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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,BECV,Module Two,BEC Vantage,Contents,Section A,Section B,Section C,2.1 Business topic:,Company benefits,_,_,_,2.2 Business skills:,Presenting your company,2.3Exam spotlight:,Reading Test: Part Five,2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives,2.1 Reading: Is working for Xerox too good to be true,2.1 Vocabulary: Expressions with,take,2.1 Speaking: Asking questions about jobs,2.1 Grammar: The past,2.1 Writing: A letter of application,Business Topic,WO,R,D,S,1.,benefits n.,2. incentive n.,3.,job title,n.,4. pension,5. flexible working hours,6.,parental leave,7.,days off,8.,too good to be true,9. client service executive,10.,take with a pinch of salt,福利,奖励,职衔;职位;头衔,养老金,弹性工作时间;灵活的工作时间,父母假;育儿假,几天短假,好得令人难以置信,客户效劳主管,对将信将疑,2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives,Useful Words and Expressions,WO,R,D,S,11. old and,established,12. resources director,13. qualification n,.,14. temp n.,15. incumbent programme,16. promote from within,17. take on,18. intake n.,19. head office n.,20. brainstorming n.,Useful Words and Expressions,历史悠久,人力资源部经理,资格,临时员工,在职员工培训课程,提拔内部员工,承受,招聘,从外部吸纳招收的员工,总部,总公司,头脑风暴,集思广益,WO,R,D,S,31. encompass vt.,32. sales and marketing,33. research and development and manufacturing,34. perk n.,35. final salary pension scheme,36. budget n.,37. non-cash reward,38. once-in-a-lifetime adj.,39. career goal,40. senior management,包括,包含,销售和市场营销,研发和生产,好处;额外津贴;外快,按最终薪水给付的养老金方案,预算,非现金形式的奖赏,千载难逢的,令人难忘的,职业目标,高层管理人员,Useful Words and Expressions,About,Xerox,Xerox is one of the Fortune 500 dealing in office equipment.,:/ xerox /about-xerox/enus.html,BR3.1,Uxbridge,Uxbridge,is,a large suburban town in northwest London, England and the administrative headquarters of the London Borough of Hillingdon.,Background Information,Company Benefits include-,Legally Required Benefits,Retirement-related Benefits,Insurance Related Benefits,Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations,Other Benefits and incentives,an impressive job title,training and staff development,a good salary - a pension,flexible working hours,opportunities to travel,opportunities for promotion - parental leave,days off and long holidays - a company car,Work in pairs, Compare your lists and give reasons for your answers.,Exercise 1: What is important when choosing a job? Rank the following in order of importance from 1 to 10.,2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives,Tip:在口语测试的第二局部,考生需要作一分钟的陈述,假设题目是What is important when choosing a job考生可以利用练习1中列举的要点来作答。,Exercise 2: Listen to five short recordings. Which of the benefits and incentives does the article mention for employees at Xerox?,2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives,1 a company car。答案信息在my wife use the one at home and we even take mine away at weekends,后面还补充“they dont seem to mind how I use it。,2 flexible working hours。答案信息在can do a half day, might work later, take work home,都是关于各种灵活的工作方式。,Key and Analysis,3,parental leave。,答案信息在only two weeks, to help my wife out, late nights and crying。,4,an impressive job title。,答案信息在promoted to chief administrator, new business cards with my name on。,5,a pension。,答案信息在I wont have enough to live on when Im 60 and I cant afford a private plan.,Key and Analysis,Exercise 3 Read the article about Xerox on page 17.,What benefits and incentives does the article mention for employees at Xerox,Reading 2.1,1 training and staff development员工培训和开展的时机。答案信息在文中第二段it has supported me through qualifications,I took part in the vice-president incumbent programme。,2 opportunities for promotion提拔和升迁的时机。答案信息在文中第三段promoting from within。,Key and Analysis,3 a pension养老金)。答案信息在文中第八段a final-salary pension scheme。,4 a reward and recognition scheme 奖赏和认可方案。答案信息在文中第八段a budget every year to recognize and reward staff。,Key and Analysis,Exercise 4. Choose the best answer, A, B or C for questions 1-5 about the Xerox article.,Tip:,该局部主要测试考生对文章大意和某一特定意义的理解。真实考试中要求考生阅读一篇文章后完成六道选择题,每道选择题有四个选择项。考生要先快速通读文章,然后读懂选择题,在文章中找到与其中一个选项意义一样或相近的答案。考生必须读懂文章蕴涵的意思。一般来说,考生可以按顺序在文章中找到有助于答复以下问题的相关句子。,Reading 2.1,1 B。第一段引用了员工的赞美之后,第二段中评价道:But there is truth behind her enthusiasm,说明施乐员工对公司福利的赞美不是一时兴起,而是有事实根据的。,2 A。关键信息在第四段 the company has a policy of promoting from within。,Key and Analysis,3 C。关键信息在much of Moloneys role is visiting clients, so she doesnt have a permanent desk at head office 。,4 B。关键信息在Perks include a final-salary pension scheme and various discount schemes。,5 C。关键信息在amazed at the number of people who have worked here for so long,her colleagues longevity等。,Key and Analysis,5 There are six expressions in the article with the word,take,. Find them and match them to these meanings.,题解:,take 和不同的词语组合成动词词组,能形成意思丰富的表达法。常见的有:take after与相像 ;take down 记下;to be taken for被误认为;take off打折;take on承担 ;take for granted认为 理所当然,2.1 Vocabulary: Expressions with take,1 Work in pairs. Use the prompts to ask questions 1 to 6 about working for Xerox. Look back at the article on the previous page to help.,练习中已经给出了关键词,提问时加上代词、副词、助词、系动词、介词等组成语法正确的完整句子即可。,Key Points,4 Complete the information about Xerox and one of its employees by underlining the correct verb form.,2.1 Grammar: The past,1 The company has existed since 1906 but in fact Xerox began as the Haloid Company.,Exist在本句中描述从过去某一时间点1906年延续到现在的状况,因此用现在完成时has existed。Begin在句子中表示的是过去某一时间点的动作,因此用一般过去时began。,2 It then trademarked the Xerox in 1948 and eventually became the Xerox corporation in 1961. 这里两个动词分别表示过去某个时间点1948年和1961年的动作,因此用一般过去时。,2.1 Grammar: The past,Key Points,3 has been with the company since 1978 and she has been working as the group resources director for the last seven years.,本句先是指过去某一时间点1978年延续到现在的状况,故用现在完成时has been;for the last seven years指的是过去一个时间点直到现在仍在延续进展的动作,故用现在完成进展时has been working。,4 Last year I took part in the programme. 本句表示的是过去某一时间点 last year的动作,故用一般过去时took。,2.1 Grammar: The past,5 Read this application for a job. Write the verb in brackets in the past simple, present perfect or present perfect continuous.,2.1 Grammar: The past,1 have been working 表示过去两年开场,现在还在延续进展的工作,因此用现在完成进展时。,2 joined 表示过去一个时间点2007年参加的,因此用一般过去时。,3 have had 表示与过去某一时间点since then有关的延续到现在的状况,因此用现在完成时。,4 have been considering 表示过去几个月前开场for a number of months,现在还一直在延续进展的考虑,因此用现在完成进展时。,2.1 Grammar: The past,Key Points,5 has expanded/ has been expanding 如果是已经完成的拓展,可以用前者“现在完成时,如果还在拓展之中,那么用后者“现在完成进展时。,6 completed in 2006 表示过去一个时间点2006年的动作,用一般过去时。,7 have been studying 表示过去开场,现在还一直在延续进展的学习my current MBA,因此用现在完成进展时。,8 has agreed 表示目前已经同意,用现在完成时。,2.1 Grammar: The past,A letter of application求职信,写求职信的目的是争取面试时机,使对方相信你是值得考虑的人选。建议:,1. 简要表达为何对所应聘的工作感兴趣。,2. 告知对方招聘信息获取的来源。,3. 告诉对方你的教育背景、工作经历,个人兴趣爱好等。如果是应届生,可告知其相关实践经历。,4. 提供个人资料,如年龄、婚姻情况、兴趣、种族、所参与的团体活动等。,Background Information,2.1 Writing,5必要的话提供两三个推荐人的姓名及其 号码。最好是前雇主或以前的教师。,6表示你很想获得面试时机,如果面试的时间有所限制,也须于信中说明,但不要限制得太紧。,7措词要礼貌,但不要过分谦卑或拐弯抹角。表达尽量显得客观,不要过于自夸。,8. 以上内容可根据实际情况进展增删。,Background Information,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,Tips:,求职信常用的句式表达如下:,1.Beginning,With reference to your advertisement in (newspaper ) of May 2 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post.,In reply to your advertisement in todays (newspaper) for an accountant, I am writing to apply for the post.,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,2. Introducing oneself: about age and experience:,I have had 5 years experience with a company as a salesman.,3About Personal Ability,I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language.,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,4 About Enclosure,Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.,5About salary,I am quite willing to start with a small salary.,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,6Reasons for leaving,My reason for leaving my present employment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.,7Ending: Request for an interview,If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.,6 Read this advert for a job. You would like to apply for it and have written some notes about your experience. Use the handwritten notes to write a letter of application (120-140 words ) similar to the one in exercise 5 above.,Tip:,本练习的形式与写作考试的第二局部相似:给定一篇文章,还有一些手写的笔记。建议划出重点信息,确保写作时包含所有的笔记信息,且将字数控制在规定范围内。,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,What do you know about Rome,Rome,Discussion,BR3.1,Rome,Rome is the capital of Italy and the countrys largest and most populated municipality (central area), with over 2.7 million residents in 1285.3 km2 . 图片来自: :/image.baidu,1 Dear Sir or Madam 信首的称呼语,一般用于正式信件中,收信人的姓名不确定时。如果收信人的名字确定,在正式的商务信函中一般称呼对方Dear Mr.或Dear Ms.,而不直呼其名以显示文体的正式性,表示收信人的姓。,2 I saw your advert for the post 。这是求职应聘信的开场语,一般要说明在哪里看见该广告,是关于什么职位的招聘。,3 I would like to apply for 表示自己应聘某个职位的意愿。不能用I want to apply for,语气显得太生硬。,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,Key Points,4 attached CV 所附的履历。Attached指附在信中的;CV为Curriculum Vitae的缩写形式 。,5 work for a travel agency 为一家旅行社工作,6 work as a receptionist and secretary 当接待员和秘书,7 Please note that 是一种常用的句型,用于提醒收信人注意的事项。That 后面往往跟一个从句,例如:Please note that the receipt is enclosed in the letter.,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,8 I look forward to hearing from you. 这是信件结尾常用的表达法,注意to 后面跟的是动名词hearing。,9 Yours faithfully “谨上。在正式的商务信函中,一般要写上姓名,不能单单使用名字,更不能用昵称。,2.1 Writing: A Letter of Application,2.2 Vocabulary: Company terms,2.2 Listening: Presentations,2.2 Pronunciation: Pausing, intonation and stress,2.2 Speaking: Giving a presentation,2.2 Writing: A memo,Business Skills,WO,R,D,S,1.,distribution centre,2. warehouse n.,3. holding company,4.call centre,5. plant n.,6. headquarter n.,7. subsidiary n.,8.branch n.,9. corporation n.,配送中心,仓库,控股公司,呼叫中心、 中心,工厂;成套设备,总部,子公司,分公司,公司;法人,2.2 Vocabulary: Company Terms,Useful Words and Expressions,WO,R,D,S,10.,division n.,11. turnover n.,12.document management n.,13. innovative technology n.,14. chart n.,15. revenue n.,16. research and development,17. mission statement,18. fact sheet,部门分支,营业额,销售量,资料管理;文档管理,创新技术,图表,收入,收益,研制和开发,研发,宗旨宣言,目标宣言,情况说明书,2.2 Vocabulary: Company Terms,Useful words and expressions,The art of presenting your company,介绍公司的艺术,向投资者、合伙人、顾客或未来的员工等介绍你的公司,是公司通向成功的关键一步most critical doorway to business success。,当你站在报告间开场侃侃而谈的一刻,听众的感受将决定将来是否进一步与贵公司合作move forward with you to the next stage。如果无法激发听众的兴趣,你就没有时机进一步介绍贵公司的细节。,Background Information,2.2 Vocabulary: Company Terms,介绍公司时要言简意赅,夹带幽默,切忌让观众感到一头雾水,硬着头皮听完报告。听众注重的不是公司曾经如何辉煌,而是他们是否能够通过与贵公司合作获得利益。不要让幻灯片的内容和顺序主宰你的介绍,要观察听众的反映,多和他们进展目光接触。,其次,语气要真诚,这样才能与听众取得有效交流。如能应用一些技巧,就能收到更好的效果。例如,调整语速、改变语调、音量等,防止自始至终语调平淡乏味。,此外,必要时可使用一些肢体语言physical gestures来吸引观众的注意力to keep your audience focused on you。,2.2 Vocabulary: Company Terms,Background Information,2.2 Listening: Presentations,2. Listen to three extracts from a presentation about Xerox which of the words in exercise 1 does the speaker mention when he talks about the Xerox Corporation?.,3. Can you say all the following figures from the key facts about the Xerox Corporation?,4. Can you say all the following figures from the key facts about the Xerox Corporation?,Tip:,数字如果没有单位,就是毫无意义的,所以在听的时候要注意数字所带的单位或所指的事实。,2.2 Listening: Presentations,Tips:,报告首先要有一个明确的总标题。,报告要分成若干个清晰的部分。每个部分要有一个合适的小标题。首先是Introduction(介绍报告),然后是Findings(调查结果),接着是conclusion(结论),最后是Recommendations(建议),报告中尽可能使用标准的句式,并使用一些连接词来实现过渡。,5 The presenter follows this traditional three-part structure for a presentation. (P. 21),2.2 Listening: Presentations,报告各主要局部常用的句式有:,Introduction:,The aim/ purpose of this report is to ,This report aims to,This report sets out to,Findings:,It was found that, clearly show(s) that,Conclusion(s) :,It was concluded/ decided/ agreed/ felt that,No conclusions were reached regarding the,In conclusion,Recommendation(s):,We would recommend that,It is recommended/ proposed/ suggested that,根据不同的目的,报告中常用的词组有:,Adding ideas:,Furthermore/ Moreover/ In addition,Contrasting ideas:,However ; Although ; Despite/ In spite of ; while/ whereas,Making comparisons:,Both/ Neither ; Like/ Unlike,Linking cause and effect:,because of/ as a result of/ due to/ owing to; This means ; leads to/ results in ,1 Create your dream company. Complete the first column of the table with key facts about your company.,2 Now prepare a short three-part presentation for your partner.,3 For your next lesson, prepare a full-length presentation about a company you know well.,Tip:,To help prepare, record yourself giving the presentation and listen to yourself afterwards. Is it clear? Do you use pauses effectively?,2.2 Listening: Presentations,Exam Success,When you,write a memo in the BEC Vantage,exam, ask yourself these questions 1-5 before,you start writing. The answers will either be in,the question or you will need to invent them.,4 A manager has sent this memo. Answer the following:,1 Who is the memo to?,2 Who will be interested in the information?,3 What has happened?,4 What is happening as a result?,5 What action is needed?,2.2 Writing: A memo,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,2.3 Writing Test: Part One,Exam Spotlight,Exam Format,Three are five parts to the Reading Test. In this Exam spotlight you will look at Part Five. It is always a short text of about 150-200 words. You have to identify incorrect extra words in the sentences in the text.,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,Exam Practice,1 Here are some words from this kind of test. Categorise them in the table below.,Tip:,该题归纳了各种可能成为多余词的词性,在考试当中这些词性的词成为多余词的出现率很高。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,2 Work in pairs. Think of more words to add to the table.,Tip:,学生结对练习之后,不同组别的学生可以交流答案,学生也可以查阅较好的词典,在选定单词之前确认一下词性。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,3 Now answer the exam questions. Read the whole text first before trying to answer. There are usually three or four correct lines.,Key Points,1 Between home and the work, I always stop to pick up a morning espresso. 每天早晨从家里到上班的路上,我总是会顺便喝上一杯意式咖啡。,pick up捎上,带上,这里指“顺便喝上。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,Key Points,2 It depends as much on the person,Behind the counter as the coffee in,the cup. 不仅杯中的咖啡,柜台后面的,效劳员也同样决定咖啡口味的变化。,depend on 依而定。,3 to have just got off an enjoyable ride 刚刚完毕了一次愉快的车程。,4 Instead of text on your visual aids, use graphics, flowcharts and visual images. 在使用影像设备时,不要使用文本,改用图解、流程表和一些视觉图像。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,5 Personalise them with corporate colours, images and logos. 用公司的标志性颜色、图像和标识给它们添上个性化的色彩。,personalise with 根据特点来定制,使之带上个性化色彩。,6 And that little personal touch just like the right amount of sugar in your espresso. 而那微妙的个性化元素,就像那参加意式咖啡中的砂糖一样,不多不少。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,Key and Analysis:,1 WILL,even if I go back even if 表示对将来的假设,后面跟动词的一般时。,2 OF,my usual tastes of a little different from one day to the next原句没有谓语,应该把of改为is使句子完整。,3 WHO,the person behind the counter,如果要在person后加who,表达要变成the person who is behind the counter,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,4 IN,the difference between and 是固定搭配,这里between前面不能加in。,5 DO,how 引导的宾语从句是陈述句语序,不用助动词do。,6 CORRECT,7TO,all great presenters do, 表示一般状态下经常做的事情,用动词的一般现在时。,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,8 AND,lead your audience along the way 中,不能把连词and 插在audience和along两个词性不同的词之间。,9 CORRECT,10 TAKE,instead of 是固定搭配,中间插入take是错误的。,11 FOR,personalise是及物动词,后面不能跟for。,12 CORRECT,2.3 Reading Test: Part Five,Exam Format,Three are two parts to the Writing Test. In part one you must write an internal communication such as a note, message, memo or email of around 40-50 words.,2.3 Writing Test: Part One,Exam Practice,You are a seminar organizer. You want to check details for an event next week with your two assistants. Write an email to your staff. Write,40-50,words., Say which rooms you have booked for the event., Ask them to confirm the schedule with security, Explain that one participant will be late.,2.3 Writing Test: Part One,Exam Success,Before you try to answer, always find out first:,What is my role in the scenario (eg manager, trainer, assistant),What type of internal communication is it (eg email, note),Who is the communication to,What are the three pieces of information that MUST be included in the answer,2.3 Writing Test: Part One,Exam Self-check:,Did he/she:,-include the three pieces of information in the question,-write 40-50 words,Learning Tip,A good way to learn is to swap your written work with a partner. Check each others work. For this question, say what you like about your partners answer and use the exam checklist below.,2.3 Writing Test: Part One,themegallery,LOGO,69,The End of Module 2,


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