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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 9 Visits and Travel,AIMS,Book a hotel room,Welcome visitors and make small talk,Describe business events,Write a letter requesting information,Past time,Past simple 一般过去时,Adjectives,Objectives,Focus,Warming up,9.1 Finding out about hotels,9.2 Talking to a visitor,9.3 Attending business events,Sum-up,Assignment,Objectives,find out the information about hotel.,greet a visitor.,describe business events,Content,9.1 Finding out about hotels,A,Reading,1. Students look at the texts and list the facilities and the service the hotels offer.,Content,Vocabulary,Accommodation,a place for someone to stay, live, or work,住处,膳宿,Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students.,Suitable,having the right qualities for a particular person, purpose, or situation,opposite,unsuitable,Be suitable for,The house is not really suitable for a large family.,suit,transitive v.,1. to be acceptable, suitable or convenient for a particular person or in a particular situation,Theres a range of restaurants to,suit,all tastes .,Red suits you.,District,1. a particular area of a town or country,区域;地方;,ruralrrl农村的,乡下的 /financial/business/theatre etc district,Choice,You,have a choice,- you can stay here on your own or you can come with us.,Choose,He chose his words carefully as he spoke.,executive floor,行政楼层,贵宾楼层单间,Horizon club,地平线俱乐部,Include,包括,Does the price include postage邮费,In addition to,used to add another piece of information to what you have just said,除以外,除之外还,In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a painter.,Efficient,if someone or something is efficient, they work well without wasting time, money, or energy有效率的;有能力的,opposite,inefficient,a very efficient secretary,an efficient use of land,effective,1. successful, and working in the way that was intended有效果的,有作用的,opposite,ineffective,the paintings highly effective use of colour,extensive,1. large in size, amount, or degree,广阔的,Fire has caused extensive damage to the islands forests.,Leisure,li,1. n. (time when you are not working or studying and can relax and do things you enjoy ),空闲时间,Leisure facilities,娱乐设施,Leisure activities,休闲活动,Facility,设施,Storey/story,楼层,locate,1.to find the exact position of something,定位,We couldnt locate the source of the radio signal.,2,be located in/near,etc something,synonym,be situated,The business is located right in the center of town.,doorstep,门阶,Recreation,rkren . 娱乐;消遣;休养,see also hobby, pastime, leisure娱乐,His only recreations are drinking beer and watching football.,recreation facilities 娱乐设施,Outdoor pool,露天游泳池,squash court,壁球场,壁球室,Fitness centre,健身中心,Equip 装备,配备,to provide a person or place with the things that are needed for a particular kind of activity or work,equip somebody/something with something,They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers.,equip somebody for something,使具有配备 ;具有能力,training that will equip you for the job,Fully-equipped gym,设备齐全的健身房,Musictheque,音乐厅,Feature,以为特色,The exhibition features paintings by contemporary artists.,Theme,主题,a range of,一系列的,Embassy,mbsi,大使馆,walking distance,步行距离,shopping complex,购物中心,B. Listening,Jennifer: Im off to Kuala Lumpur for a few days next month. Youve been there recently-can you recommend a hotel,Man: Well, I stayed at the Century Datang last time I was there.,J: Whats it like,M: Its very pleasant. There are excellent recreation facilities- swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts and a fantastic gym.,J: Is there a shopping centre in the hotel,M: No. but the shopping district is only a short walk away.,J: And where is it Is it central,Man: Very-its in the financial and commercial district.,J: What about the Rasa Cinta Ive heard that its very good. What are the business facilities like there,M: Theyre excellent, and service is very efficient. But it can sometimes be difficult to get a room because they often have large conferences there.,J: They both sounds very good; its hard to choose.,Man: There is another hotel that might suit you-are you travelling alone,J: Yes, I am.,Man: Well, why dont you try the Perdana Puteri Theres a special women-only floor there.,J: That sounds a good idea. Is the hotel equipped for business,Man: Yes, it specializes in专营 business travellers 商务旅客and has everything you need.,J: Well, Ill give them a try. Thanks for your help.,ANSWERS:,1. Rasa Cinta,2. Century Datang,3. Perdana Puteri,He recommends the Perdana Puteri because it has a women-only floor.,C. Language,Asking about facilities,What are the business facilities like,Whats the service like,Whats the accommodation like,Is there a shopping centre in the hotel,Is the hotel equipped for business travellers,Is the service good,How to get information about the hotel,asking about facilities,1. What are the business facilities like,Service; recreation facilities; accommodation facilities; shopping facilities,2. Is there a shopping centre in the hotel,A gym; tennis court ; a sauna center photocopiers,3. Is the hotel equipped for business travellers,Rooms/ seminars,Center/sports,Room/video shows,4. where is the hotel located in,Financial center; commercial area; business district,5. Can you recommend a hotel,Conference room; hotel with good service; hotel with a fully range of facilities; comfortable business hotel,How to reserve a room,我想在你们酒店订一个房间,您想住什么样的房间?我们饭店设有单人房、双人房、套房、豪华套房以及总统套房,您想要两张单人床还是双人床,我想预定一间既带淋浴又带浴缸的套件,Id like to reserve/book a room in your hotel,What kind of room would you like We have single rooms, doubleromms, suites, deluxe suites and a Presidential suite.,Would you like twin beds or a double,Id like to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath.,Patterns for rejecting a booking,Im afraid,the hotel is full on these dates.,Im sorry,we,are heavily booked,for that week.,Rooms,are fully occupied,.,I m afraid we,are fully booked,.,Sorry,we have overbooked,我想再延长两个晚上,Id like to,extend,the reservation for another two nights,我想确认、取消预定,Id like to,confirm/cancel a reservation,.,询问房间价格,What is the rate,询问住宿时间,For what dates,For how many nights,答复住宿时间,From.to,April 20th,Room Type,Single room 单人房,Double room 双人房,Triple room 三人间,King size 大床,Presidential suite,总统套房,Standard room,标准间,Superior suite高级套间,Junior suite 普通套间,Business suite,商务套间,Economy room,经济套间,Duplex suite,复式套间,Deluxe suite,豪华套间,themegallery,How to reserve a room,themegallery,(R: receptionist G: guest ),R: Hello, Liuzhou Hotel. May I help you,G: Yes, Id like to book a room.,R: What type of room do you need, sir,G: I just need a single room.,R: For what dates, sir,G: From March 12 to March 15.,R: Ok, a single room for 3 nights, right,G: Yes, what is the rate per night/day,R: The rate is 580 RMB per night.,R: May I have your name and phone number,R: Ok, thank you Mr. Tang, we look forward to seeing you. Good bye!,themegallery,D. Writing,Write a fax to one of the hotels in A to book a room for Jennifer Lee.,9.2 talking to a visitor,A. Discussion,What exactly would you say when,you greet a visitor to your office,Greet in a friendly、pleasant way,A nice smile and friendly eye contact,the style of language,the tone of voice,What impression do you try to give,What impression do you try not to give,I try to be: pleasant, sincere, efficient,nice polite friendly helpful honest reliable confident talkative kind hospitable enthusiastic generous alert intelligent calm skillful optimistic,I try not to be: unfriendly, shy, aggressive,Lazy stupid rude foolish sly tricky selfish,inefficient Indifferent sleepy rude nasty unhelpful clumsy stupid in-cooperative self-centered conservative,Procedure of meeting a person,Introductions and Greetings,Formal ways of greeting at first meeting:,How do you do,Pleased to meet you.,Glad to know you.,Nice to meet you. Good afternoon!,Informal ways of greeting at first meeting:,Hello!,Hi!,Ways of greeting between acquaintances:,Hello!/Hi!,Afternoon/Good afternoon,How are you,How are you doing,How is everything,1)Id like to introduce myself.,Let me introduce myself.,May I introduce myself.,2) I d like you to meet sb,3)May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Li,Let me introduce you to our manager.,Introductions and Greetings,What can you say concerning small talks (visitor),Salary,Age,Marriage,families,Politics,religion,Travel,Did you have a good journey/hows your trip,-It was fine/very smooth. (It was a bit delay./The traffic was terrible.),Is this your first visit to/Have you been here before.,Have you just arrived/when did you actually arrive,Accommodation,Where are you staying,Hows your hotel,-Its very comfortable/ convenient. (The service is excellent),Weather,What do you think of the weather here/How do you find the weather here/how is the weather in your city/What was the weather like in,-Its lovely/warm/sunny/cold/ dismal/windy/wet/rainy.,Drink,Would you like something to drink /Can I get you something to drink,Would you like some coffee or tea,-Coffee would be nice, please.,How do you like your coffee,-Black/white, please,B. Listening,Rufer: Hello,Mr Harris.,Harris: Hello.,R: Nice to see you again! How are you,H: Oh, not too bad, thanks.,R: And did you arrived this morning,H: Yes, by train from Brussels.,R: Did you have a good journey,H: No, not really. The train was late and it was very crowded.,R: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Were you in Brussels on business,H: Yes, I was at a conference. Unfortunately, I didnt have time to look round the city. Next time, perhaps.,R: Yes, Brussels is a very nice city. Now, can I get you anything A cup of coffee,H: Yes, thank you. That would be nice.,Answers,The journey,Mr Harriss trip to Brussels,They have met before.,1. b 2. c 3. a,C. Language focus,Past simple question and answers with to be,Was the train crowded,Yes, it was./ No, it wasnt.,Were you there on business,Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.,Yes we were. / No, we werent.,Past simple questions, short answers and negative statements,Did you have a good journey,Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.,Yes, we did. / No, we didnt.,I didnt have time to look around the city.,I/She/He/ It was,You/ We/ They were,Did you/she/he/they + infinitive,I/You/She/He/It/They/We didnt +infinitive,Answers,1. Did 2. was 3. Were,4. werent 5. wasnt 6. Were,7. wasnt 8. was 9. was,10. was 11. Did 12. didnt have,13. Did 14. did,9.3 Attending the business events,A. Vocabulary and presentation,Seminar semn n. 专题讨论会,研讨班一群人讨论一个主题,尤指大学里课题,Trade fair商品交易会;贸易展销会,Conference 会议,协商持续几天、有共通的利益,Meeting n. 会议;会见;集会聚在一起做决定,Exhibition n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品,Training course培训班;训练课程;实习课,57,answer,+ -,Interesting stressful,Successful terrible,Useful disappointing,Productive tiring,B. Pronunciation,1. 5 words. It was an interesting conference.,2. 6 words. The seminar wasnt very useful.,3. 5 words. It was a terrible meeting.,4. 5 words. The exhibition was disappointing really.,5. 6 words. The fair wasnt very productive.,6. 5 words. The course really successful.,C. Language focus,Answer,1. disappointing, terrible,2. useful, interesting, productive,3. stressful, tiring,4. tiring, stressful,5. useful, interesting, productive,6. useful, interesting, productive,Sentence pattern,How was .,What was like,Did you enjoy .,Was it a good .,D. Listening,1. Man: So what was it like,Sarah: Great! I really enjoy it. Some of the talks were very good and there was an excellent atmosphere. It was a pity it was so short. There simply wasnt enough time to talk to everyone.,M: Did you see Henri Bertillion.,S: Yes, we had lunch together on the last day. He sends his regards and hopes to see you there next time.,M: Thanks. So it was a good week,S: Yes, the only problem was that my hotel was a bit far out though.,M: Oh dear. Where did you stay,2.,Man: Hello, Isobel. How was your day,Isobel: Tiring! There was a lot of interest in our products and our stand was really crowded.,M: So it was successful,I: Oh, yes. And I think we made a lot of good contacts.,M: Really, you must be glad you came.,I: Oh, yes. Definitely.,M: Was your boss pleased,I: He wasnt there!,M: He wasnt there Where was he,I: He was on holiday.,3.,Man: Hello, I see youre back. How was it,Pedro: Well, it was nice to be out of the office for a few days. And the hotel was fantastic. Swimming pool, sauna, everything.,And terrific food.,M: Did you actually learn anything,P: Yes, I think so.,M: So you speak fluent English now,P: Well, not quite. But I learn a lot. In fact, I think Ill go again next year.,Answer,Isobel 2,6,8,Pedro 4,7,9,Sarah 1,3,5,


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