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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Time Management,时间管理,A Practical Workbook for Employees of Novo Nordisk China,Trainer: John Deng,讲师:邓行诚,Prepared by ALTEC Training Centers,1,Unit One: What is time management,第一单元: 什么是时间管理,Do what we wish to do, avoid what we dont wish to do.,做我们希望做的事,避免做我们不希望做的事。,2,“,Do what we wish to do”, time management will enable us to:,“,做我们希望做的事”,时间管理会使我们:,Use time more effectively at work,在工作中,利用时间更有效,Achieve more within limited time,在有限的时间里做更多的工作,Balance the time we spend on work and leave more time for ourselves and our families,平衡我们花费在工作中的时间,留出更多的时间给我们自己和家人,Control the time and live a more relaxing life,成为时间的主宰,使生活感到轻松,3,“,Avoid what we dont wish to do”, time management will enable us to:,“,避免做我们不希望做的事”,时间管理会使我们:,Reduce time that may be wasted,减少可能被浪费的时间,Avoid forgetting important engagements,避免忘记去做重要的事,Avoid rushing to things and losing our initiatives,避免仓促上阵,,,失去主动,Avoid causing the loss of confidence in us because we are late,避免因迟到而失信于人,Avoid having to live a life under time pressure day in and day out,避免天天在时间的压力下度过人生,4,Time management is not about managing the time, but about self-management,时间管理不是去管理时间,而是自我管理,Abandon bad habits,抛弃陋习,Introduce new working ways and living habits,引进新的工作方式和生活习惯,Set objectives,制定目标,Plan and allocate time properly,妥善计划及分配时间,Weigh up pros and cons and delegate your power,权衡轻重、权力下放,Discipline yourself and persist in self-discipline,自我约束、持之以恒,Equal emphasis on speed and results,速度与效果并重,5,Definition of time management: to continually urge oneself to change his/her working styles and living habits and to effectively use time so as to improve his/her work efficiency and quality of living and to live a more enriching and meaningful life.,时间管理的含义:不断的督促自己改变工作方式和生活习惯、有效地使用时间、务求提高工作效率和生活素质、使人生更丰富和更有意义。,6,Every one has limited time assets,每个人的时间资产有限,Exercise: Calculate your individual time assets,练习:计算你个人的时间资产,7,Unit Two: “Time Killers”,第二单元: “时间杀手”,Case Study,案例分析,The Story of Mr. Deng,邓先生的故事,8,Group Discussion: How is your time wasted?,小组讨论:你的时间是如何浪费的?,“,Time Killers”,“,时间杀手”,9,Unit Three: Making Time,第三单元: 创造时间,Time is a scarce commodity, “making time” is impossible, but it is certain that you can achieve more with limited time.,时间是稀缺商品,“创造时间”是不可能的,但你一定能够在有限的时间里做更多的事情。,10,Exercise: Time Management Questionnaire,练习:时间管理问卷,11,Planning Your Tasks,做好规划,Knowing Your Responsibilities,了解你的职责,Discussion: What are our responsibilities?,分组讨论:我们的职责是什么?,1),2),3),12,Goals-Setting,设定,目标,Three-minute exercise,三分钟练习,Game: Five Star Goals,游戏:五星目标,13,14,Identifying Priorities,确定优先顺序,Exercise,练习:,Divide into groups and fill in the results of your discussions,分组讨论、将讨论结果填入,Total Work Volume Chart of One Day (at least twelve items),“,你一天的工作总量表”(至少十二项),15,Urgent and Important,紧急的和重要的,Game,游戏:,The Time Management Matrix Work on group basis and fill in the Time Management Matrix your total work volume of one day,以小组为单位,将“你一天的工作总量”填入,The Time Management Matrix,16,Scheduling Your Time,排好时间表,Dealing with Deadlines,设立最后期限,17,Setting Undisturbed Time,规定不受打扰的时间,18,Tackling Large Tasks,解决大任务,19,Using Your Most Effective Hours,善用最有效率的时段,20,21,22,Ways of Saving Time,节约时间的方法,23,Making List,列出清单,24,(to do list) Illustrations,每天的“执行事项清单” 图例,Date 日期:,今日主要目标:,order次,序,Items,事项,Objectives time needed,所需时间,What time to deal with,什么时间,处理,Status of completion,完成情况(Y或N),1,2,3,4,5,Todays main tasks今日要务,25,Handling Your Paperwork,处理文书,Methods: Deal with promptly, finish in one go,方法:及时处理,一次完成,Filing,归档,Execution,执行,Circulation,传阅,Abandonment,废弃,26,Keeping Personal Records,个人记事,27,Finding Things,找到东西,28,Taking Short Cuts,采用便捷方法,29,Working with Others,与人共事,30,Delegating,授权,Ask yourself,: What is it that you have done but,should have been done by others?,问自己,:你做了什么能够由别人,并且应该由别人做的事?,Why not delegate?,为什么不授权?,Why delegate?,为什么要授权?,What is delegation?,什么是授权?,Keys to delegation,授权要诀,31,Working Productively Together,与人一起积极工作,32,Communicating Effectively,有效地沟通,You,Your Colleagues,Your People,Your Bosses,Other Dept.,Your Dept.,33,Having Work Delegated to You,完成交给你的工作,34,Developing good habits,培养良好的习惯,35,5 -,S Practice,五常法,- The Key to Improve Your Quality and Productivity,-,改善品质及生产力的关键,36,5S Practice 五常法,日语,英语,意义,例子,Seiri,Structurise,常组织,Clean up the trash,把垃圾清掉,Seiton,Systematise,常整顿,Find the document you want within 30 second,30秒内就可找到要找的文件,Seiso,Sanitise,常清洁,Responsibilities of personal hygiene,个人清洁卫生责任,Seiketsu,Standardise,常规范,Transparency of storage贮藏的透明度,Shitsuke,Self-discipline,常自律,Apply the “5- S practice” Method,每天运用五常法,37,Fighting with Procrastination,与拖延决战,38,分组讨论:,Making Your Desk a Time Saving Work Station,如何使办公室成为省时工作站?,39,Fighting with Procrastination,与拖延决战,Procrastination - the biggest time killer!,拖延,-,时间的最大杀手!,Procrastination - is a vicious habit!,拖延,-,是一种恶习!,40,Price of Procrastination,拖延的代价,Wasted today,浪费了今天,Every day is a day of regrets,每天都是一个遗憾的生活,Escape from a proactive life,逃避积极的人生,Anxieties from working under pressure in the long term,长期在压力下工作的忧虑,Problems waiting to be resolved are growing endlessly,待处理问题的不断增多,Poor health,健康不良,Grim future,暗淡的前途,A life of indecisiveness,优柔寡断的生活,41,Causes of Procrastination,拖延的原因,Habits are the main cause of procrastination,习惯是拖延的主要原因,Emphasis is always on wrong timings,总是强调时机不对,In order to escape from an over-loaded life,为了逃避过重的生活,In order to escape from an unpleasant life,为了逃避不愉快的生活,Just to go through the motion,为了敷衍搪塞,Not prepared to take responsibilities,不愿承担责任,Just to drift along aimlessly,为轻松地混日子,Inappropriate objectives,不适当的目标,Failure to specify the deadline of achieving objectives,未规定完成目标的时限,42,Launch a battle against procrastination,向拖延开战,Recognize that procrastination is a useless life style,承认拖延是一种无益的生活方式,Break down a large job into many small tasks,把大工作分解成许多小的工作,Face directly unpleasant work,直接面对不愉快的工作,Put pressure on yourself,向自已施压,Reward yourself,奖励自已,Change completely your habits,彻底改变你的习惯,The key is to act,关键是行动!,Yell at yourself:“Do it Right now.”,向自己大吼一声,:,“,马上行动”,43,Closing statement: Enjoy Life,结束语: 享受生活,Dont take home your work,不把工作带回家!,A life value of “all-rounded success”,“全方位成功”的人生观,44,The Peak state of time management,“I have no regrets in life!”,时间管理的最高境界,“我对人生无悔!”,45,


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