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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018-10-01,#,认真复习1-3页,然后进展测试,短语测试,1.,去夏令营,2.,照相,3.,为考试准备,4.,就此止笔,5.,好久不见,go to summer camp( went),take photos( took),study for the tests(studied),bye for now,Long time no see,短语测试,9.,大多数时间,10.,给母鸡喂食,11.,除,.,外一无所有,13.,似乎有点无聊,14,记日记,most of the time,feed some hens(fed),nothing but.,seem a little bored (seemed),keep a diary (kept),完成句子,1.你去任何有趣的地方了吗?,Did you go _,2.你为什么不为自己买点东西呢?,_ you anything for yourself,3.没有人感到无聊。,No one _.,4.除了读书我没什么事可做。,I have _ books.,5.我有重要的事情要告诉你。,Ive got _ to tell you .,anywhere interesting,Why didnt,seemed to be bored,nothing much to do but read,something important,句意填词,1.Many people saw the poor man, but f_ of them gave him money.,2.Children, help y_ to some salad.,3.I have e_ money to buy this coat.,4.In my spare time, I like to keep a d_.,5.How many h_ (母鸡)are there on the farm,ew,ourselves,nough,iary,ens,单项选择,1. You seem _. Are you going to have a meal with us,A. happily B. unhappily C. upset D. sadly,2.There has never been such a beautiful village _ in the world.,A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somethere,C,A,单项选择,3.Jays songs sound _., Yes. He sings _.,A. wonderfully; wonderful,B. wonderful; wonderfully,4.-Do you have anything else to say for being late again - No, nothing _ sorry.,A. above B. behind C. from D.but,B,D,单项选择,5.If we just think about _ , the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.,A. myself B. himself C. yourself D. ouselves,6.These oranges look nice, but _ very sour.,A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look,D,B,单项选择,7.He thinks himself somebody, but we think him _.,A.nobody B. anybody C.somebody D. everybody,8.How much juice is there in the fridge,- _, lets buy some after supper.,A. None B. Nothing C. Nobody D.No one,A,A,nothingbut,除了什么之外什么都没有,1.,她什么都不要,只想哭。,She wanted _ to cry.,2.,我们只喝了一杯牛奶。,We had _ a cup of milk.,3.,昨天我什么都没做,只是待在家里。,I had _ at home yesterday.,nothing but,nothing but,nothing to do but stay,seem,1.,这个年轻人似乎没赶上火车。,The young man doesnt _ the train.,_ the young man doesnt catch the train.,2.,似乎没有人知道那个消息。,No one _ the news.,_ no one knew the news.,seem to catch,It seems that,seemed to know,It seemed that,seem to do,It seems/seemed that +,句子,


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