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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,雪花,snowflake,剪一剪:窗花的制作,美丽的雪花,需要准备的工具:,平安剪刀,剪纸用的彩纸正方形,铅笔、橡皮擦、尺子,制作工具,具体步骤(一),将纸对折。,将纸再对折。,具体步骤(二),找到直角,把它分成三等份,每份约,30,度。,左右两边都向中间折叠。,(,白色的辅助线是折之前的位置,给大家参考,),30,度,30,度,30,度,具体步骤(三),如下图,把图案画出来。然后剪出来。,A.,把折好的纸反过来。,B.,沿着横线把顶部剪掉。,C.,把图案画出来。,D.,沿着所画的铅笔痕迹把图案剪出来。,放大图,红色的辅助线 :提醒自己不要剪开这个局部,剪一剪:,请同学们根据教师刚刚提示的步骤,画一画、剪一剪,创作一幅与众不同的美丽窗花。,Whats the weather like today,Whats the weather like today,今天天气怎么样?,A: Whats the weather like today B:Its,rain,y,sun,ny,fog,gy,wind,y,cloud,y,snow,y,n. + -,y,= adj.,Its sunny.,I like sunny days.,Its,rainy,.,I dont like rainy days.,Whats the weather like today,Its cloudy.,Whats the weather like today,Its snowy.,Lets act like a weather reporter.,It will be sunny in Xizang tomorrow.,It will be rainy in Zhejiang.,.,It will be .,I,like,windy,days,.,Because,I can fly a kite in windy days.,I like sunny days because I can do many things outside.,注:I like.because.表示“我喜欢因为。这个句子可以用来说明自己为什么喜欢。because用来阐述自己喜欢的理由。,e.g.I like winter because I can make a snowman.,I can go to the park or visit the zoo.,注:I can do sth. 表示我可以能够做某事。can后面要接动词原形。,e.g.I can fly kites on windy days.,I like sunny days.,I can go swimming and bike-riding outside.,I like rainy days.,We can watch TV and eat snacks.,I like snowy days.,We can,have,a snowball fight.,试一试:,Whats the weather like today,How is the weather today,Its sunny /foggy/windy/cloudy/cool.,Whats the temperature today,Its 8C 15C.,A: Whats the weather like today,B: Its,A: Whats the temperature today,B: Its,二、单元学习,1Listen, look, match and talk.,Whats the weather like today,Its windy.,Its sunny.,Its rainy.,Its cloudy.,Its snowy.,Theres a rainbow.,2Listen, read and enjoy.,3Look and match.,Every falling snowflake is different but here two snowflakes are the same. Can you spot which two,4Read, guess, match and learn,.,A low sunset _ fair weather,A high sunset _ rain and/or wind,Grey sky in the morning _ fine weather,Bright yellow sunset _ wind,Red sunset _ fair weather,Dark blue sky _ wind,Light blue sky _ fine weather,When sea birds fly out early in the morning and head for the sea, it means,fair weather with light winds,.When sea birds stay over land or fly inland, it means,stormy weather is on the way,.,5Read and think.,There are six girls running along the beach.,They are the yellow sea, the red sea, the white sea and the black sea.,6Listen, read and answer.,1) What do Ben and Nick like to do,They like to ride a bicycle. (他们喜欢骑自行车。),2) Where did Ben and Nick go yesterday,Ben went to see his aunt Daisy and uncle Fred.,But Dick went to see his grandparents and his cousins.,Ben去看他的婶婶Daisy和叔叔Fred。而Dick去看他的爷爷奶奶还有堂兄妹。,3) Where are they going today,Ben wants to go to the countryside to smell the flowers.,But Nick wants to go to the zoo to see his favorite animals, monkeys and pandas.,Ben想去郊外闻花香。而Dick想去动物园去看他最喜爱的猴子和熊猫。,4) What can you do when you cycle in the country,You can hear the birds singing and get off the bicycle and take a few pictures.,你可以听到鸟儿在歌唱,还可以下车拍几张照片。,7Listen, draw and colour.,There are three balls here.,You can colour the ball which is being played,by the children black and white.,You can colour the ball under the tree green and white.,You can colour the bird on the tree blue.,There are four birds on the roof.,You can colour the two birds on the left red.,You can colour the two birds on,the right yellow.,8Listen, chant and match.,1) I like windy days. We can fly big kites.,I like windy days because we can fly big kites.,2) I like sunny days. We can swim and ride bikes.,I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes.,3) I like rainy days. We can watch TV and eat snacks.,I like rainy days because we can watch TV and eat snacks.,4) I like snowy days. We can have a snowball fight.,I like snowy days because we can have a snowball fight.,A,B,C,D,三、单元小结,1Words.,weather, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy, rainbow, sunny, because, outside, enjoy, soccer, beach, snowflake, sunset, dark, light, mean, along, sea, bicycle, cousin, grandparent, different, Daisy, Fred, Nick.,2. Sentences.,(1) Whats the weather like today,(2) Its sunny.,(3) I like sunny days because I can do many things outside.,(4) I dont like rainy days because its wet outside.,(5) Where are they going today,(6) What can you do when you cycle in the country,


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