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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Homework:,背诵P65 第7局部的歌曲,人物关系词熟背,Unit11,单元复习,Ive got a friend here.,Hello!/Hi/ Good morning/afternoon/ evening!,How do you do! Nice to meet you.,Take a seat.,Ill be down in a minute.,Make yourself at home.,Is that your grandma,、,grandpa,?,Yes, she is./No, she isnt.,She/He/It is .+,动词,ing,形式,她,/,他,/,它正在做,3 Pronunciation.,字母组合oo在单词中既可以读长元音 ,也可以读短元音 。,读长元音 时,嘴巴扁平,发长音。,读短元音 时,嘴巴扁平,发短音。,让我们做朋友吧!,一、单元要点,1知识概述,1能进一步和同学之间成为好朋友。,2学习和掌握相关句型。,3学习字母组合sh的发音 。,4能初步描述自己的朋友。,5学习有关朋友的诗歌及歌曲。,Whats your hobby,你的爱好是什么?,I like Bike-rid,ing,我 喜欢 骑自行车,Whats your hobby,? 你的爱好是什么?,I like+,动词,-ing.,我喜欢,I like bike-riding.,我喜欢骑自行车。,I like swimming.,我喜欢游泳。,动词-ing形式的构成:,1一般情况在动词原形后加-ing。,e.g.readreadingdrawdrawingwatchwatchingeateating,2以不发音的-e结尾的动词,要去掉e再加-ing。,e.g.rideridingskateskatingwritewritingdancedancing,3以重读闭音节结尾的词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母后再加-ing。,e.g.shopshoppingswimswimming,I like talk,ing,with my friends.,我喜欢和朋友们交谈。,I like going shopp,ing,我喜欢去购物。,I like wear,ing,a red dress.,我喜欢 穿 红裙子。,I like,playing football.,I like swi,mm,ing.,Swimming is good.,我喜欢游泳。,游泳非常棒。,I like fly,ing,a kite.,我喜欢,放风筝。,I like draw,ing.,我喜欢画画。,I like,watch,ing,TV,.,I like roller-skat,ing.,rulskeiti,我喜欢溜冰。,I like climbing trees.,klaimi,我喜欢爬树。,I like listen,ing,to music.,我喜欢听音乐。,I like help,ing,my mum.,我喜欢帮助我的妈妈。,What do you like doing?,你喜欢做什么?,Whats your hobby?,你的爱好是什么?,答复:“I like+动词-ing,表示“我喜欢做。,What does A like doing,?,A likes flying a kite.,What does B like doing,?,B likes bike-riding.,What does C like doing,?,C likes going shopping.,What does D like doing,?,D likes singing.,E likes wearing a red dress.,F likes swimming.,G likes writing.,H likes sleeping.,I likes drawing.,J likes watching TV.,K likes eating ice cream.,L likes playing computer games.,M likes listening to music.,N likes playing soccer.,O likes roller-skating.,P&V like talking with friends.,Q likes drinking juice.,R likes climbing trees.,S likes dancing.,T likes reading books.,U likes helping mum.,What do you like doing,?,Tick the right letters.,2,单元重点词汇,2Study pronunciation.,字母组合,sh,在单词中发 的音,发 时,双唇收圆略微突出舌头微微上卷,舌尖接近上齿。,sheep,shelf,shirt,shoe,sh,绵羊,书架,衬衫,鞋子,shop,shop,shorts,shoulder,商店,短裤,肩膀,shower,淋浴,often,经常,together,一起,4、排队Game,The more we get together,together, together,the more we get together,the happier well be.,For your friends are my friends,and my friends are your friends.,The more we get together,the happier well be.,6Lets guess. What is it Its a.,答案:,bear, cup, car, door, pencil, boy,watch, girl, book, TV, bike,bed, woman, glasses, giraffe, burger.,Friends come and friends go.,Friends are old and friends are new.,Friends can be good and friends can be cool.,Friends can be happy and friends can be helpful,.,朋友 来 和 朋友 走。,老朋友 和 新朋友。,朋友可以是 很好的朋友和 朋友可以很冷的朋友。,朋友可以是很快乐的朋友和朋友可以是有益的朋友。,8Look and write. Look at the pictures. Look at the letters and write the words.,答案:,drinking, swimming, singing,reading,,,sleeping, drawing,drinking 喝饮料,swimming 游泳,singing 唱歌,reading 读书,sleeping 睡觉,drawing 画画,9Listen, look and read.,答案:,friend, toys, reading, animals, dog, book.,三、单元小结,下次默写P72 第8局部单词,背诵P92 第9题,熟唱 twinkle twinkle little star,Homework,


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