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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit6 Whats it like,1.listen, think, ask and answer.,What it like,It looks like a lizard.,像,look like:,看上去像,Whats it like,It looks like a teapot/cat/zebra.,茶壶,octopus,Whats it like,It looks like an octopus/turtle/clock.,章鱼,2. Listen, say and write.,What does it sound like,It sounds like,a dog.,听起来像,What does it sound like,It sounds like,a cow.,3,2,1,11,10,12,7,8,9,4,6,5,3. lets play.,It feels like wool.,What does it feel like,It feels like a dog.,Yes, but what animal does it feel like,It feels like a cat.,One more time, please.,Yes, you are right. Its a cat.,摸起来像,.,羊毛,cheese sandwich,fish sandwich,egg sandwich,vegetable sandwich,chicken sandwich,jam sandwich,5. Read and make.,look like,feel like,sound like,smell like,taste like,It,looks like,a horse.,It,feels like,a piece of paper.,It,sounds like,a bear.,It,smells like,roast duck.,It,tastes like,a piece of meat.,看上去像,摸起来像,听起来像,闻起来像,尝起来像,一张纸,烤鸭,7.listen, ask and answer in pairs.,A: Tom, come here and feel this elephant.,B: Wow, what a big leg!,A: Tom, what does it feel like,B: It feels like a piece of rubber.,A: Oh, come on. Its an elephant.,B: I know.,橡皮,橡胶,2.A: Hi, Mary, come here. Be quiet!,B: it sounds like a snake.,A: Oh, my goodness! Lets run away quickly.,I dont like snakes.,B: Wait, it sounds like a cat now.,A: wheres the cat I like cats.,B: Be careful. It might be a snake again.,留神!,可能,3. A: Hey, Emma, did you smell anything,B: Yes, it smells like a piece of roast beef.,A: It cant be a piece of beef. Oh, my, its a duck.,B: Yes, it smells like roast duck. Yummy.,烘烤的,8. listen, look, read and answer.,Once there was a body. It had many members, Hands, Mouth, Nose, Teeth, Legs, etc. They always did things together. One day Eyes were still sleeping, but Nose smelt something on the table. “Yummy! It smells like roast duck. Just then, Mouth didnt say any words and quickly ate a piece. “Mum, yummy! It tastes like roast chicken.,once:,曾经,;,一次,;,member:,成员,; family member(,家庭成员,);,still:,仍然,;,smelt:,动词,smell(,闻,),的过去式,.,just then:,就在那个时候,;,ate:,动词,eat(,吃,),的过去式,;,Eyes were too sleepy to open, so they asked Hands to touch the food. “What does it feel like asked Nose. Hands washed themselves and touched the food, “It feels like a piece of meat. answered Hands. “It is meat. Is it OK to eat asked Eyes.,tooto:太而不能.,sleepy: 困的;,themselves: 他们自己;,“Ouch, I have a stomach ache. Its terrible! shouted Belly. “I want to use the toilet. He heard something which they didnt like. “The food was bad. It was covered in flies! a woman said. “Yuk, Mouth ate bad food. said Eyes. “He should be more careful next time, or we would all have a hard time!,terrible: 可怕的;,toilet: 厕所;,cover: 覆盖;,


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