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DETAILED PARTS FOR INSTALLATION,. ASSEMBLY,. ATTACHING PARTS FOR ASSEMBLY,. . DETAILED PARTS FOR ASSEMBLY,. .,SUB-ASSEMBLY,. . ATTACHING PARTS FOR SUB-ASSEMBLY,. .,. DETAILED PARTS FOR SUB-ASSEMBLY,. . .,SUB-SUB-ASSEMBLY,. . .,ATTACHING PARTS FOR SUB-SUB-ASSEMBLY,AirNv DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL),详细件号清单,FIGURE,NUMBER,图号,NOT,ILLUSTRATED,ITEM,无图解项,PART,NUMBER,件号,ITEM,NUMBER,项次号,EFFECTIVITY,有效性,REFERENCE,ITEM,参考项,X-REF,TO,DET,链接到详图,QUANTITY,PER CSN,每个组件数量,DATA,REVISED,YELLOW,COLOR,黄色为更改处,AirNv DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL),详细件号清单,CMM REF,CMM,章节号,VENDOR,CODE,厂家代码,NOT,PROCURABLE,ITEM,不可购买件,FIN REF,功能识别号,AirNv DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL),详细件号清单,OPTIONAL,PN/VENDOR,互换件号及厂家代码,LOCAL,MANUFACTURE,可当地加工件,BUY PN,首选件,Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) Identifies a part, which is furnished by the customer to AIRBUS to be installed in the A/C,BFE项是由客户提供给空客安装到飞机上的,买方提供设备 -,BFE,BFE 是用户自己提供并安装到飞机上设备。 (例如: 厨房, 麦克风, 救生衣, 娱乐设备等).,只有当从用户接收到有关BFE的技术信息后(如相关的CMM, 图纸等),BFE 设备才会被收录到手册中。,(SFE: 即Supplier Furnished Equipment),SFE: 卖方提供的设备,NON PROCURABLE ITEM (NP)不可购置件,Appearing in the nomenclature column “NP indicates that this item is not procurable (SPC =0).,在名称栏里NP表示此件号不能用于订购,OPTIONAL PARTNUMBER (OPT TO),代用件号,“OPT TO xxxxxxxxx identifies a part fully interchangeable with the,basic one shown in the part number column.,说明此件与件号栏里的根本件号可完全互换,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,STORAGE PARTS,储存件,Parts needed to store the next higher assembly are comprised between the words “Storage parts and dots “*. Quantity given is for one stored part.,假设储存上一级组件, 那么同时需要“Storage parts和 “*之间所列的零件, 所标数量用于储存一个上一级组件.,ALTERNATE PART NUMBER (ALT FROM),替换件号,“ALT FROM xxxxxxxx identifies a part, which is functionally,interchangeable with the basic one shown in the part number column,only after rework.,说明此件在经过重新加工后, 与件号栏中的根本件号在功能上可以互换.,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,PREFERRED SPARE PART (BUY PN),首选件号,“BUY PN xxxxxxx identifies an item which is recommended as the current preferred part for spares purposes.,“BUY PN 说明此件号被推荐为目前备件的首选件号,LEFT HAND/RIGHT HAND INDICATORS,左侧/右侧指示,A/ Parts used on left hand or right hand of symmetrical installations are,designed by “LH or “RH.,在对称的安装中, 左侧和右侧件分别用“LH 和 “RH表示.,B/ Parts , assemblies or installations used only on one side of the,aircraft are designated by “(LH SIDE) or “(RH SIDE).,零件, 装配件或组装件如只在飞机的一侧使用, 那么用“(LH SIDE)或,“(RH SIDE)表示.,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,LOCAL MANUFACTURE (LM),当地加工件,“*LM* identifies a part which can be locally manufactured.,“*LM* 表示此件可当地加工.,LM parts are listed in the IPC Additional Cross Reference Table as follows : LM 件在ACRT 手册中列有如下信息:,- Raw material to finished PN 原材料 - 成品件号索引,- Finished PN to raw material 成品件号 - 原材料索引,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,RESTRICTED USAGE (RU),限制用于,Exp. RU 010, means only used on item 010.,例如,RU 010, 表示只用于010项件号上,Refer to effectivity of item 010.,参考010项的有效性,DETAILED PART LIST 详细零件清单,EFFECTIVITY,MATERIEL DOMAIN IPC FAMILIARIZATION,ONLY AIRCRAFT IDENTIFIED IN THE EFFECTIVITY TABLE,ARE COVERED IN THE IPC,有效性表格列出,IPC,涵盖的所有飞机号,The absence of a restrictive effectivity at all items,in one IPC figure indicates that the part is effective,for all aircraft of a customers fleet.,IPC图中如无有效性限制,那么说明适用于机队的所有飞机,The effectivity shown is called “SPARES Effectivity. The Spares effectivity is given in accordance with the interchangeability code between the parts,and the A/C configuration.,有效性也称备件有效性, 它是依据飞机的构型以及件号之间的互换性代码共同确定的.,RU 001B (RU= Restricted usage, 001B= Item 001B) means “only used on the assembly defined with item 001B,“限制使用表示只用于001B项件号上,DETAILED PART LIST 详细零件清单,SERVICE BULLETIN,MATERIEL DOMAIN IPC FAMILIARIZATION,SERVICE BULLETIN HANDLING 效劳通告的处理,The integration of the PRE/POST Airbus SB in the IPC is in accordance with the policy between AIRBUS and AIRLINES.,空客效劳通告编入IPC依据空客与航空公司之间协议的政策.,The reference of the PRE or POST Airbus SB is in the IPC to help users about the redundant effectivity.,IPC,中,PRE,和,POST SB,的表述, 为用户提供了两种可能的有效性.,After airlines reporting the interim PRE/POST Airbus SB configuration is changed in POST SB only, to be consistent with the new A/C configuration.,一旦航空公司报告了SB已在机队完成, 那么IPC中将只有POST SB表述, 与飞机新构型一致.,SERVICE BULLETIN LIST SB清单,INCORPORATION CODE,This is the SB configuration in the manual and can be S or C. S is used to indicate Split (Dual) Configuration and C is used to indicate Complete (Final) Configuration.,手册中SB构型, “S表示双构型PRE/POST, “C表示最终构型“POST,SERVICE BULLETIN INCORPORATION 效劳通告编入手册,DUAL EFFECTIVITY,DUAL EFFECTIVITY,SERVICE BULLETIN INCORPORATION 效劳通告编入手册,INCORPORATION CODE,COMPLETE EFFECTIVITY,C is used to indicate Complete (Final) Configuration.,COMPLETE EFFECTIVITY,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,Power Plant Data,MATERIEL DOMAIN IPC FAMILIARIZATION,CURRENT STATUS:,Integration of ALL Power Plant data for V2500 A1/A5on A320 A/C family as well as for RR Trent 500 on A340-500/600.,For other LR A/C (CFM/GE/PW/RR) Integration into AIPC of PIPC Parts subject to an AMM removal procedure. Including all Engine build-up LRU,目前状态:,对于A320上的V2500 A1/A5 和A340-500/600上的RR Trent 500, 所有发动机相关资料信息已编入飞机IPC.,对于其它A330/340系列飞机(CFM/GE/PW/RR), 在AMM拆装程序中涉及到的部件, 其在发动机IPC中的信息编入到飞机IPC中. 包括所有组成发动机的航线可更换件(LRU).,REMARKS,Provisioning files are not affected.,AIRBUS S/V not recommend any Power Plant Item.,Power Plant Manufacturers keep providing operators with complete recommendation files.,注:,定购文件不受影响. 空客的S/V文件不推荐任何发动机工程. 发动机厂商应提供完整的推荐文件.,PIPC INTEGRATION INTO AIPC PIPC,内容并入,AIPC,MATERIEL DOMAIN IPC FAMILIARIZATION,POWER PLANT DATA in IPC,发动机内容的有效性,Power Plant IPC data are given in specific figures integrated in the Airbus IPC,parts replacement is detailed,in the Vendor Service Bulletin only.,件号的互换性参见,VSB,Standard info Effectivity,Engine Serial Number (ESN),有效性按发动机序号,At a,Engine model applicability,适用的发动机型号,Aircraft (FSN) applicabilit,y,at the figure level,整个图的有效性按飞机,FSN,号,IPC,AIRBUS PART NUMBERING,空中客车件号系统,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,AIRBUS PART NUMBERING SYSTEM,空中客车件号系统,D 533 1 0230,000 00,D,: A319/A320/A321,F,: A330/A340,CHAP.SEC.,D.O.,设计单位,SEQUENCE NBR.,顺序号,ASSY NBR.,组件号,Technical Suffix,技术后缀,01,51,.,.,DRAWING REF.,图纸参考号,A,: A300/A310,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL),详细件号清单,TECHNICAL SUFFIXES,技术后缀,AIRBUS PART NUMBERING SYSTEM,空中客车件号系统,D 533 1 0230 000,00,00 and 40 to 50 Spare Part identical to drawing. 备件与设计图纸一样,01 to 39 Production Part not identical to Drawing.,生产用件与设计图纸不同,51 to 59 Spare Part not identical to drawing, nor to production part.,备件与设计图纸不同,也与生产用件不同,60 to 89 & 99 Non Procurable part. 不可购置件.,90 to 94 Specific Part for Repair kits. 专用于修理器材包的零件.,95 to 98 Specific Part for Service Bulletin Kits.,专用于效劳通告器材包的零件.,AIRBUS PROPRIETARY PN SUFFIX* HANDLING,IPC,Three possible cases,Part installed on AIRCRAFT Suffix “00& 40 to 50,1. PN: D521523200100 Suffix 00 by default for all non potential spares* or for other parts which can be delivered compliance with the drawing (no STS) OR,Suffix “01 to 39,2. PN: D521523200101 Suffix 01 for Potential Spares Part different,PN: D521 5232 001 from the drawing,(WHITH OR WITHOUT Suffix) Detailed explanation will be provided by ANA/SSC with the Spare Part Technical Specification (STS delivered with the Part).,OR,Suffix “51 to 59,3. PN: D521523200151 Suffix 51 for Potential Spares Parts assembly,different from the drawing.,Content of the assembly detailed parts list will be provided by ANA/SSC with the related STS delivered with the Part,NOTE: AIRBUS PROPRIETARY PART NUMBER SUFFIXES ARE PROVIDED BY AIRBUS MANUFACTURING Dept.,* Non potential Spares part = Line replaceable part (e.g. part with high MTBUR) not recommended in AIRBUS,provisioning document/file.,However, should a “Non potential Spares part be ordered by an operator, the delivered status of this particular part will be checked by AIRBUS manufacturing dept.,Should the manufacturing dept. assign a PN suffix different from “00, the IPC will be accordingly updated with the next possible revision.,空客产权件后缀的处理,IPC,三种情况,飞机上安装的件号 后缀 “00& 40 至 50,1. PN: D521523200100 对于“非可能性备件non potential spares* 或其,它可以按图纸提供的零件(不需要备用件技术标准,STS), 后缀默认为“00,或者,后缀“01 至 39,2. PN: D521523200101 后缀 01 用于不同于图纸的可能备用件, 在备用件,技术标准(STS)中给出详细的解释, STS 与备件,PN: D521 5232 001 一起发给用户,(WHITH OR WITHOUT Suffix),或者,后缀 “51 至 59,3. PN: D521523200151 后缀 51 用于不同于设计图纸的可能备用组件,组件中包括的详细件号目录标明在相关的在备用,件技术标准(STS)中与备件一起提供给用户.,注: AIRBUS 产权件号后缀由AIRBUS的零件生产部门提供,Non potential Spares part = “非可能性备件指在空客推荐单中未包含的航线可更换件(如:某些高MTBUR零件),然而, 如某用户订购了这种“非可能性备件, 此件的供货技术状态(后缀)将由AIRBUS的零件生产部门核准. 如零件生产部门确定将提供的件号后缀不为“00, 那么IPC在下一次更改版中将参加此件号,(带有或不带有后缀),Prefix,Root PN,Suffix,Add Airbus domestic codes,XX,D21315432100,ZZZZZ,To be disregarded,To be disregarded,Can be replaced by:,PN: D20 提供备用件技术标准STS,or PN: D2131543210001 with STS data,or PN: D2131543210051 with STS data,or PN: D2131582210100 with PN change information,(when INC 1 or 2),Important remarks,: Applicable for not colored parts,注意:适用于非彩色零件,源件号,可被以下件号替换,前缀,后缀,可忽略,可忽略,提供件号互换性信息, 互换代码01或02,增加空客内部代码,AIRBUS PART NUMBERING 空客公司件号系统,IPC,PART NUMBERCHANGE DATA,PN CHANGE 件号互换性,WHY ?,为什么,TO INDICATE THE INTERCHANGEABILITY BETWEEN PARTS,LOCATED IN DIFFERENT FIGURESOR APPLICABLE ON,DIFFERENT A/C TYPES.,TO PROPOSE ALTERNATIVE PARTS.,TO EASE SPARES PLANNING & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY.,给出IPC 不同图示之间, 或不同机型之间零件的互换性.,建议可替换的零件.,方便备件方案及维护工作.,PN CHANGE 件号互换性,HOW ?,如何替换,BY ADDING IN THE IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST,THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION :,在IPC 详细件号清单中参加下述信息:,Two way,I/W,(,I,nterchangeable,W,ith PN),双向互换,One way,RPLD BY,(,R,e,P,lace,D BY,PN),单向互换,IPC DETAILED PARTS LIST (DPL) IPC,详细件号清单,IPC : Part Number Info IPC 中的件号信息,Qualified Spares information,RPLD BY or I/W,可用备件信息,单向或双向互换,Y I/W X (Interchangeable With) / The part Y can be replaced by the new PN X as spares or vice versa. This replacement is used without any change in the A/C configuration. When PN X is installed as spares, it can be replaced and PN Y re installed on the same A/C (MSN).,件号,Y,可以被新件号,X,作为备件替换, 反之亦可.此替换不对飞机的构型产生任何改变. 新件号,X,安装后,它也可以被替换而将,Y,重新安装到同一架飞机上.,Y,x, PN,Y,(8450B2) RPLD BY,X,(8450B3) (replaced by),The part number,Y,can be replaced by the new PN,X,as spares.,This replacement is used without any change in the A/C configuration.,When PN,X,is installed as spares,it can be replaced and PN,Y,re installed on the same A/C (MSN).,件号,Y,可以被新件号,X,作为备件替换.此替换不对飞机的构型产生,任何改变. 新件号,X,安装后,它也可以被替换而将,Y,重新安装到同,一架飞机上.,x,Y,Y can be replaced by X with qualified condition given with the text . No other PN CHANGE (I/W;REPLD BY or other condition).,件号,Y,可以在一定条件下被件号,X,替换.但不允许进一步替换.,x,Y,No QUALIFIED SPARES with the MAINTENANCE FIGURE,详图上不显示有效备件.,AIRNV-IPC ACCESS & CONTENTS 进入IPC及内容,Direct access to the DATA 直接进入到手册内容,By description/Table Of Content (TOC) 由内容目录进入,By Functional Item Number (FIN) 由功能识别号进入,By Part Number (PN) 由件号进入,By Zone 按区域进入,Service Bulletin 按效劳通告进入,Effectivity 按有效性,Installation figure(CSN) 安装图,Part Number CHANGE 可查找互换性,Detail figure & IPC/AMM 详图及IPC/AMM链接切换, AIRBUS CHINA LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.,This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS CHINA LTD. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS CHINA LTD. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied.,The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, AIRBUS CHINA LTD. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.,AIRBUS, its logo, A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380, A400M are registered trademarks.,谢谢大家!,


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