women: legs or feet crossed if wearing a skirt, may be uncrossed, but closed,Hands folded in front,Sit up straight with head, neck, and chest,aligned with,hips,Be careful of bad habits,Tapping your fingers,Biting your nails,Playing with your hair,Clicking your pen, etc.,Posture During the Interview,This applicant stretched out on the floor to complete his application paperwork!,Applicant Blooper #6,Nervousness is normal,Take a deep breath and try to,R E L A X,Dont let nervousness interfere with your answers or conversation,Remind yourself that this isjust part of the processto see if you are a,good fit,for the position,Remember,Be on,time,Be,friendly,Show your,enthusiasm,Be positive and,honest,Maintain eye,contact,Express,yourself,Dont criticize,previous employers,Be aware of body language,Be a good listener,Emphasize your strengths,Be yourself,Avoid personal issues,Be confident,Discuss ways you can contribute,During the Interview,A balding applicant abruptly excused himself and returned to the office a few minutes later wearing a hairpiece!,Applicant Blooper #7,What are your career goals, both short-term and long-term,Why do you want this job,What are you doing to achieveyour goals,How would you describe yourself,Why did you choose this career,Why should I hire you,What are your strengthsand weaknesses,Possible Interview Questions,The Equal Employment Opportunity Act outlaws questions about age, national origin, marital status, sexuality, and religion,Be prepared for the possibility,If it happens,dont,over react.,If you are uncomfortable,kindly,respond that you would rather not answer the question,Possible Interview Questions,These applicants interrupted the interview to call mom for advice on how to answer a difficult question!,Applicant Blooper #8,Test your ability to operate under pressure,Demonstrate your problem-solving skills,Opportunity for you to think quickly,questionand,communicate,Usually no right or wrong answers,The Purpose of Off-the-Wall Questions,What would my responsibilities and duties be,How would my performance be evaluated,How would I be supervised,What opportunities for advancement exist,Is there a training program,How much travel is required,Who would I be working with,Where will I be working ,Questions You May Want to Ask,An applicant said, “Ive already accepted another position but I thought I would show up for this interview just in case the pay was better!,Applicant Blooper #9,Research the average salary,Know what you want,Be Realistic,Dont undersell yourself,Raise the subject of pay & benefits when the topic is addressed in a second interview or after the job is offered,KNOW WHAT YOURE GETTING !,Concerning Salary,ASK when you can expect a decision and if you should call,Express thanks for their time,FOLLOW UP the interview with a thank-you note or letter,ANALYZE your performance in the interview (for later interviews),DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!,Learn from the process and,be patient,When the Interview is Finished,During this applicants interview, an alarm went off in his briefcase. He took it out, shut it off, apologized and said he had to leave for another interview!,Applicant Blooper #10,Take into account the weather,Think conservative, traditional, neat, modest, clean,Do not go for “shock value,Dress to fit in,One level above the work environment,Dark or neutral colors,Natural fabrics,Little or no scents (cologne, perfume, etc.),Dressing for Success,Clothes with,printed logos,Formal wear,T-shirts, tank tops,sweats, shorts,Flip-flops,Hats indoors,Clothes that are sexually revealing,Worn-out or torn garments,Strong scents or excessive jewelry,Do NOT Wear,This guy flipped open his cell phone and took a picture of me. He said that he takes pictures of everyone who interviews him!,Applicant Blooper #11,Suit, two-piece,matchingof,good quality,Navy, dark grey, black,conservative,solids or pinstripe,Wool or wool blends,Silk tie, no extremes,Long sleeved shirts in white or light blue;,solid,or conservative stripes,Leather, lace-up or slip-on business shoes in black, brown, cordovan-polished!,For Men,Belt should match shoes!,Facial hair well-groomed,Conservative watch and other jewelry,Removing earrings is safest,Do not leave the tags on outside of apparel,Long socks to match color of suit, no,white tube socks!,For Men,This applicant came to the interview on a small motor bike and parked it in the reception area. She said she didnt want it to get stolen and she would require indoor parking if she got the job!,Applicant Blooper #12,Two-piece matching skirt,or,pant suit,Long sleeved blouse in,cotton,or silk,If skirt,it,should hit at the knee or slightly,above no,minis!,Navy, grey, brown, black, solid or conservative,pattern no,florals!,Wool, wool blends, microfibers,Conservative watch,For Women,Avoid extreme or excessive jewelry,Keep makeup conservative,Shoes should be leather or fabric, closed-toe, and comfortable; belt to match,Stockings: sheer, neutral color complementing suit,Purse/bag should be small, simple, coordinate w/shoes, leather is best,For Women,This applicant said he didnt really want a jobbut he came to the interview because the unemployment office wanted proof that he was looking for one!,Applicant Blooper #13,Hair,should be neat and clean,Shoes,should be in,good condition,Clean,fingernails,Clothes,should fit properly,Use,appropriate deodorant,Details,Everything,clean and well-pressed,Slim,leather briefcase if needed,For Everyone,This applicant limped into theinterview wearing only one shoe.She explained that a guy at the bus stop snatched it from her foot and ran away!,Applicant Blooper #14,Be Prepared!,ONE MORE BLOOPER,The Key to a SuccessfulJob Interview,Too much information,Applicant Blooper #15,To schedule an appointment with the Career,Counselor, call, e-mail or stop by the,Wellness Center.,Owen Student Services Building Rm 208,(530) 226-4702 or (530) 226-4106,


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