高教版英语2 Unit_2 I saw a terrible movie

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,I saw a terrible movie!,What was the most terrible movie that you saw?,What was the best movie that you saw?,What is the latest movie that you saw, and what was it?,Listen and number.,4,2,5,3,6,1,Listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them.,_ slept through the best part,_,went to see a movie,_ listened to some pop music,_ surfed the Internet,_ watched a cartoon,1,4,3,5,2,Tick the right picture according to the questions.,1. What did Tang Hua do last weekend?,Tick the right picture according to the questions.,2.,What did Sara do last weekend?,Li Xiaonian:,What did you do last weekend?,Bob:,I,went to see a movie called,Titanic,with my father.,Li Xiaonian:,What,do you think of the movie?,Bob:,Oh, it is great. The story is so moving. But my father slept through the best part. He thinks it is boring,.,Li Xiaonian:,Sometimes parents have different ideas.,Bob:,How about you? Did you do anything special?,Li Xiaonian:,Nothing special. I went to the gym and played volleyball with my friends.,Bob:,That was nice. We both spent a relaxing weekend.,Rose, you are the most amazingly astounding wonderful girl-woman that I ever know. I am not an idiot. I know how the world works. But I am too involved now. You jump I jump, remember?,Act out the following dialogue in pairs.,saw a movie,watched a football match,played volleyball,watched TV,watched a cartoon,listened to music,read a book .,A: What did you do last weekend?,B: I .,A: How about you? Did you do anything special?,B: Yes. I . / No, I .,Please interview your classmates with the following chart.,Bob,What do you think of,Harry Porter,?,It is wonderful. The story is,very interesting.,Name,What do you think of .?,I think .,According to our survey, our school should show _.,Talk Show,“At that time I spent my free time listening to music. I liked rock music. It was so exciting. And my favorite rock band the Foxy Ladies was one of the most famous rock bands in the world. But now I like some light music such as jazz and country music. Maybe thats because I am getting old.”,Mary, New York,.,“Those days I rented movies as a way of relaxing in the evening. I invited friends over to watch the movies together. We made popcorn or ordered a pizza to eat with the movie. I liked action films. But now I prefer comedies.”,Ben, London.,“I loved playing computer games. I spent hours and hours sitting before a computer. It was so interesting and kept my mind busy. So I never did anything else at home those days. But now I think it is a waste of time to sit in front of a machine all the time. I do sports every day.”,Bob, Toronto,.,Match these people with their activities.,1 Bob,2 Mary,3 Ben,listened to music,rented movies,played computer games,Read the stories again and complete the chart.,What he or she liked in the past,What he or she likes now,Mary,Ben,Bob,rock music,action films,computer games,some light music such as jazz and country music,comedies,sports,Read the stories again and match the sentences.,Likes,I liked rock music.,I liked renting movies.,I loved playing computer games.,Reasons,It kept my mind busy.,It was so exciting.,It was relaxing.,Answer the questions about Mary.,What did Mary like doing in her spare time?,_,2. What type of music did Mary like best in the past?,_,3. Why did she like that type of music?,_,Mary liked listening to music.,She liked rock music best.,Because it was so exciting.,Answer the questions about Mary.,4. What was her favorite band?,_,5. Was that band famous in the world at that time?,_,6. What type of music does she like best now? Why?,_,Her favorite band was the Foxy Ladies.,Yes, it was.,She likes some light music such as jazz and,country music because she thinks shes getting old.,Complete Marys story with information in the above activity.,In the past, Mary liked _,in her spare time. She loved _ best. Because she thought _.,Her favorite band _. And the band _ in the world. But now she _ _, because she _.,listening to music,rock music,was the Foxy Ladies,it was exciting,was one of the most famous rock bands,likes some light music,such as jazz and country music,is getting old,Did you play football yesterday afternoon?,Yes, I did,./ No, I didnt.,Did Mary see that movie last Saturday?,Yes, she did./ No, she,didnt.,Was Zhang Hong in the library this morning?,Yes, he was,./ No, he wasnt.,Were Li Ming and his parents in Hainan for the holiday?,Yes, they were./ No, they werent.,一般疑问句,特殊,疑问句,What did you do last weekend?,When did Mary see a terrible movie?,Where was Zhang Hong this morning?,How was Li Mings holiday?,Complete the sentences and make a dialogue in pairs.,1. Bob and his parents didnt _ (go) to the local museum yesterday.,2. Rosalie and Nina _ (chat) online in the winter holiday.,3. Li Ping didnt _ (practice) English with her friend last weekend.,4. Zhang Lans dad _ (visit) Shanghai last month.,5. Tom _ (have) great fun last summer holiday.,6. I _ (send) a postcard to my friend in Tianjin a week ago.,go,chatted,practice,visited,had,sent,转化为一般疑问句,转化为特殊疑问句,Did Bob and his parents go to the local museum yesterday?,No, they didnt.,Did Rosalie and Nina chat online in the winter holiday?,Yes, they did.,Did Li Ping practice English with her friend last weekend?,No, he didnt.,Did Zhang Lans dad visit Shanghai last month?,Yes, he did.,Did Tom have great fun last summer holiday?,Yes, he did.,Did you send a postcard to your friend in Tianjin a week ago?,Yes, I did.,Where did Bob and his parents go yesterday?,They went to the local museum.,What did Rosalie and Nina do in the winter holiday?,They chatted online.,When did Zhang Lans dad visit Shanghai?,Last month.,What did Tom think of his last summer holiday?,He had great fun.,When did you send a postcard to your friend?,Two weeks ago.,A: To the gym.,A: I went with my sister.,A: We went there at,around 9:00 am.,A: It was great.,Ask your partners more questions.,B: Where did you go?,C: Who did you go with?,D: When did you go there?,E: How did you like it?,A: I played volleyball last Saturday.,TV programs,_,_,_,_,pop music,the news,action film,talk show,cartoon,game show,soap opera,comedy,rock,love film,jazz,country music,Complete the chart with words from the list.,Entertainment,Music,_,_,_,_,Movies,_,_,_,action film,cartoon,comedy,love film,the news,talk show,game show,soap opera,pop,jazz,country music,rock,Choose the proper adjectives to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of the movie?,B: It is very _. I want,to sleep.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,boring,Use the given information to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of Deng,Lijuns songs?,B: She is my favorite singer. Her,songs are very _,and soft.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,relaxing,Use the given information to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of Harry Porter?,B: He is so _! He is never afraid of the bad guys.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,boring,Use the given information to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of Shrek?,B: Although Shrek is big, he is very _.,He can think of many great ideas.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,smart,Use the given information to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of jazz music?,B: Well, I think it is _ and I always dance,when I listen to jazz.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,exciting,Use the given information to describe the pictures.,A: What do you think of country,music?,B: Well, it is _ from,rock music. It is more peaceful.,boring brave smart exciting relaxing different,different,spend invite order rent keep,Complete the conversation with the words given.,rented,invited,keep,spend,ordered,A: How about your weekend?,B: Oh, nothing special. I _ a movie called,Youve got a mail,.,A: Did you watch the movie alone?,B: No, of course not. I _ Lily and Peter over to watch the movie together.,We _ a pizza to eat with the movie.,A: Oh, sounds great!,B: Yeah, we had a great time. How did you _ the weekend?,A: Well, I went mountain climbing with my friends.,B: Great! Climbing mountains can _ you energetic.,What Do Americans Do in Their Free Time?,Question: What is the most common activity that Americans do in their free time?,The Department of Labor did a study of how Americans use their free time. The study found that both men and women spent about half their leisure time watching television. Visiting friends was the next most common activity for them. Older Americans spent more of their leisure time watching TV and reading than younger people. Younger people spent more time with friends, using the computer and playing sports.,“I like to experience the local nightlife. I enjoy meeting with my friends for drinks and food. I also go dancing in clubs. When I want a quiet night, I turn off my telephone and sleep as long as I want.”,Susan, a worker at a bookstore in Boston.,“I spend my free time on home repairs. There is a lot to be done when I have my own house. My wife and I also enjoy movies. And on nice days, we walk in the woods or visit museums.”,Peter, a professor at American University in Washington.,Thank You!,


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