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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Practice,Production,Unit 8,Modal Verb can,情态动词,can,Presentation,Warm up,Warm up,Who can swim / run fast/ fly / dance/ sing / paint,I / He / She / (Animals) can,can,表达一种能力,会、能做什么事情。,今天我们来学习情态动词。,Presentation,Look and Say,Presentation,Sentences,Penguins can swim fast.,Penguins cant fly.,Can penguins skip No, it cant.,What can penguins do,Which animal can swim fast and walk slowly,读一读以下句子,请圈出以下句子中的情态动词,Presentation,Sentences,Hippos can kill people with their big mouth and huge teeth.,Hippos cant fly and walk., Can hippos hide under water, Yes, it can.,What can hippos do,Which animal can swim slowly and run very fast,Presentation,Sentences,Ostrich can run very fast.,Ostrich cant fly., Can ostrich swim No, it cant.,What can ostrich do,Parrots can repeat words very well.,Parrots cant swim.,Can parrots hear very well,What can parrots do,Presentation,Sentences,Bats can sleep during the day and fly during the night.,Bats cant swim.,Can bats make special sounds,What can bats do,Cows can give us milk.,Cows cant run fast.,Can cows give us beef,What can cows do,Presentation,Sentences,Koalas and polar bears can climb fast and swim fast.,Koalas and polar bears cant fly., Can koalas and polar bears eat fish and plants, Yes, they can.,What can koalas and polar bears do,Dolphins can jump high and do tricks.,Dolphins cant fly., Can dolphins see well and make lots of sounds, Yes, they can.,What can dolphins do,Presentation,Sentences,肯定句:主语+can +动词原形+其他,I can dance. 我会跳舞。,2. 否认句:主语+cant+动词原形+其他,I cant dance. 我不会跳舞。,3. 一般疑问句及答复:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?, Can you dance 你会跳舞吗?, Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。,4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can +主语+动词原形+其他?,What can you do 你会做什么?,can,其他的用法,Presentation,Sentences,读一读以下句子,请圈出以下句子中的情态动词,Can I come in 我可以进来吗?,Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。,Can I have some sweets 我可以吃些糖果吗?,Yes, you can, and you can have some cakes.,是的,可以。而且你还可以吃些蛋糕。,can在句子中表示允许,意为“可以 ,在口语中可以代替may。,Presentation,Sentences,Can you please lend me your car,你能借给我你的车用用吗?,Could you help me with my English,你能帮助我学英语吗?,can在句中表示请求,常用于“Can/Could you句式。can的过去式could用于现在时,可是语气更委婉,更客气。,Presentation,Sentences,He cant be at home. 他不可能在家。,Can he come here today, please,请问他今天能来这里吗?,can在句中表示可能,常用于否认句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。,Practice,Oral Practice,The little boy can read books in English.,一般疑问句:,肯定答复:,否认答复:,否认句:,变换句型,Can the little boy read books in English,Yes, he can.,No, he cant.,The little boy cant read books in English.,Practice,Oral Practice,I can ride a horse.,一般疑问句:,肯定答复: 否认答复:,否认句:,It can fly.,一般疑问句:,肯定答复: 否认答复:,否认句:,Can you ride a horse,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,I cant ride a horse.,Can it fly,Yes, it can.,No, it cant.,It cant fly.,Practice,Oral Practice,They can play soccer.,一般疑问句:,肯定答复: 否认答复:,否认句:,We can play the piano.,一般疑问句:,肯定答复: 否认答复:,否认句:,Can they play soccer,Yes, they can.,No, they cant.,They cant play soccer.,Can you play the piano,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,We cant play the piano.,Practice,Oral Practice,We can,play the piano,. (,就划线处提问,),They can play soccer,on the playground,. (,就划线处提问,),I can ride a horse,in the morning,.,就,(,划线处提问,),It can,fly,. (,就划线处提问,),What can you do,When can they ride a horse,Where can they play soccer,What can it do,汉译英:,表示能力体力、知识、技能,Practice,Oral Practice,你能举起这个重的箱子吗?,_ you _ this heavy box,Mary能说三种语言。,Mary _ _ three languages.,他们会溜冰吗?,_ they skate,Can carry,can speak,Can,Practice,Oral Practice,表示请求和许可:,我现在可以走了吗?,是的,可以。 不,不可以。,_ I go now, Yes, you _., No, you _.,表示客观可能性:,Lucy,不可能在教室里面。,Lucy _ be in the classroom.,Can,can,cant,cant,Practice,Oral Practice,表示惊讶、疑心,用于疑问或否认句中。,这可能是真的吗?,_ it be true,他不可能超过60岁。,He _ be over 60.,Can,cant,Practice,Oral Practice, Can / Cant he speak Japanese, Yes, he can / cant, but not well., Can / Cant I use your phone, Sure, here it is., I am tired. Can / Cant I sit down,Do you know whose pencil it is It can / cant be Teds. His pencil is red.,圈出正确的情态动词,并朗读,Practice,Exercise 1,Practice,Exercise 2,Birds can fly very high.,Practice,Exercise 3,cant,Practice,Exercise 4,Can you wash the dishes,Practice,Exercise 1,Practice,Exercise 2,Birds can fly very high.,Ducks can not fly very far.,Can cats eat lots of bones,Alligators can swim in cold water.,Who can juggle,?,Practice,Exercise 3,cant,Can,Can,cant,cant,Practice,Exercise 4,Can you wash the dishes,Mary cant sweep the floor.,What can Jim and Jack do,Yes, he can.,My grandmother cant bake cookies.,Practice,小结,Practice,小结,Production Grammar Show,Production,小升初真枪实练,( ) 1. My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where _ I have,put it,A. can B. must C. should D. would,( ) 2. Is Jack on duty today, It _ be him. Its his turn tomorrow.,A. mustnt B. wont C. cant D. neednt,A,C,Production Quiz,Production Quiz,


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