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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Great Britain,Some History,Celts,Who were the Celts,European tribes,When did they come to Britain,Between 750 and 100 B.C.,What did they contribute to British society/culture,Began trade with the continent,Ancient civilization, language (Gaelic),Roman Occupation (55 B.C 410 A.D.),Julius Caesar and the Romans invaded Britain,Roman influence was a threat to hill dwellers (Celts) in Wales and Scotland,Romans built Hadrians Wall to keep back revolting tribes in Scotland,How did the Romans influence British society,Roman occupation lasted for almost 350 years,Built roads (trade routes),Language (alphabet),Anglo-Saxon Times (410-871 A.D.),Who were the Anglo-Saxons,Germanic Tribes,Spoke what is now known as “Old English,Defeated the Celts,Pushed them into the mountains of Wales, Scotland, and across to Ireland,Anglo-Saxon Times,Why are they important,Created a “Nation of the English,Different tribes lacked unity, divided into many different kingdoms,Finally united against Vikings in 8th Century,Language contributions,Brought Christianity to Britain,Invasion of Vikings and Danish Rule,Who were the Vikings,Vikings (Northern warriors) invaded England,Most came from Norway or Denmark,Who is King Alfred,Anglo-Saxon King,Defeated Vikings,Unified Anglo-Saxons,Considered the first national hero,Norman Conquest,Who were the Normans,People from France,Eventually replaced Anglo-Saxon rulers.,The Battle of Hastings was a war to decide who would be king.,Harold, was from Wessex (Britain),William the Conqueror, was from Normandy (France),Who won the Battle of Hastings,In 1066, William the Conqueror was the first Norman king,William introduced feudalism to Britain,Magna Carta,Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges,Why was the Magna Carta important,Took some power away from the king,Protected the interests of the feudal lords,Granted townspeople freedom of trade and self-government,Beginning of Parliament,How did Parliament develop in Britain,King called meetings with his vassals,As the merchant class grew, they wanted more representation,1295 - “Model Parliament included:,Representatives from the upper class,Representatives from the merchant class,Why is Parliament important to British society,Limits the power of the King,Allows representation from many different social classes,The,Hundred Years War,Who fought,French and the English,Fighting finally ended in 1453,England won, but the British rule was eventually returned to France,What were the effects of this war,Both France and England began to focus on their internal problems,The Wars of the Roses,Why did they fight,They wanted control of Britain,Both families believed they had the right to control England,By 1485, the Wars of the Roses were over,How did these wars influence British history,The old feudal barons killed one another,The Wars of the Roses marked the end of feudalism,Paved the road for the strong rule of the Tudor Kings,Who fought these wars,Two powerful families (Houses of Lancaster and York),The Church of England,In the 1500,s, King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church.,New church known as the Church of England,Often referred to as Anglican Church,Transition to Democracy,1640,s Oliver Cromwell abolishes Monarchy and rules with Parliament. Ruled for 11 years.,After Cromwell,s death, monarchy is restored, but a slow transition into democratic government occurs until it is completely established during Victorian era (1800,s),


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