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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,八年级下册,Module,1,Feelings and impressions,Unit 1,That smells delicious!,它闻起来香!,Lets learn some new words.,Words and expressions,/sm,e,l/,/s,ft/,/s,a,/,/k,k,/,/m/,/p,i:,ts,/,/l,vl,/,/d,n/,/tr,a,/,have a try,/p,a,/,sm,e,ll,v.,有,的气味;闻;气味,(,n.,),s,o,ft,adj.,软的;柔软的,s,our,adj.,酸的;馊的,n.,小甜饼;曲奇饼,p,i,zz,a,n.,比萨饼,l,o,vel,y,adj. 令人愉快的;得意的,adj.,做完的,tr,y,n.,尝试;努力,尝一尝;试试看,n.,馅饼;派,d,o,ne,p,ie,c,oo,k,ie,mm,cookie,s,呣表示味道好,pie,s,hard,Words and expressions,/s,a,nd/,/sw,i:,t/t,u:,/,/s,:,lt/,/d,m/,/f,/,/f,e,v,r,t/,/,/,/gl,:,s,z/,/d,i:,nz/,/n,:,v,s/,/f,e,/,s,ou,nd,v.,听起来;令人觉得,sw,ee,t t,oo,th,对甜食的爱好,s,a,lt,n.,盐;食盐,n.,果酱,f,a,v,ou,r,i,te,n.,最喜欢的人或事,ear,n.,耳朵,n.,眼镜,n,er,v,ou,s,n.,牛仔裤,adj.,情绪不安的;紧张的,adj.,金色的,浅褐色的,gl,a,ss,e,s,f,air,j,a,m,f,or,j,ea,ns,prep.用于;表示持续时间达,ear,s,Words and expressions,/pr,t,/,/pr,a,d/,be proud of,/str,e,nd,/,/m,e,s,d/,sb. cant wait,to do sth.,/h,b,/,at school,/,n/,/m,:,k/,/l,v/,pr,e,tt,y,adj.,秀丽的;标致的,adj.,相当,pr,ou,d,adj.,感到自豪的;感到骄傲的,为,而感到骄傲,n.,陌生人,m,e,ss,a,ge,n.,电子邮件;口信;信息,h,o,bb,y,n.,业余爱好,上学;在学校,m,ar,k,prep. 参加;参加;在期间;用;按照,n.,分数,n. 用于信尾爱你的,i,n,l,o,ve,hobb,ies,mark,s,str,a,ng,er,stranger,s,某人等不及做某事,a,delicious smell,look so nice,Would you like,to do sth.,look lovely,smell delicious,taste good,on,top,try a piece,Im afraid,smell fresh,smell,too,strong,taste,a bit,sour,be,done,have a try,taste,really,sweet,feel,soft,in the middle,诱人的味道,看起来如此漂亮,你想做某事吗,看起来得意,闻起来美味,尝起来可口,在顶上,尝一块,恐怕,闻起来新鲜,闻起来味道太重,尝起来有点酸,完成的,试试看;尝一尝,尝起来真甜,感觉柔软,在中间,lots of different thing,s,look very busy,make,an,apple pie,sound nice,have a sweet tooth,be sure,might,be,taste sweet,strawberry jam,my lucky day,buy a large chocolate cake,dried,fish,much of,in,the dish,许多不同的东西,看起来很忙,做一个苹果馅饼,听起来不错,有对甜食的爱好,确定;肯定,也许是,尝起来很甜,草莓酱,我的幸运日,买一个很大的巧克力蛋糕,鱼干,很多,在菜里,cookie,n.,小甜饼;曲奇饼,pizza,n.,比萨饼,pie,n.,馅饼;派,jam,n.,果酱,salt,n.,盐;食盐,ear,n.,耳朵,soft,adj.,软的,柔软的,sour,adj.,酸的;馊的,The flower,smell,s,sweet.,smell,v.,闻起来,这花,闻起来,很香。,fresh,a.,新鲜的,这奶酪,闻起来,很新鲜。,The cheese,smell,s,fresh,cheese,n.,奶酪,New words,sound,v.,听起来,办公室,听起来,很安静。,The office,sound,s,quiet.,sweet tooth,对甜食的爱好,e.g. He ha,s,a,sweet tooth,and often spend,s,money on chocolates and cakes.,他喜欢吃甜食,常花钱买巧克力和糕点吃。,for,prep.,用于,e.g. A party was held,for,them.,设宴招待他们。,lovely adj. 令人愉快的;得意的,e.g. The squirrel is a lovely small animal. 松鼠是一种得意的小动物。,favourite,n.,最喜欢的人或事,e.g. I like all the books on the shelf but this one is my,favourite,.,我喜欢书架上所有的书,但这本是我最喜欢的。,taste,v.,尝起来,这小甜饼,尝起来,很美味。,The cookies,taste,delicious.,cookie,n.,小甜饼,sour,a.,酸的,The orange juice,taste,s,sour,.,这橙汁,尝起来,很酸。,salt,n.,食盐,The,salt,taste,s,salty.,这盐,尝起来,很咸。,nervous,a.,紧张的,考试让我很紧张。,The exam,make,s,me,nervous,.,这玩具,摸起来,很软。,soft,a.,软的,The toy,feel,s,soft.,pretty 得意的,这小女孩,看起来,很漂亮。,The little girl,look,s,pretty,.,lovely a. 得意的,The girl,look,s,lovely,.,这女孩看起来很得意。,同义词,We use our . to see.,We use our . to taste.,We use our . to smell.,We use our . to listen.,We use our . to feel.,What do you use (使用) to do,eye,s,mouth,nose,ear,s,body,look,smell,sound,We use our eyes / noses / hands / mouths / ears to ,taste,feel,Grammar,感官系动词:英语动词中,有的后面要接名词或代词等作宾语,有的单独作谓语,而有的后面要接形容词或名词等做主语的补充成分。我们把后面接主语补充成分的动词称为系动词。,最常用的系动词是,be,,另外还有很多感官动词,如:,look, taste, feel, smell, sound,等。例如:,The film,is,interesting.,The cookies,smell,delicious.,The soup,tastes,too salty.,The bed,feels,hard.,The idea,sounds,quite good.,All the children,look,happy.,上面用到的系动词,smell, taste, feel, sound, look,相当于汉语中的闻起来,尝起来,摸上去,听上去,看起来的概念。,It,sounds,quiet,.,They,taste,salty,.,That,smells,strong,.,Father,feels,angry,.,look,看起来,sound,听起来,taste,尝起来,smell,闻起来,feel,摸起来,+,形容词,He,looks,busy,.,连系动词,+,形容词,连系动词,肯定式: The cheese smells fresh.,否认式: The cheese doesnt smell fresh.,疑问形式: Does the cheese smell fresh,Group work,Make a sentence with,these expressions one,by one.,feel,摸起来,taste,尝起来,look,看起来,smell,闻起来,sound,听起来,sour,sweet,salty,bitter,hot,fresh,delicious,strong,taste,酸,甜,咸,苦,辣,鲜,味美,味重,smell (smelled, smelt),闻,嗅;闻起来,feel (felt, felt),摸起来;感觉,taste,尝起来,look,看起来,sound,听起来,quiet 安静的,salty 咸的,sour 酸的,fresh 新鲜的,pretty 漂亮的,lovely 得意的,soft 柔软的,The cheese smells fresh.,+,adj.,感官动词,形容词,达标练习,1. The milk _ strong.,2. My sweater _ soft.,3. The room _ quiet.,4. These flowers _ beautiful!,5. This pizza _ delicious.,smells,feels,sounds,look,tastes,A.,用,feel; look; smell; sound; taste,填空:,pizza,It,looks lovely, it,smells delicious, and it,tastes good,.,cheese,It doesnt,smell fresh,. It,smells too strong,and it,tastes a bit sour,.,chocolate cookies,They,taste really sweet,and they,feel soft,in the middle.,The apple pie,sounds nice,. It,tastes sweet,. I have a,sweet tooth,. Everything,tastes so sweet,! Its my lucky day!,apple pie,strawberry jam,cake,Im making an apple pie and a cake. Thats,strawberry jam, for the cake.,The flowers smell _.,nice,The ice cream tastes _.,sweet,The pop music sounds _.,The silk T-shirt feels _.,nice,soft,The yogurt smells _.,sour,The sea looks _.,blue,The roast duck tastes _.,delicious,The fish tastes _.,salty,-How does he look,-He looks_,.,cool,Look and say,-How does the baby look,-He looks _.,lovely,lvli 得意的,How does she look,She looks_.,pretty,Look and say,How does he look,He looks_ .,strong,beautiful, pr,t,i,漂亮的,How does it smell,delicious,fresh, fr,e, ,新鲜的, sm,e,l ,闻,v.,It,smell,s,_.,nice/good / great,He,look,s _.,What does he look like,strong,How does taste,It,taste,s_.,The fish soup,taste,s _.,sour,salty, s,au,酸的, s,u:,p ,汤, s,:,lt,i,咸的,soup,do they taste,They,taste,_ .,chocolate cookies,sweet, sw,i:,t ,甜的, k,k,i,s ,饼干,How,How does the dog feel,It,feel,s,comfortable / sleepy .,How do the onions smell,They smell _ .,strong,味道浓的 adj.,He looks _.,身体强壮的 adj.,strong,How,does,the flower,smell,?,It smell,s,_,.,sweet,芬芳的,It smell,s,_.,s,a,酸的,馊的,sour,bad,How does the fish soup taste,It,taste,s,_.,salt,y, s,u:,p ,汤, s,:,lt,i,咸的,soup,delicious,salt n.,盐;食盐,_,chocolate cookies,sw,ee,t, sw,i:,t ,甜的, k,k,i,s ,小甜饼,Do they taste _, s,au,酸的,sour,be done,完成的,an apple,pie,p,a,派;馅饼,It,taste,s,_.,sweet,甜的,pizza,It,taste,s,_.,great,salty,strawberry,jam,dm,酱,It,taste,s,_.,sweet,甜的,for,the cake,sweater,毛线衣,厚运动衫,soft,They,both,feel _., s,ft ,软的,comfortable,The bed feels _.,soft,comfortable,They,feel,tight, t,ai,t ,紧的,hard,How do they feel , h,:,d ,硬的,.,un,comfortable,ch,ee,se,It,doesnt,smell,fresh,. /,It taste,s,too strong,.,It taste,s,great,.,It,is made of,(,由,制作,),milk., t,i:,z ,奶酪,n.,They look,beautiful,lovely,How do the cakes look,How do you think they taste,They taste,sweet,delicious,How do these people feel,tired / sleep,y,bored,angry,worried/nervous,n,v,s,紧张的,Translate,1. 那只狗看起来危险。,That dog _ _.,2. 这布料摸起来柔软。,The cloth _ _.,3. 这道菜尝起来味道不错。,The dish _ _.,4. 聚会听起来很吵吗?,Does the party _ _,looks,dangerous,feels,soft,tastes,delicious,sound,noisy,1,. Listen and number the pictures.,Listening and vocabulary,feel look smell soft sour strong sweet taste,2,1,3,4,2. Listen again and complete the sentences.,1. The cookie _.,2. The milk _.,3. This bed,_,_ .,4. Tom _.,tastes sweet,smells sour,feels a bit soft,looks very strong,Tapescript:,1. Lingling: Guess what it is!,Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie,2. Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour.,Tony: Dont drink it.,3. Betty: This bed feels a bit soft.,Lingling: Try a harder bed.,4. Lingling: Tom looks very strong.,Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercises.,Listen and read,Now check () what Betty is making.,Watch and read,Everyday English, Im afraid , Have a try!, Its my lucky day!,1. I bought a large chocolate cake, because I,love _ food.,2. Dried fish has a _ taste. You dont,need much of it in the dish.,4,. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,lovely soft sour strong sugar sweet,sweet,strong,3. She does not put _ in tea because,she does not like sweet tea.,4. The milk has gone _ overnight, so,we cannot drink it.,5. The bed feels_ and comfortable.,6. Apple pie sounds _. It is my,favourite.,sugar,sour,soft,lovely,.,根据课文对话内容填空。,Betty is cooking lots of different things. The pizza _ so nice, smells _ and it tastes _. But the cheese on top smells _ and it tastes a bit _. The chocolate cookies _ really sweet and they _ soft in the middle. Daming has a _ _ and he likes the _ _ and the _ very much.,looks,delicious,good,strong,sour,taste,feel,sweet tooth,apple pie,cake,5,. Complete the table with the words in the boxes in Activities 1 and 4.,Ear,sound,quiet,Eye,Hand,Mouth,Nose,look,lovely; strong; soft,feel,lovely; soft; strong,taste,sour; strong; sweet; lovely,smell,sour; strong; sweet; lovely,英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的重读(stress) 一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感慨词需要重读;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读当然有少数例外。,Pronunciation and speaking,Pronunciation and speaking,1. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.,2. They taste really sweet and they feel soft in,the middle.,6,Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.,Now listen again and repeat.,Do you like bananas,Yes, I do. They taste delicious. Do you like,flowers,7,. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the things in the box. Say why you like or do not like them.,bananas flowers ice cream,pop music silk T-shirts,Do you like flowers,Yes, I do. They smell nice. Do you like,flowers,bananas flowers ice cream,pop music silk T-shirts,Do you like ice cream,No, I dont. It tastes too sweet. Do you like,ice cream,Do you like pop music,No, I dont. It sounds noisy. Do you like,pop music,bananas flowers ice cream,pop music silk T-shirts,Do you like silk T-shirts,Yes, I do. They feel comfortable. Do you like,silk T-shirts,You and your friends are at a party.,There is a lot to see, to eat and to drink.,And there is also beautiful music.,Talk about your feelings and impressions,about it. Make a,dialogues with your,friends.,Free talk,Lets make dialogues like this:,A: Do you like ,B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. It looks /,tastes / smells / feels / sounds ,They look / taste / smell / feel / sound ,Do you like ,A: ,Key words:,classical music; flowers;,ice cream; sea;,your bed; jeans;,roast duck; jazz;,1. What a delicious smell!,2. It tastes too strong.,3. Im afraid I dont like cheese.,4. Have a try.,5. Apple pie sounds nice.,6. I have a sweet tooth.,7. Its my lucky day!,好香啊!,味太浓了。,我恐怕不喜欢奶酪。,试一试。,苹果派听着不错哦!,我喜欢吃甜食。,我今天好幸运啊!,Important sentences:,-How do I feel now,-I,feel,happy / sad,nervous,excited,tired,/ sleepy,bored,worried,angry,How does the music sound,It sounds _.,kw,ai,t ,安静的,轻声的,quiet,slow,nice,soft,beautiful,Do exercises.,1. My friend,(look) very thin.,2. She,(not like) fish soup.,3. We are going to,(have) a party.,4. She must,(go) to school by bike.,5. This shirt,(feel) tight.,looks,doesnt like,have,go,feels,How lovely the baby is! 小毛头真得意!,Language points,1.,What a delicious smell!,味道真香啊!,感慨句通常由what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词,副词或动词。,感慨句构造主要有以下几种:,How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序。如:,How+,形容词或副词,+,陈述语序,。如:,How clever a boy he is!,他是多聪明的孩子,!,What noise they are making!,他们真吵!,What a clever boy he is!,他是多聪明的孩子!,What wonderful ideas (we have)!,我们的主意真棒!,What cold weather it is!,多冷的天!,What +,名词,+,陈述语序。,如:,What +a+,形容词,+,名词,+,陈述语序。,如:,What+,形容词,+,复数名词,+,陈述语序。,如,:,What+,形容词,+,不可数名词,+,陈述语序。,如,:,2. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good.,它看起来很得意,闻起来特别香,吃起来也特别好吃。,look, sound, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为“看/听/闻/尝/摸起来。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。,这些花闻起来很香。,These flowers smell very sweet.,这些西红柿摸起来很软。,The tomatoes feel very soft.,Practise,3. Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. 恩,我的巧克力饼干做好了。,Im nearly done. 我差不多做完了。,Are you done with that pen 那支笔你用完了吗?,句中的be done表示“做好了,完成了。例如:,床铺都整理好了。,The beds are done.,Practise,4. Shall I get the sugar,我来拿糖吧?,Shall I get some water for you,我去给你弄点儿水喝吧?,Shall we buy Betty a cake,我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧?,当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助是,我们常用Shall I 如:,我们还可以用Shall we来提出建议。如:,5. are you sure thats sugar,你确定那是糖吗?,I am sure tomorrow is Bettys birthday.,我确定明天是贝蒂的生日。,I am sure we will find each other.,我相信我们能找到对方。,be sure后面接句子,表示“确信,相信。例如:,3. Shall I get the sugar,我来拿糖吧?,当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助时,我们常用shall I ,例如:Shall I get some water for you,我去给你弄点水喝吧?,shall we buy betty a cake,我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧?,2.,Im afraid I ,恐怕我,I,m afraid,I cant help you.,恐怕我帮不了你。,词组,含义及用法,例句,be afraid to do sth.,是主观上的原因不去做,意为“害怕”。,The little girl was afraid to ask for help.,那个小姑娘不敢求人帮忙。,be afraid of doing sth.,指担心出现,doing,的状况或结果。,He is afraid of waking up late.,他担心起床晚。,be afraid to do,与,be afraid of doing,区别,too 为副词,表示“太,修饰形容词或副词的原级。如:The desk is too big.,too 为副词,意为“也,常放在肯定句的句尾,表示某情况也适合于某人。,Tom is a good student, too.,He is a doctor. I am a doctor, too.,4. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.,它的味道有点浓,并且尝起来有点酸。,strong在句子中的意思是“味道很重、很浓。,The coffee is strong. 咖啡味道很浓。,注意:,a bit of,修饰不可数名词,相当于,a little,He knows,a bit of,French.,= He knows,a little,French.,他懂一点法语。,Tony has,a bit of,money.=Tony has,a little,money.,托尼有一点钱。,a bit 表示“稍微,一点儿,用作副词,可以,修饰动词以及形容词、副词的原级、比较级,,此时相当于a little.,Im a bit,thirsty,.,我有点儿口渴。,I thought she,smiled,a bit.,我觉得她微微笑了笑。,注,: word,文档,点击此处链接,Quiz,.,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。,feeling, lovely, salt, look,1. How _ your pet dog is!, Thank you!,2. The bad news made us _sad.,3. The old man is already 60, but he _ younger than he really is.,4. The food I ate this morning was a little _ pork.,lovely,feel,salty,looks,. 根据汉语提示完成以下句子,每空一词。,1. 我恐怕今晚不能去电影院。,_ _I cant go to the cinema this evening.,2. 试一试。这件衬衫很时髦。,_ _ _. This shirt is very smart.,3. 你确定她很老实吗?,_ _ _ she is honest,Im afraid,Are you sure,Have a try,1.,这菜闻起来好香啊,.,The dish _.,2.,这汤尝起来不新鲜,The soup _ fresh.,3.,这毛衣摸起来很软很舒服。,The sweater _.,smells delicious,doesnt taste,feels soft and comfortable,Exercise,根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。,4. Children like _ (小甜饼very much.,5. People should eat less _( 盐 ) every,day.,6. Oh. Its my _(幸运的day. Ive,passed the exam.,cookies,salt,lucky,Betty has made a pizza. It _ delicious. So Tony and Daming _have some. Tony thinks its great. But Daming thinks it _too strong. He doesnt like cheese. He thinks the cheese _smell fresh. Lingling has made some Chocolate cookies , so she gives Daming some to_. They _sweet.,Lingling is wearing a lovely sweater today. It _ soft and_. And she looks_ in,the sweater. She is going to _her friend Sally from England.,Lingling hasnt met Sally before. But she has Sallys photo. Sally _pretty in her photo. And she sounds_. So Linglings friend Tony ask Lingling to _her_ them.,smells,both,tastes,doesnt,eat,taste,feels,meet,looks,introduce,Check yourself!,comfortable,smart,nice,to,Homework,Try to use “taste, feel, look, smell, sound to make sentences.,


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