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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,review for 1- 12,Run and sit !,reading first,Whats your name,Im.,How old are you,Im ,How are you,m find , thank you .,hes name, shes name,教师,小组, 自由组合。,reading first unit 2 3,Whats missing,in,on,under,next to,1.,单车在电脑旁边。,2.,球在桌子上面。,3.,我在你旁边。,4.,猫在厨房里面。,5.,鱼在凳子旁边。,6.,裤子在裙子上面。,7.,巧克力在蛋糕里面。,Translate,The clock in on the table.,beautiful,ugly,happy,sad,young,old,long,short,big,small,clean,drity,clean,long,big,shirt,dirty,small,short,small,dirty,long,big,short,反义词,Learn the action and guess !,long happy clean old,young sad,big beautiful small,ugly dirty short,animal review ! !,cat,dog,bird,fish,mouse,horse,monkey,猴子,giraffe,长颈鹿,hippo,河马,snake,蛇,tiger,老虎,elephant,大象,crocodile,鳄鱼,simon says , single train, flash card , everybody find the word!,Block game !,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛,比比谁最快,red,table,ball,doll,eraser,white,cupboard,yellow,sister,father,shelf,bike,bule,book,chair,blask,mother,Run and get the card,page 35,盲人摸象,page 35,, 第一个练习,13-14,I have/havent got.,She/He has/hasnt,got .,She/He hasnt got .,rise you hand to answer.,Have you got .,Yes I have.,No, I havent.,Find the people !,Picture talking,Picture talking,play,ride,football,tennis,the,piano,basketball,the,guitar,a,bike,swim,弹钢琴,打网球,踢足球,打篮球,弹吉他,解释,play,的运用跟简单解释冠词,游泳,骑单车,I CAN,i CANT,lead a read first .,fly drive ride walk,driving,驾驶,riding,骑,walking,走路,flying,飞,make note, SIMON SAYS , small train learn the action,sitting,reading,listening,playing,drawing,colouring,Can you hear me,translation and catch you.,1. Im driving my car.,2. Im flying my plane.,3. Im riding a house.,4.,Im driving a train .,5.,Im driving a bus .,6.,Im riding a motorbike .,我正在开车。,我正在开飞机。,我正在骑马。,我正在开火车。,我正在公车 。,我正骑摩托车 。,Build the sentence !,1.,她正在客厅吃鱼。,2.,他正在卧室开公车。3,.,她正在厨房飞。,4.,他正在走廊读书。,5.,她正在洗澡房游泳。,6.,她正在卧室踩单车。,7.,他正在厨房飞。,.,Translate,Lead a read in page 67 first .,What is missing . Can you hear me .,I like / I dont like. .,apples.,bananas,chocolates,cakes,oranges,ice cream,fish,oranges,cats,dogs,computer,books,教师说。 对举手,错放手。,Do you like banana,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,组合对话。,reading1,MASKMAN:,Apple, apple. Banana, banana.,TREVOR:,Orange and cake. Orange and cake.,MONTY:,Marie! Come and do the food train with us!,MARIE:,OK!,MONTY:,Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate.,MARIE:,BURGER!,MARIE:,STOP,EVERYBODY!,TREVOR:,Oooops!,MASKMAN:,Ooooh,er!,MONTY:,Eeeek! Help!,MARIE:,But I dont like burgers.,MASKMAN:,And I dont like apples or bananas.,Montys got my ice cream and chocolate.,MONTY:,But I dont like ice cream and chocolate.,My favouriate foods cake.,MARIE: Yuk!I like apples and bananas.,TREVOR: Listen! I know! Can we chant our favouriate food,MASKMAN, MONTY AND,MARIE: Yes! OK! Lets chant our favouriate food.,MASKMAN: Hah! Now Ive got the ice cream and chocolate.,MARIE:,Apple, apple. Banana, banana.,MONTY:,Orange and cake. Orange and cake.,MASKMAN:,Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate.,Story time and finish the paper,!,


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