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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,英语,必修,人教版,新课标导学,Unit 1,Women of achievement,Section ,Writing,人物描写,一、文体感知,1文体特点,人物描写属于记叙文的范畴,它以写人、记事为主,以表达和描写为主要表达方式。,一篇好的人物描写一般分为三大局部,即生平介绍、事迹表达和简短的评论。时态的选择要视情况而定,假设写人物的过去就用过去时态,假设写人物的现在就用现在时态。,2亮点句式,(1)Li Yue is always warmhearted and ready to help us whenever we are in need of help.,(2)We think that she deserves to be recognized as “Star Student of the Week.,(3)She is an ordinarylooking girl,but her kindness and consideration impress me most.,(4)When he was still a boy,he showed great interest in literature.,(5)His stories,most of which are short ones,give people surprising endings.,3,写作模板,Born in _ (,出生地,),,,(,人物,)_ was/is _ (,职业或头衔,).When he/she was young,,,_ (,事件,).In _ (,时间,),,,_ (,事件,).From _ (,时间,)to _ (,时间,),,,he/she _ (,事件或经历,).He/She made a great contribution to _ (,成就或成绩,).,二、典题演练,根据下面表格内的汉语提示,写一篇,100,个词左右的介绍简,古道尔的短文。,研究,领域,著名的野生动物研究专家,尤其在研究黑猩猩方面,性格,谦虚、坦诚、考虑周到,主要,事迹,1.,童年时代,她碰巧看到一本名叫,泰山和杜拉德博士,的书。受到极大鼓舞,打算研究动物;,2,那个时代,妇女受到歧视,但妈妈支持她;,3,20,世纪,60,年代,简动身去非洲研究黑猩猩,用了,25,年多的时间观察和记录黑猩猩的日常活动,完全弄懂了它们的行为,成就,1.,成立了几个组织,发起一项保护动物的运动;,2,在世界各地演讲,呼吁年轻一代参加,“,根与芽,”,活动;,3,被授予了多个奖项,参考词汇:,1泰山和杜拉德博士Tarzan and Dr Doolittle;,2“根与芽“Shoot and Root。,1完成句子,(1)童年时代,她碰巧看到一本名叫泰山和杜拉德博士的书。,In her childhood,she _ which is called Tarzan and Dr Doolittle.,(2)她受到了极大鼓舞,打算研究动物。,She _ it and _ animals.,came across a book,was greatly inspired by,intended to study,(3),成立了几个组织并发起了一项保护动物的运动让她世界闻名。,(,用动词,ing,形式作主语,),_ have made her famous all over the world.,(4),这就是简,古道尔,由于突出的成绩她获得了许多奖项。,Such _ for her great achievements.,Setting up several organizations and campaigning to protect animals,is Jane Goodall,,,who is awarded many prizes,2,句式升级,(5),用过去分词短语作后置定语改写句,(1),。,In her childhood,,,she came across a book _.,(6),用过去分词短语作状语改写句,(2),。,_,,,Jane intended to study animals.,called Tarzan and Dr Doolittle,Greatly inspired by it,Dr Jane Goodall,,,a famous specialist,,,studies wild animals,,,especially chimps.She is a modest,,,outspoken and considerate woman.,In her childhood,,,she came across a book called,Tarzan,and,Dr,Doolittle,.Greatly inspired by it,,,Jane intended to study animals.At that time,,,women were often looked down on,,,but her mother supported her decision.In the 1960s,,,Jane moved off to Africa to study chimps,,,where she spent over 25 years observing and recording their daily activities and fully understood chimps behaviour.,Setting up several organizations and campaigning to protect animals have made her famous all over the world.In recent years,Jane has delivered speeches all over the world, and at the same time she calls on the young generation to take part in the project “Shoot and Root.,Such is Jane Goodall,awarded many prizes for her great achievements.,


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