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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,词汇、语法结构,大学英语四级讲座,一 、四级词汇,大纲要求,掌握,4538,个单词,(,中学已学过,1800,个,),真正 需要记得是,500,个。,2.,词组短语,:700,个,(,动词短语,100,个,),3.,具有按照一般构词法知识,识别生词的能力,.,二、,CET4,中的词汇语法部分,在最新题中,只考词汇,语法,:,昔人已乘黄鹤去,退出江湖,.,词组考查会进一步淡化,.04,年,6,月,05.6,都只考,4,道题,05.1,考,3,道题,不过,06.1,考,7,道题,.,e.g.,31.This is not economical way to get more water; _, it is very expensive.(04.6),A) or else B) in short,C) on the contrary,D) on the other,hand,36. Joe is not good at sports, but when it_,mathematics, he is the best in the class.(04.6),A) come up to B) comes around to,C) comes to,D) comes on to,43. Now that spring is here, you can_ these fur coats till you need them again next winter.(04.6),A) Put over B) put off,C) put down,D) put away,44. I went along thinking of nothing _. Only looking at things around me.(04.6),A) in brief B) in doubt,C) in harmony,D) in particular,46.The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary _ too much work last week. (06.1),A. take to B. take out,C. take away,D. take on,47. “You try to get some sleep. Ill_ the patients breakfast,” said the nurse. (06.1),A. see to,B. stick to,C. Get to D. lead to,单词,:,重中之重,42. I must congratulate you_ the excellent design of the new bridge.(04.6),A) With B) at,C) on,D) of,43. These overseas students show great _ for learning a new language. (06.1),A. enthusiasm,B. authority,C. convention D. faith,55. I know youve got a smooth tongue, so dont talk me _ buying it. (05.6),A. away B. down,C. out,D. into,Note:,近年来,CET4,几乎每次都会考一道搭配题,.,如,03.6-64,题,be treated with particular care,和,03.9-45,题,be relevant to .,另外,04.6-39,题考查,power failure 03.6-53 strike a match,02.6-41 run a risk,历年真题中单词重复率高,.,如,40.For more than 20years, weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges.(04.6),A) spread B) shift C) move,D) range,44. The price of beer _ from 50 cents to 54 per liter during the summer season,(99.6),A) alter,B) range,C) separated D) differed,词汇:,秘诀一定不要想法设法读懂题干,三、词汇出题的四大类型:,1,短语词组的考察,1.1 turn to,sb,. /,sth,. ( resort to arm law a court) turn over/ on/ off /up /down /in/out,1.2 call on (upon),号召,call for,需要,call off,取消,call in,把某人叫来(考的可能性不大),1.3 hand over,交出来,hand in,上交,hand out,散发,hand down,传下来,1.4 go with,与,搭配,go back on,失言,go into,进入,(,抽象,),问题,;,调查、研究,go along with,赞同,;,与,一道,go though,贯穿(与,through,搭配的词组重要),1.5 ran over ran into,ran down,(数量、成 本)降低、减少,ran through,普遍存在于,始终,贯穿(只,考 过一次,但不是答案),1.6 take in,吸收理解,欺骗,take on,承担,take after,长得像,take over,接管,take up,着手处理, take away,把,带走,take off,起飞,脱掉,take apart,拆开,卸开,take to,( 逐渐)对,产生好,1.7 pull in (,火车,船,),进站,进港,pull out,驶出,开出,(,车站,),pull up,使,(,车、船,),停下,pull through,渡过,(,难关,危机,);,恢复,(,健康,),1.8 break up,分手,(,男女,),(,合作关系,),终止,break through,取得实质性进展,break out,break into,爆发,突然发生,break off,中断,突然停止,break away,摆脱,彻底决裂,break down (,精神,身体,),崩溃,;,机器出现故障,1.9 make up,组成,捏造,make up for,理 解,make for,朝,走去,make off (,匆忙,),离去,make out (,努力地,),辨认出, (,开出,),支票,1.10 set off,出发动身,set down,记下来,set out,出发,开始做,着 手处理,(,不考,),set up,建立,树立,建造,set back,防碍,阻碍,耽误,1.11 lay down,记下,lay out,布置,摆出,布局,lay off (,暂时,),解雇,lay aside,把,放在一边,1.12 count on,依赖,count in,把,计算在内,count down,向下数,(,倒计时,),1.13 come across,遇到,come about,产生,发生,come around,恢复知觉,苏醒过来,come out,出版,发行,(,主语为书,),1.14 bring around,使,苏醒,使,恢复过来,bring about,使产生,使发生,导致造成,bring out,出版,(,主语是人,),e.g. Computer technology will,bring about,revolution in business administration,1.15,in terms of,就,而言,从,来说,in view of by virtue of in favor of,at intervals at length etc.,e.g. Which sport has the most expenses _,training equipment , players personal equipment and uniform?,A) in place of,B) in terms of,C) by means of D) by way of,2,连接词,2.1.,时间:,when as while,when,表“就在这个时候”,when it comes to ,当提到,since,考原因,由于,不考“时间”。,before,在,之前,the moment / minute/ instant /instantly,一,就,e.g. I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived_ Susan caught up with me .,A) though B) until,C) when,D) while,时间状语从句,while; when; before; whenever; as; after;,till; until; since; ever since;,as soon as; no sooner than;,hardly when; scarcely/barely when;,the moment/minute/instant; instantly/directly,on (the point of) doing,2.2.,表原因:,for, because, as, since,不考,in that,之所,是因为,now that,既然,owing to / thanks to/due to,sth,. /,sb,.,on account of,e.g. Although many people view conflict as bad ,conflict is sometimes useful_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.,A) by which B) to which,C) in that,D) so that,原因状语从句,because; since; as;,seeing that; considering that;,now that; in that;,for fear that; lest;,owing to the fact that; because of the fact that; due to the fact that,2.3.,表条件的连词:,if only,要是,就好了,but for,不要,话,没有,话,so (as) long as, lest,惟恐,以免,provided: if on condition that in case (of),e.g. Im sure he is up to the job_ he would give his mind to it.,A) if only,B) in case C) until D ) unless,条件状语从句,if; unless; in case; so long as;,provided/providing/that; supposing;,granted/granting that;,giving /given that.,2.4.,表方式:,as if / through even if / though, even so,e.g. John seems a nice person ._, I dont trust him.,) Even though B) Therefore,C) Even so,D) Though,方式状语从句,:,as; as if; as though;,how;,save that,只是,除,外,e.g. of his early years little is known, save that he studied law.,结果状语从句,2.5.,表结果:,result in (from) lead to,as a result / in consequence = hence,as a result of/ in consequence of,作为,结果,sothat,如此,以至于,so as to,such as,像,那样,正如,那样,e.g. There was such a long line at the,exhibition_ we had to wait for about half an hour.,A) as,B) that,c) so d) hence,目的状语从句,so that; in order that;,lest; for the fear that; in case,He was published_ he,should,make the same mistakes again.,A) unless B) provided C) if,D) lest,Dont let the child play with scissors _ he cuts himself.,A) in case,B) so that C) now that D) only if,While crossing the mountain area, all the men,carried guns lest they _ by wild animals.,A) should be attacked C) must be attacked,B) had been attacked D) would be attacked,2.6.,分裂句型:,than, but, and, or,Not that John doesnt want to help you,_,Its beyond his power.,but that,B) and that C) for that D) in that,2.7. as,的用法:,as +V-ed,正如,那样,e.g. as suggested by,as +,系表,e.g. as is known to,sb,.,as,倒装,e.g. _as_,I hope all the precautions against air pollution, _ suggested by the local government ,will be seriously considered here.,A) while B) since C) after,D) as,让步状语从句,though; although; even if; even though;,whether; as;,however; no matter (what, how, when);,for all,that (although);,in spite of the fact that; regardless of the fact that,granted that,while,As,_ announced in todays papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sunday.,A) . being,B) as,C) to be D) been,_, he does get annoyed with her sometimes B) As he likes her much,C) Much although he likes her,Although much he likes her,D) Much as he likes her,48. _ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.,A) Because C) Since,B) For D) While,比较状语从句,:,as; than; as,as,; not so as;,定语从句,: which,引导的定语从句结构,2.8. despite = in spite of regardless of,rather than (,比较前后对仗的部分,),而不是,;,other than (,前面的部分是否定,),除,之外,/,不同于,while,考是考 只考,;,虽,但(句首),e.g. Young adults _ older people are more likely to prefer pop songs.,A) other than B) more than,C) less than,D) rather than,In no country _ Britain, It has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.,A) other than,B) more than,C) more than D) rather than,Exercises,Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster _ we radically change way we live .,A) but B) although C) unless D) lest,A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, _ was to be expected.,A) that B) what C) so D) as,_ I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.,A) Much as C) If only,B) Only if D) As much,Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _ they have no schedules to keep.,A) even though C) as if,B) for D) since,In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, _ which only fourteen are recognized as official.,A) with B) within C) in D) of,.She had a tense expression on her face, _she were expecting trouble.,A) even though C) even as,B) now that D) as though,Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as _all other animals on earth.,A) do C) is,B) have D) are,We booked rooms at the hotel _we should find no vacancies on our arrival.,A) if C) since,B) lest D) whenever,We can accept your order _payment is made in advance.,A) in order that C) on the excuse that,B) on condition that D) in the belief that,3.,单个,v. n. adj.,常出题:以形近或意近 形式出题。,3.1,形近词,:,主要指,prefix, suffix,或前后缀,都 相同,词根相同,.,如:,re- again; back e.g.,reply / response/ react/ refuse/ reject/ resist,pri,- (pre-/pro-) : before; forward,prime /premier /promote/ progress,award / reward,sensible/sensitive/ sensational,transform /transfer / transmit,transplant(,超纲,) / transparent /transport /translate,不考,e.g. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural_.,tradition B) transportation,C) transmission,D) transformation,American football and baseball are becoming known to the British publish through televised _ from the United States.,A) deliver,B) transmissions,C) transfer D) transportation,The coming of the railways in the 1830s_ our society and economic life.,A) transformed,B) transferred,C) transported D) transmitted,Com-/con-:,共同,(,出前缀相同的题,),e.g. consistent,consistent,policy,continuous / continual adj. e.g.,considerable / considerate adj.,It is our_ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.,A) consistent,B) continuous,C) considerate D) continual,Writing is a slow process, requiring_,thought, time, and effort.,A) significant,B) considerable,C) enormous D) numerous,available a.,可供利用的,现存的,(,只要出现,就是答案,),possible a.,e.g. None of the servants were _ when Mr.,Smith wanted to send a message.,A) available,B) approachable,C) attainable D) applicable,In general, the amount that a student spends,for housing should be held to one-fifth of the _,for living expenses.,A) acceptable B) applicable,C) advisable,D) available,3.2,意近词,burst,可表人的感情的突然爆发,e.g. into tears (laughter / anger ),blast n. v.,爆炸(爆炸只考,blast,),attack n. v.,(病)的发作(不考“攻击”),In a sudden _ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.,A) attack,B) burst,C) split D) blast,split,拉裂,破裂,;,分裂,以 “,sp”,开头的词表示,:,向外喷发,;,跳跃,e.g.,spit / speak /spark /spring,His trousers,split,when he tried to .(04.1),注意,:,意近词的辨析注意借助语气结构、用法 习 惯、使用场合得出答案,。,e.g. The hopes, goal, fears and desires _ widely between men and women and,women, between the rich and the poor.,A) alter B) transfer C) shift,D) vary,4. v. n. adj.,与,prep,的搭配,4.1 v + prep.,直接搭配,分裂式搭配,yield to,sth,./,sb,. attend to,sb,.,关心、照顾人,accuse,sb,. of e.g.,He _ to his customers and halved the price.,leak B) drew C) quoted,D) yielded,If shop assistant was dismissed as she was,_ of cheating customers.,accused,B) charged C) scold D) cursed,4.2 n + prep. e.g. access to,sth,.,Over a third of the population was estimated,to have no _ to the health services.,assessment B) assignment,C) exception,D) access,2.3 a.+ prep. e.g. sensitive to,sth,.,注意,:,在一个词后考,prep.,,但不知道选哪一个时就选“,to”,。,5.,某些固定结构与固定句型的考察 如,:,suggest / delay / consider doing (,注,:,一个词后考接,to do,还是,doing,时拿不准时选,doing,。,entitle,sb,. to (do),sth,.,使某人有权力、资格作,e.g. This ticket_ you to a free boat tour on the lake.,A) entitles,B) appoints C) grants D) credits,四、怎样记单词,1,、一定要每天大量背,(,100,个,/,天,上午,30,个,中午,10,个,下午,30,个,晚上,30,个)。集中两个月(三个月),晚上睡前把,100,个词复习一遍,第二天早起,再把这,100,个词复习一遍,不要太认真然后放弃,第二、三天如此第四天复习前,300,个词,背词顺序:按,ZYQJ, KXU (,三天,),,,WONLV (,三天,),,,FG, IP, HM, BDE, R, CSAT,背一遍不到,28,天,然后再背一遍,不要超过,3,遍,最后看阅读。在阅读中如有不认识的、不确定的词看单词表,背单词的前两个意思(第一次不要太强调,不要太仔细),不要只背一本书。,尽量背里面不会的。,推荐词汇书,:,大学英语教学大纲词汇表,(上外,/,外研社),大学英语词汇速听速记,新东方(世界知识出版社),2.,想方设法和单词在不同场合见面, 狂看(新概念,2,、,3,册;大学英语,1,、,2,册任何 一本,除了自己教材)。,瞎听(新概念,2,、,3,册)。,乱说(说那些难说难记的词)。,向别人解释(找出,30,个难的词,向比自己水平低的人解释)。,3.,联想词根,/,词缀词的词源,4.,复习,:,通过阅读、精泛结合。,Thank you,


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