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,*,21st Teens for Senior 3,for Senior 3,2015-2016学年度第7期总第564期,Stereotypes sometimes hurtful (P4-5),Women sell online (P2),Letter from home (P6),The Marvel Universe,Iron man,Captain American,Thor,托尔,Spider Man,Wolverine,狼獾,X Men,Ant-Man,Unique features,Stars with problems, or “offbeat characters”,Larger-than-life yet still human,Appeared at a time when Americans needed them,Have,become rooted in,Americans minds,Have become part of “the mythology of the modern age”,Make comparisonswhat the culture sees as its good poits,Greeks,Gods & goddess,Intelligence,Strength,Honor,Americans,Larger-than-life yet still human,Self-determination,May seem silly,Strong and independent,Women sell online (P2),I. Pre-reading,Discuss the following questions with your partner.,Do you think,women enjoy equal rights with men nowadays?,What advantages and disadvantages do women have over men in the workplace?,Read the article and answer the following questions.,1. What does Jack Ma think is,the secret to,the success of Alibaba?,2. Why does Jack Ma think the participation of women is important in business?,II. Reading,He thinks the,participation,of women in the company is the “,secret sauce,” of the company.(Para2),Because he thinks the participation of women makes business,more leisurely, humanized and charming,.,.(Para4),4. What advantages do women have over men in the Internet industry according to Jack Ma?,5. What challenges do women face when they want more than just a small online store according to Louisa Mitchell?,II. Reading,While shopping online, customers expect not just products and services, but also contact with others and memories. “Women are born with intuition,” Ma said. “This new form of economy allows them to bring their nature into play.”,They face certain challenges: questions of ambition, staff and management problems, and access to capital.,3. What role are women playing in the Internet industry?,本句中动词-,ing,短语,shaping ,用作伴随状语,,from the ground up,意为“从头开始,完全地(,from the very beginning; completely)”。,例如:,Weve had to learn a new system from the ground up.,They arent just employees in the Internet industry. Increasingly, theyre reaching,top-level positions,shaping,IT culture,from the ground up,. About 55 percent of Internet businesses have been founded by women.,4. What,advantages,do women,have over,men in the Internet industry according to Jack Ma?,II. Reading,While shopping online, customers expect,not just products and services, but also contact with others and memories,. “,Women are born with intuition,” Ma said. “This new form of economy allows them to,bring their nature into play,.”,.(Para7),短语,bring sth in play,表示“,使发挥作用,调动(积极性)”。,例如:,I changed my job because I want tobringmy English skills intoplay.,我换工作是因为我想充分发挥我的英语技能。,2. The Internet is also an,“,experience-based,”,economy where women,have an advantage over,men.,本句中,where,引导定语从句,修饰先行词,an “experience-based” economy。,短语,have/enjoy an advantage over sb,表示“胜过某人,优于某人”。,例如:,He has/enjoys an unfair advantage over us because of his wealth.,5. What challenges do women face when they want more than just a small online store according to Louisa Mitchell?,6. What advice does Esther Ma give to women?,II. Reading,She advises women to,make better use of,technology to build their businesses and their own names. She thinks women have to,learn how to promote themselves, put themselves out there and,do networking.,.(Paras10-11),They face certain,challenges,: questions of ambition, staff and management problems, and access to capital. .(Para9),Stereotypes sometimes hurtful (P4-5),DCAB?,5. What is the author,s attitude toward stereotypes according to the article?,A. It is difficult to decide which stereotypes are true.,B. We shouldn,t completely believe stereotypes.,C. Stereotypes usually have deep roots and can be relied on.,D. Stereotypes are so bad that they prevent us from understanding the world.,II. Reading,5.,B。,结合文中作者描述的“,ts not that stereotypes are all bad they often show whats unique about a certain culture.”“Stereotypes may be a part of how we all think, but its important not to le them stop us from understanding the complicated world around us. ”,可推知,B,为正确答案,。,A,文中没有提到,,C,后部分“,can be relied on”,不对;,D,项对刻板印象全盘否定,显然与作者观点不符。,III. Language study,Translate the following sentences with the given words or phrases.,1.,很难,解释清楚,什么原因使他如此走红。(,define),2.,不要好高骛远,相反,降低你的,期望值,,树立一些小点的目标。,(,expectation),3.,与其说,他是个老师,,不如说,他更像是个好朋友。(,more,than),4.,现在我们可以,继续,开展我们的工作了。(,carry on),It is,difficult to define,what makes him so popular.,Dont aim too high; instead,lower your expectations,and set smaller goals.,He is,more of,a friend,than,a teacher.,Now we can,carry on,with our work.,1.,Increasingly, theyre reaching top-level positions,shaping,IT culture,from the ground up,.,2. The Internet is also an “experience-based” economy,where,women,have an advantage over,men.,III. Language study,本句中动词-,ing,短语,shaping ,用作伴随状语,,from the ground up,意为“从头开始,完全地(,from the very beginning; completely)”。,例如:,Weve had to learn a new system from the ground up.,本句中,where,引导定语从句,修饰先行词,an “experience-based” economy。,短语,have/enjoy an advantage over sb,表示“胜过某人,优于某人”。例如:,He has/enjoys an unfair advantage over us because of his wealth.,3.,“This new form of economy gives them a chance to,bring,their nature,into play,.”,III. Language study,短语,bring sth in play,表示“使发挥作用,调动(积极性)”。例如:,I changed my job because I want tobringmy English skills intoplay.,我换工作是因为我想充分发挥我的英语技能。,Lives saved with nature,Thanks to,the hard work of great scientists, mankind could,turn nature against itself,.,the Irish William Campbell,the Japanese Satoshi mura,for discovering,avermectin (,阿维菌素,),a drug that kills the parasitic worms (,寄生虫,) that cause,river blindness and lymphatic filariasis (,象皮病,).,Chinese scientist Tu Youyou,for developing,Artemisinin (,青蒿素,),a drug that helps kill the parasite that causes,malaria (,疟疾,).,Avermectin comes from bacteria, but artemisinin comes from plants .,Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease,caused by,parasites,which,attack red blood cells,causing,fever, and sometimes, brain damage and death.,These days, doctors are talking about chances of,wiping,the disease,off Earth,.,All of these achievements,would not,be possible at all,without,the drugs that Campbell, mura and Tu,helped,to discover.,Letter from home (P6),4. From the article, we can conclude that the author is _.,A. humorous B. inspiring,C. serious D. patient,II. Reading,4.,A。,作者多处采用了夸张手法,诙谐幽默,所以,A,正确。,Read the article again and appreciate how the author expresses,his mixed feelings about missing his daughter.,Did you fall off the edge of the Earth?,Well, I am more than curious. I feel abandoned.,Apparently youve dumped,(,抛弃),us for your career.,III. Language study,想念自己的家人或者朋友该怎么表达思念焦虑之情呢?且看作者怎么做的:比如,长时间未见女儿,作者问道,“你是否从地球边缘掉下去了?”又如,文章中间提到自女儿离开之后,发生了很多事情,其中包含“林肯总统遇刺了”你离开的时间简直像历史一样久远。再如:女儿一年级的时候,她每天回家的时候母亲都会这样迎接她:,like youd just returned from a month-long journey to the moon.,让这些句子教会我们用夸张的手法带来诙谐幽默吧。,Study the following sentences:,1. And I was so off my game that I actually used that cholesterol-free mayo your mother insists on buying in an effort to drive me from the house.,2.,But should the urge ever hit you, feel free to stop by some time.,III. Language study,释义:我状态很差以致于你妈妈为了赶我出家门非要让我去买那种不含胆固醇的蛋黄酱,而我竟然还吃了这种酱。,分析,:本句用了,so that ,句型。,That,从句中,your mother insists on ,是定语从句说明了逼着爸爸去买蛋黄酱的原因(,in an effort to,表达了目的)。,释义:但是如果你突然想家,你一定要顺道回家看看。,分析:,should,放在句首为倒装句,相当于,If should 。,例如:,Should you need any help (=if you need any help), you can always phone me at the office.,词组,feel free to ,意思是“请随意,不必拘谨”,例如:,If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me.,EA,(,Early Action,)就是提早申请你最向往的大学,同时允许你提早申请很多你喜欢的大学。,ED,(,Early Decision,)是只能提早申请一所心仪的大学,而且还因为美国大学信息共享,你也不要寄望于投机取巧,一起申请好多学校的,Ed,,哪怕是同时申请,EA,、,ED,两所大学,在,ED,大学看来都是不被接受的,而且你还会上了几乎所有大学的黑名单。,Regular Application,就是正常的申请。,一般来说,EA,(,Early Action,)、,ED,(,Early Decision,)的申请截止时间都是在,11,月,1,日或者是,11,月,15,日,这个申请的时间以你材料基础的邮戳为准,而不是寄送到美国大学的时间。换句话说,你一周之后寄送到美国大学,也都是可以接受的。,Regular Application,截止日期则大多是在,12,月,1,日或者是,12,月,31,日。只要是在这个时间之前,你的材料被寄送出,就全都是合格的申请材料。,


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