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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 The Pace of Life,Text A Old Father Time Becomes,a Terror,Pre-reading tasks,While-reading activities,Post-reading activities,Lesson Summary,Warm-up questions,Reading for the gist,Fast reading,Pre-reading tasks,(1). Has technology made our lives easier or more burdensome Give examples to illustrate. (Teacher may divide the students into several groups to discuss the question, and write down each groups answer on the blackboard),(2). Lead-in to the text: What we have discussed just now is actually related to the text we are going to study. Now lets see whether you have the same idea with the author.,Warm-up questions,what is the text about,Reading for the gist,Fast reading:,Please divide the text into four parts and find out the main idea of each part.,Part I Paras 1-11,The author gives three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today.,Part II Paras 12-18,Not every one is time-stressed, and in the case of Americans they have actually gained more free time in the past decade.,Part III Paras 19-23,The perception of time-famine has triggered a variety of reactions.,Part IV Paras 24-28,The author pins down the crux of the problem and puts forward a remedy for the stress we feel.,While-reading activities,Part I,1. Language study,2. Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,Part II,1. Language study,2. Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,Part III,1. Language study,2. Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,Part IV,1. Language study,2. Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,3. Text organization,1.,Language study,2.,Ask questions to check their understanding of,the text.,Part I,on the go:,(,infml,) very active or busy,1. Ive been on the go all week, preparing my thesis.,2. I was on the go all day and went home at about 10 oclock in the evening.,Language Study,cope:,deal successively (with sb./sth. difficult),1. Health psychologists study how people cope with stress.,2. People who attempt suicide usually suffer from extreme emotional distress and feel unable to cope with their problems.,Language Study,set about:,begin (a task); start ( doing sth.),(used in the pattern:,set about sth/ doing sth. ; no passive),1. The school authorities must set about finding solutions to the campus security problems.,2. My mom and I set about clearing up after the guests left.,Language Study,quantities/ a large quantity of,:,large amounts/ a large amount of,(Examples),1.The key to staying healthy and strong when backpacking is to eat large quantities of energy-rich foods.,2. In cold weather most animals must eat large quantities of food to obtain the energy needed to carry on normal body activities.,Language Study,eat into:,gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage or destroy,1. All these car expenses are eating into our savings.,2. Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time.,Language Study,multiply:,increase in number or quantity; add a number to itself a particular number of times,1. The weeds just multiplied, and before long the garden was a jungle.,2. Multiplying large quantities in ones head has become a lost art since the arrival of calculator.,Language Study,fraction:,small part, bit, amount or proportion (of sth.),1. Only a small fraction of the population lived in that remote area.,2. The black miners in South Africa used to earn only a fraction of the wages paid to white miners doing equivalent work.,Language Study,pour in:,go into a place quickly and in large numbers,1. Tourists poured into Shanghai on National Day.,2. Many football fans poured into the stadium to have a look at their favorite football players.,Language Study,amount to:,be equal to; add up to,1. In 1959 the combined value of U.S. imports and exports amounted to less than 9 percent of the countrys gross domestic product.,2. The tuition fee amounts to ten thousand yuan.,Language Study,stress:,pressure or worry resulting from mental or physical distress, difficult circumstances, etc. (followed by on ),1. There is enough evidence to suggest that job stress may increase a mans risk of dying from heart disease.,2. Population growth and pollution place enormous stress on the world supply of usable water.,vt,.,put stress, pressure, or strain on,Language Study,oblige:,do sth. for (sb.) as a favor or small service (used in,the pattern: oblige (sb.) (with sth./ by doing sth.),1. We are happy to oblige.,2. Please oblige me by leaving me alone.,Language Study,abundance:,quantity that is more than enough; plenty (followed by of),1. The visitor to Oxford has an abundance of sights to see.,2. Most milk consists of an abundance of the major nutrients needed by the body for good health.,Language Study,Phr. in abundance,1. By the mid-15th century paper was available in abundance.,2. There was good food in abundance, far more than we could ever hope to eat.,Language Study,1. What new burdens has technology produced apart from cramming work into our leisure time,2. What gives rise to our discontent with super abundance,Ask Questions,1.,Language study,2.,Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,Part II,Students may be required to translate,some sentences from English into,Chinese, or vice versa, or to make,sentences of their own.,Language Study,forecast:,tell in advance; predict,1. The means of forecasting nature disasters, such as floods, and hurricanes, have improved immensely as science and technology have advance.,2. Because the behavior of weather systems is chaotic, it is impossible to forecast the details of weather more than two weeks in advance.,Language Study,nurture:,care for and educate (a child); encourage the growth of (sth.); nourish,1. Parents wants to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.,2. With one years observations the biologists have found how dolphins socialize, breed, nurture their young and how they communicate.,Language Study,What is stress envy,as conceived by Paul Edwards,Ask Questions,1.,Language study,2.,Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,Part III,Students may be required to translate,some sentences from English into,Chinese, or vice versa, or to make,sentences of their own.,Language Study,famine:,(instance of) extreme scarcity of food in a region,1. China has succeeded in feeding its people; national attention to equity, agriculture, and birth control have significantly reduced the threat of famine.,2.To eliminate famine and reduce malnutrition, attention needs to focus not only on food production but also on food distribution, consumption, and family planning.,Language Study,provoke:,cause (sth.) to occur or arouse (a feeling,etc.),1. Peoples concern over genetically modified food has provoked a global debate that shows no sign of ending soon.,2. They argued that NATO enlargement could provoke Russian hostility and lead to regional instability.,Language Study,a variety of :,a lot of a particular type of things that are different from each other.,1. My students come from a variety of different backgrounds.,2. There are (is) a variety of excellent schools in the area.,3. China has a great variety of mineral resources.,Language Study,domestic:,of the home, household or family; of or inside a particular country,1.Police and hospital records indicate that the majority of victims of domestic violence are women.,2. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.,Language Study,forum:,an assembly, place, radio program etc. for the discussion,of public matters or current questions.,1. The school authorities will provide a forum where problems can be discussed.,2. The producers of the TV program Questions Time intended it to be a forum for public debate.,Language Study,spring up:,appear, develop, grow, etc. quickly or suddenly,1. New professional training schools sprang up all over the country.,2. Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.,3. A strong wind seemed to have sprung up from nowhere.,Language Study,futile:,producing no result; useless; pointless,1. It was futile to continue the negotiations.,2. I knew that it was futile to try and persuade her once she had made the decision.,Language Study,divert:,turn (sb./sth.) aside from a course, direction, etc. into another,1. Some dams divert the flow of river water into a pipeline, canal, or channel.,2. There had been an accident and traffic was being diverted by the police.,Language Study,1. How much free time has the average American gained since the mid-1960s How are the gains distributed between the sexes,2. What is meant by “ the growth of the work-life debate,Ask Questions,1.,Language study,2.,Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.,3.,Text Organization,Part IV,Students may be required to translate,some sentences from English into,Chinese, or vice versa, or to make,sentences of their own.,Language Study,arise:,appear; become evident,1. Challenging ethical issues have arisen in science and medicine.,2. Some birds attack crops when the opportunity arises.,3. A financial crisis has arisen in the multinational corporation.,Language Study,shortage:,lack of sth. needed; deficiency,1. The world is facing the prospect of water shortage caused by population growth, uneven supplies of water, pollution, and other factors.,2. Some African countries have acute food shortages requiring emergency assistance.,Language Study,switch off:,disconnect (electricity, etc.),1. Be sure to switch off the lights when you leave home.,2. He parked the car and switched the engine off.,Language Study,be doomed to:,(sth.) be certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent,it (used in the patterns: be doomed to sth.; be doomed to do sth.),1. Their plan seemed to be doomed to failure.,2. He thought that he was doomed to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.,Language Study,1. What does Godbey mean by saying,“ Its the kid in the candy store,2. For time stress, what remedy does,the author offer,Ask Questions,Facts are valuable as evidence that enhances the persuasive force of an argumentative paper. In the text the author lists a number of facts to try to convince the readers of the unfavorable effects technology has had on our lives. Now could you find some more supporting facts,Text Organization,1) The motorcar brings more traffic problems than it promises to solve.,2) The aircraft creates a high demand for time-consuming journeys that we never dreamed of.,3) The washing machine, contrary to our expectations, multiplies the hours spent on washing and ironing.,4) Instead of making our lives easier, technology goes so far as to cram extra work into our leisure time.,5) Technology produces the new burden of dealing with faxes, e-mails and voicemails.,6) Technology eats further into our time by forcing us to handle software glitches on computers and filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.,Text Organization,Post-reading activities,1.,Discussion questions,2.,Do and check exercises,3.,Essay writing,4.,Homework,The author makes mention of,“stress envy in para 14. What do you,think are the possible sociological,motivations behind it,Discussion Questions,(1). Vocabulary,(2). Word formation,(3). Structure,(4).Comprehensive exercises,Do and check exercises,(1) Study “writing strategies,(2) Assign a writing task for the students to finish in two weeks,Essay Writing,(1). Review the whole text and get familiar with it.,(2). Review the structure that have been learned and vocabulary,(3). Finish writing the essay,(4). Preview the new lesson.,Homework,Lesson Summary,This unit is divided into six periods. Use the student-centered teaching approach. By asking the students to make sentences with the words and expressions in this unit, the students ability of using languages is greatly improved. By discussing the topic, not only has the students ability of listening, speaking and writing been improved, but also enlarge vocabulary. By summing up the main idea of each Part and each Para, the students ability of understanding and summing up has been improved. By scanning and previewing and doing exercises by themselves of this unit, the students ability of autonomic learning is trained gradually. At last, the students ability of comprehensive usage has been improved.,


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