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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,免费课件下载绿色圃中小学教育网,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Our school,words 单词:,computer room art room music room teachers office library,playground canteen,word group词组:,first floor,second floor,third floor,This is the,library,.,Is this the library,No.It is the,art room,.,That isnt the teachers office.,sentence句型:,Where is the computer room,Its on the first floor.,Do you have lunch at school Yes, I do. (No,I dont.),1.,这,2.,那,3.,班级,4.,吃,有,5.,吃午餐,6.,在学校,7.,请这边走,.,8.,图书馆在一楼,.,this,that,class,have,have lunch,at school,This way, please.,The library is on the first floor.,谁是小小翻译家?,computer,music,art,-computer room,电脑室,-music room,音乐室,-art room,美术室,TV,-TV room,电视室,gym,体育馆,Its on the -floor.,1,2,3,Is this the ,1. r a t m o r o -,2. i c m u s -,3. c p u t e o m r-,4. m y g-,art room,music,computer,gym,火眼金睛,Read in the _.,Eat in the _.,Play in the _.,Draw in the _.,canteen,library,library,gym,gym,art room,canteen,art room,1. This is a library.,Is this a library,2. That is a picture.,Is that a picture,1. This is a monkey.,Is this a monkey,2. That is the gym.,Is that the gym,3. This is my grandfather .,Is this your grandfather,Is that a mouse,Yes, it is.,Thats right.,Is this a football,No, it isnt.,No, its a basketball.,1.这是我的书。,This is my book.,2.那是你的书。,That is your book.,3.你们有图书馆吗,是的,我们有。,不,我们没有。,我是大翻译家,Do you have a library,Yes , we,do,.,No, we,dont,.,4.图书馆在哪里,Where is the library,在一楼.,Its,on,the first floor.,5.教室里有多少个学生,How many students are there in your class,6.我们有一个新的电脑室。,We have a new computer room.,我是小教师:,( )1.yes, it is.,( ) 2.Yes it is.,( ) 3.Yes, is it.,( ) 4.Yes, it is.,( )5.No ,it is.,( )6.NO, it isnt.,( )7.No, it isnt.,( )8.No, it isnt.,Unit 2,What time is it?,words 单词:,breakfast English class,lunch music class,dinner PE class,word group词组:,get up go to school,go home go to bed,1.What time is it,Its 7.,2.Its time to get up.,3.Its time for school.,4.Lets go to school.,what time, its=it is,oclock,sentence句型:,Warm-up,说出,110,的英语单词,.,说出,1119,的英语单词,.,说出,20,、,30,、,40,、,50,、,60,、,70,、,80,、,90,的英语单词。,One. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten,.,eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen.,twenty. thirty. forty. fifty. sixty. seventy. eighty. ninety.,1.三餐:,早餐breakfast.吃早餐 have breakfast,午餐lunch.吃午餐 have lunch,晚餐dinner .(吃晚餐 have dinner,2.学科:,英语课English class 数学课math class,语文课Chinese class 体育课P.E. class 音乐课 music class,3.重点短语:,起床 get up 去上学 go to school 回家 go home 看电视 watch TV 睡觉 go to bed,现在几点了,(,问,),(答复),What is the time 或者是What is the time,It is +,时间,例,:It is 8:00,该是做什么的时候了,It is time to +,做的事情,如,:,该是睡觉的时候。,It is time to,go to bed.,It is time for,+,一日三餐,/,学科类,如:该是吃晚饭的时候。,It is time for,dinner.,如:该是上英语课的时候。,It is time for,English class,Do you know,?,Its seven.,=Its seven,oclock,Its time,for,English class,.= Its time,to,have,English class,.,Its time,for,bed,.= Its time,to,go to,bed,.,What time is it,Its _ oclock.,Its _ oclock.,two,eight,What time is it,Its,_,three fifteen/3:15.,Its,_,four thirty.,Its,_,five forty-five.,Its time to get up.,Its time to go to school.,Its time for English class.,Unit 3,Weather,words 单词:,cold,cool,warm,hot,sunny,windy,snowy,rainy,sentence句型:,1.Can I go outside,yes,you can,/No ,you cant.,2.Whats the weather like in New York,3.Its rainy.,今天天气怎么样?,Whats the weather like today,Whats the weather like,?,Its,rain,y,wind,y,snow,y,cloud,y,sun,ny,dry,wet,Whats the weather like in _ Its _in _.,spring,warm,summer,hot,Whats the weather like in _ Its _in _.,autumn,cool,winter,cold,The,Weather Report,from Shanxi TV.,Ask and answer,A: Whats the weather like in,B: In_ its_.,根据表格完成句子,Do you know?,1.Its raining dogs and cats.,倾盆大雨,2.A snow year, a rich year.,瑞雪兆丰年,3.Talltreescatchmuchwind.,树大招风,二、翻译。,1.什么 _ 2.时间_,3.几点了 _ 4.九 _,5.九点钟了。 _ 6.语文 _ 7.课程 _ 8.数学 _,9.七 _ 10.英语 _,11.八 _ 12.音乐 _,三、连词成句。,1、is, time, it, what ( ) 2、school, time, its, go, to, to ( . ) 3、oclock, its, twelve ( . ) 4、for, math, time, class, its ( . ) 5、is, breakfast, ready ( .,Thank you!,


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