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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A star,Qiao Renliang,1987.10.15, SH,singer, actor,handsome, kind, talented, hard-working, successful,depression,抑郁症,Lesson 7What is the meaning of life,崇文中学,赵周祺,Learning goals,After this class, I can,1. read and use these key words:,meaning,dialogue,successful,missing, survey,neighbour,2. read and use key expressions:,deep in thought, succeed in, be good to,3. listen to and read the passage to catch the important information.,4.cherish(,珍惜,) my life and work hard for my dream.,New words,1. - -,2.,3. - -,4. -,5.,6.,mean,(v.),意思是,meaning,(n.),意思,意义,meaningful,(adj.),有意义的,a,dialogue,- two dialogue,s,对话,对白,succeed,(v.),成功,办成,success,(n.),成功,successful,(adj.),成功的,miss,(v.),漏掉,错过,想念,missing(adj.),缺少的,丧失的,do a,survey,(n.),做一项调查,survey,sb. (v.),调查某人,a,neighbour,- two,neighbour,s,邻居,Fill in the blanks,1. Whats the _ (mean) of life,2. Jay Chou is a _ (success) singer.,3. How can we _(success),4. How many _(dialogue) have you learned,5. One of my _(neighbour) is very kind.,6. The police are looking for the_(miss) boy. They have _(survey) the boys friends.,meaning,successful,succeed,dialogues,neighbours,missing,surveyed,Listen to the record and fill in the blanks.,1. dialogue,2. meaning,3. difficult,4. write,5. down,6. survey,Read the passage and tick the ideas mentioned.,Read the passage again and find out key expressions,1. 的意思是什么?_或_,2. 深思,沉思_,3. 考虑_,4. 例如_,5. 在方面成功_,6. 尽某人最大努力做_,7. 对好_,What is the meaning of.,What does/do . mean,deep in thought,think about,for example,succeed in,try/do ones best to do,be good to,1. 你正在思考什么? What are you _,2. 生命的意义是什么? What is_ life,3. 妈妈对邻居很好。,My mother _our neighbours.,4. 他陷入深思,两只手捧着头。,He is _ with his head in his hands.,5. 马云在电子商务方面很成功。,Ma Yun _ e-business.,6. 阿里巴巴尽它最大的努力让天下没有难做的生意。,Alibaba _ make it easy to do business in the world.,7. 现在有很多交流方式,例如,微信就是一种很好的聊天工具。,Now there are many ways to communicate._, wechat is a great tool to chat.,thinking about,the meaning of,is good to,deep in thought,succeeds in,tries/does its best to,For example,feed sheep,make money,get married,have a baby,What are your dreams for the futureWhat kind of life do you want to live,What will you do with your dream,“You got a dream, you got to protect it. People cant do something themselves, they want to tell you you cant do it. If you want something, go get it.,The Pursuit of Happiness,The world is so big, and I want to see it.,Summary,1. Can you read and use these words and expressions now,meaning, dialogue, successful, missing, survey, neighbour, deep in thought, think about, for example, succeed in, try/do ones best to do sth, be good to,2. What kind of life do you want to live,stay healthy, love my parents, look after myself, help others, work hard, never give up my dream, live a happy and meaningful life,Homework,1. Write a short passage about happiness according to exercise 4 on page 19.,2. Write key words and expressions of this lesson.,3. Finish exercise 3 on page19.,


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