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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Key points of Unit1,1._ to sunlight for too much time will,do harm to,ones skin.,A. Exposed B. ExposingC. Being exposed D. Having exposed,2.He was ill so he didnt_ his classes.,A.join B.take part in C.join in D.attend,3.I feel it is your husband who_for the spoiled child.,A.is to blame B. is going to blame,is to be blamed D. should blame,Quiz,一、根据句意补全单词,1.He was a_in the book.,2.He b _me for my negligence(,疏忽大意,).,3. Kindness is one of the prime ministers c_,4. Dont e_your skin to the sun or you will be burned.,5. If a doctor or a medical treatment c_someones illness, they make the people well again.,characteristic,1,c,特性,特性;性格,2,adj,特有的,典型的,be characteristic of,Eg,:,Kindness is one of his characteristic,s,.,character,n. (,小说,电影里的)人物,角色;特点,特征;性格,Mary was very patient with her pupils.And its( )of her that she never complained.,A.particular,B.character C.special D.characteristic,put forward,提出,(,建议、意见、观点等),a plan/ a theory/suggestion/advice,他提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。,He puts forward several interesting,plans,.,推荐某人为,put sb./oneself forward as,Can I put you forward as our monitor?,想一想,除,put forward,,“提出”英语短语还可以表达为?,提出,come up with,(主语为人),被提出,come up,(无被动,主动形式表被动语态),一个问题在会议上被提了出来,A problem was put forward at the meeting.,A problem came up at the meeting.,词汇拓展,:,up,down,out,off,on,up with,away,put,记下,放下,镇压,扑灭,推迟,延期,举起,;,建造,;,张贴,穿上,忍受,把,收起来,积蓄,攒钱,1.The plan that you _ at the meeting is,wonderful,.,2.A notice was _ along the wall.,3,.Firefighters,have been called to _ the fire in the city centre.,4. I dont know how his parents_ his behavior.,5.Dont _ until tomorrow,what can be done today.,-,Benjamin Franklin,put forward,put up,put out,put off,put up with,conclude,v.,结束,(,end,);推断出,conclude with/by doing sth,以,结束某事,eg,:,He,concluded his speech by,reading a poem.,conclude sth from,从,推断出,conclusion,n.,结论,结束,draw a conclusion=,make/arrive at/come to a conclusion,得出结论,做出那种结论太困难了。,It is too difficult to,make,that conclusion.,in conclusion,总之,概括来说,最后,我对我的纽约之行说几句。,In conclusion, I will say a few words about my visit to NewYork.,6. expert,n.,专家,adj.,熟练的,内行的,be ( an) expert in / on / at,(,doing,),sth,在,方面是内行,他对音乐很内行。,He is expert in music.,她做便宜而时髦的衣服很在行。,She,( )( )( ),making cheap but stylish clothes.,4. attend v.,1) attend (on) sb.,照顾,护理,Which doctor is attending (on) you?,Jane have been,attending (on),her sick mother for years.,2) attend sth.,出席,参加,a meeting/ wedding,/ lecture(,听讲座,)/school(,上学,) /concert(,听音乐会,) /church(,上教堂,) / funeral/ceremony,join,join in,take part in,attend,May I _ your discussion?,He was ill so he didnt_ his classes.,His brother_ the army two years ago.,A lot of college students _sports meeting last year.,加入(团体,组织,参军)成为其中一员、,参加(比赛或活动),参加,(,会议,课程,婚礼),参加(大型集体活动,并在其中起积极作用),join in,attend,joined,took part in,5. expose,expose sb. / sth. to sth.=sb/sth be,exposed to,(,1,)使,暴露,使,遭受,不要让婴儿受到强烈的阳光照射。,Dont expose babies to strong sunlight.,使某人接触,;,使某人体验,我们想让孩子们收到尽可能多的艺术熏陶。,We want to expose the kids to as much art as possible.,活学活用,1.,将皮肤长时间暴晒在太阳下对身体有害。,_ your skin _ the sun for long does great harm to your body.,2.,长期接触镭的人易患癌症。,People (often _ _ the radium ) can have cancer easily.,Exposing to,exposed to,Many girls like to _,themselves _ the sun in summer.,Many girls like to _,the sun in summer.,expose,to,be exposed to,_ to sunlight for too much time will,do harm to,ones skin.,A. Exposed B. ExposingC. Being exposed D. Having exposed,6. cure,vt.,治愈,治疗,cure sb. of sth.,治好某人的病,Eg,:,The medicine cure me of my headache.,n.,治愈方法,良方,a cure for sth,治愈,.,方法,So far,,,a cure for AIDS has not been found yet.,(2),拓展:,treat,治疗 强调动作,指治疗病人的全过程,结果不一定治好,sb. of sth,The doctor,treate,d her stomachache with a new method,,,but didnt,cure,her.,absorb,吸收,吸引,Black cloth absorbs light.,Use the cloth to,absorb the spilled ink,., absorbing,吸引人的,absorbed,全神贯注的,absorb oneself in/,be absorbed in=be lost in/be buried in,专注于,全神贯注于,The man was absorbed in the book.,=The old man absorbed himself in the book.,8. suspect,怀疑、觉察、嫌疑犯,suspect sb of,(,doing,),sth,怀疑某人某事,suspect sb to be,怀疑某人是, we,suspected him of,the murder.,=we,suspected him to be,the murder.,(2) What made you,suspect her of having,taken the money?,9.blame,责备,谴责,blame sb. for sth./doing sth.,因为某事责备某人,(1).,Mom blamed Tom for the broken glass,.,=,Mom blamed Tom for breaking the glass.,sb.,be to blame,for sth,某人对某事负责,/,应受谴责,她因他们婚姻失败而责备他,She,blamed,him,_,the failure of their marriage.,。,他应对他们的婚姻失败而负责。,He,was,( )( ),( ),the failure of their marriage.,for,to,blame,for,blame sth. on sb.,把,归咎到某人身上,2),Dont blame your failure on others.,=She,blamed,the failure of their marriage,_,him.,on,10.handle, vt.,处理,操纵,我们都得学会调节压力。,We all have to learn to handle stress., n.,把手,柄,11.announce vt.,宣布,通告,政府颁布了新的经济政策。,The government announced new economic policies.,拓展:,announcement n.,公告,通知,9.instruct vt.,命令;指示;教导,_adj.,有指导意义的,有益的,_n.,指导;说明书,(,复数,),_,搭配,命令,/,指示某人做某事,他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。,He instructed me to deliver it to a customer.,instruct sb.to do sth.,instructive,instruction,construct-construction,under construction,正在建设中,在施工,contribute v.,捐献,贡献,他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。,He _food and clothing _the Red Cross.,contribute,to,有助于,促成;,contributeto,把,贡献给,Eating too much fat can _heart disease and cause high blood pressure.,result from B. devote to,C. contribute to D. attend to,C,We hope your suggestions will contribute _the problem.,to solving B. to solve,C. solving D. solve,A,20. apart from,除,之外,此外,= besides , in addition to,除英语外你还学些什么?,What do you study apart from English ?,辨析:,except :,除了,(,不含宾语),except for,(不含),besides :,除了,还 (含),in addition to,(含),apart from,:(双),Some people choose jobs for other reasons _money these days.,A. for B. except,C. besides D. with,C,21. be strict,with sb.,对某人严格的,老师对学生们很严格。,Teachers are strict with students.,拓展:,be strict,in,/,about,sth.,对某事严格,He is strict in his work.,21.,make sense,讲得通,有意义,这句子毫无意义。,This sentence doesnt make sense.,扩展:,in a sense,从某种意义上来说,There is no sense in doing,做某事没有道理,There is no sense in worrying about the problem.,reject vt.,拒绝,抛弃 (后面常跟名词,代词,动名词,,不跟不定式),Marys mother _to let her go abroad to study.,refused,declined,turned down,rejected,A,知识回顾,Knowledge Review,


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