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Unit 3,Travel,T,opics for presentation,1. How important is traveling to you What is,the most interesting and annoying thing,about traveling,2. What is your favorite way of traveling,What are the differences between,traveling by air and traveling by land (rail,bus),3. Where do you want to go most in China or,in the world if you have the chance,T,ravelers are always discoverers, especially those who travel by air.,T,here are no signposts in the sky that a man has passed this way before.,Anne Morrow Lindbergh,(1906 2001) was a pioneering American aviator, author, and the spouse of fellow aviator Charles Lindbergh.,Q,uotation,A,nnoying things on flight,American or British English,gasoline,t,ruck,p,arking lot,v,acation,c,ab,b,aggage,r,ound trip,s,ubway,f,light attendant,f,reeway,l,ine,schedule,petrol,l,orry,c,ar park,h,oliday,taxi,l,uggage,r,eturn trip,tube,steward/stewardess,motorway,queue,timetable,A,merican,B,ritish,R,eading 1: Free flight offer,Emirates Airline,(shortened form:,Emirates,) is a major airline in the Middle East, and a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. It is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Emirates operates an international network from its hub at Dubai International Airport, spanning North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. The airline operates over 1,990 passenger flights per week, to 101 destinations in 61 countries across 6 continents. The company also operates four of the worlds longest non-stop commercial flights from Dubai to Los Angeles, So Paulo, Houston, and San Francisco.,F,ree flight voucher,P,ara 1: Greeting,P,romotion letter,As you have flown Emirates in the past year, you will have experienced our outstanding service to the Middle East. But do you know that Emirates also flies to an extensive network of major destinations all around the world,P,ara 2: Purpose,P,lease fill in the enclosed questionnaire and give us your views as a business traveler as well as let us update our database so that we can send you in the future only the information and offers that you are interested in.,P,ara 3 & 4: Offers,F,ree flight voucher:,claim a free Economy ticket if you fly a First or Business Class trip with Emirates before July this year.,F,ree prize draw:,the winner will receive a Business Class trip for 2 people to Hong Kong, Singapore & Bangkok, including 7 nights luxury hotel.,Promotion letter,Para 5 6: Ending,Deadline:,send back the completed questionnaire by 22 January.,Enclosure:,leaflet with interesting information,Notification date:,5 March,Good wishes:,take advantage of the free flight offer,good luck with the prize draw,welcome to Emirates flight.,Comment on the letter,The style is formal.,The language is simple, clear & accurate.,The tone is friendly and pleasant.,A,Read the letter and answer the questions,1. What is the purpose of the letter,Collect the views of business travelers and update the information for the database.,2. What incentive is the company offering if you fill in the questionnaire,A free Economy flight voucher and a chance to win a prize draw for a luxury Far East holiday.,3. What condition is attached to the offer,You must take a First or Business Class trip with Emirates before July this year.,4. Why do companies run this type of promotion,To create brand awareness and loyalty.,Which of the following nouns from the letter are countable Which are uncountable,B,service network destination questionnaire,research view information effort,flight voucher respondee accommodation,location leaflet offer luck,C,C,C,U,C,U,C,C,C,U,C,C,C,U,C,C,orrect the mistakes below.,A,lpha Airlines flies to an extensive network of major destinations.,W,e need information from you.,H,elp us with our research by filling in two questionnaires and you will be entered into a prize draw for a trip for two people including seven nights luxury hotel accommodation in one of three exotic locations.,s,es,s,W,ord studies,be aware of/that,H,e,is,well,aware of,the dangers of smoking, but still can,not give it up.,H,e,is,not,aware that,his son is having difficulties at school.,H,e,is,not fully,aware of,his mistakes.,fill in,Please,fill in,the form and hand it in together with your,application.,When you apply for an e-mail address, you need to,fill in,your personal information on the Internet.,W,ord studies,ensure,A,ll the necessary steps have been taken to,ensure,his safety.,Y,ou must,ensure,that everyone is informed.,be relevant to,F,or further information, please see the,relevant,parts in the,guide book.,T,his information,is,not directly,relevant to,the case.,claim,S,omeone has found my lost watch.,I,ll go to,claim,it.,I,f an old man has problems, he can,claim,special aid from the,government.,W,ord studies,qualify for,People of low incomes may qualify for government aid.,Will Chinese football team qualify for the next World Cup,With his masters degree, he is qualified for a teaching,position in the middle school.,notify,I,f there should be any changes, you will be,notified,.,P,lease,notify,all the staff that the Managing Director is coming,for a visit tomorrow.,on board,T,he train is about to leave.,L,ets go,on board,.,T,he flight attendants stand at the gate to welcome the,passengers,on board,the plane.,L,anguage review:,will,Y,ou,will have experienced,our outstanding service, (line 1),Y,ou,ll,be helping,us with our research on your views, (line 4),This,will ensure,that we only send out (line 5),We,will send,you a free flight voucher. (line 7),In addition we,will be entering,all,reposndees, names (line 10),The winner,will receive,a Business class trip (line 11),You,will find,full details in the enclosed leaflet. (line 16),The winner,will be notified,by 5 March. (line 18),We,will be welcoming,you ,(line 19),will + have V-ed:,w,ill + V:,w,ill + be V-ed:,w,ill + be V-ing:,1,3, 4, 6, 7,8,2, 5, 9,W,hich example(s) refer(s) to:,P,ast,P,romises,Future,1,3, 4, 5, 6, 8,2, 7, 9,A,service designed for the business traveler,H,oliday in the Far East,T,his information,will help,us, (line 4),Your feedback,will,also,allow,us (line 5),The future,will be,of genuine relevance (line 8),You,will be doing,us a great favor too. (line 11),will be entered,in a free prize draw. (line 16),The winner,will enjoy,an Emirates (line 19),F,ree Economy Class,W,e,will thank,everyone who responds, (line 28),E,xercise,Skills,Making arrangements on the telephone,Call 1,Purpose,Philippa Knight calls Maria Bonetti to make an appointment see her in London next week.,Result,The appointment is fixed for Wednesday at 2pm.,Call 2,Purpose,Philippa Knight calls Maria Bonetti to reschedule their meeting because her flight has been delayed.,Result,Marias phone is engaged when she calls so she has to leave a message.,Listen to the first call again and complete the extract below.,Knight: Im calling because Ill be in London next week and _,_ you. I want to tell you about,our new collection.,Bonetti: Great. What _ Im fairly free next week,I think.,Knight: _ In the afternoon Could _,then,Bonetti: Let me look now. Let _. Yes, thatd be no,problem at all. _ two oclock Is that OK,Id like to,make an appointment to see,day would suit you,How about Wednesday,you make it,me check my diary,What about,Listen to the second call again and complete the extract below.,Receptionist: Thank you. Im putting you through. Hello, Im afraid,shes engaged at the moment. _ or,can I take a message,Knight: Ill leave a message please. The thing is, I should be,meeting Ms. Bonetti at 2pm, _.,My plane was delayed, and Ive got to reschedule my,appointments. If possible, _,tomorrow. _ in the morning. _,_ here at the hotel, please,Receptionist: Certainly. Whats the number, please,Knight: Its _.,Will you hold,but somethings come up,Id like to meet her,Preferably,Could she,call me back,020 7585 3814,R,eading 2:,Air rage,A,What can make people behave badly when flying,P,assengers behaving badly,P,ara 1,2: Abusive passenger,a common problem,How often are airline crews suffering from passenger assaults at work,T,hey suffer about 100 verbal and physical assaults every month.,Why are some airline cabin crews seeking early retirement,T,hey seek early retirement because of their stressful work.,What had caused the businessmans misbehavior in Para 1,I,t was caused by delayed flight and lost luggage.,P,assengers behaving badly,P,ara 3,5: Causes of air rage,M,ajor cause,S,tress: People have no control of the situation when they are on board the flight.,T,heir unhappiness and uneasiness gather until a breaking point.,A,70-year-old passenger hit a steward just because of being told that there was no more steak.,O,ther causes,A,lcohol, smoking, changing views on technology & authority, and mass travel.,P,assengers behaving badly,B,R,ead the article again and find two examples of passengers behaving badly.,A,businessman shot out the front,tyres,of a plane on the runway.,A,70-year-old man hit a steward because there was no more steak.,C,Which of the following reasons are given for passengers behaving badly,1 Flights don,t leave on,time.,2 Passengers dont feel,safe.,3 Airline staff dont put,the customer first.,4 Flight attendants arent,polite.,5 Some terminals are,too crowded.,6 Passengers feel,worried and nervous.,7 The airline food is of,poor quality.,8 Some passengers,get drunk.,9 Some airlines dont,have no-smoking,policies.,10 Passengers dont,respect authority.,passenger crew retirement staff luggage,a,ssociation stress situation excuse control,technology abuse alcohol,s,teak blame,condition travel steward issue cause,C,C,U,C,U,C,U,C,C,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,U,C,C,C,D,Which of the following are countable and uncountable nouns,Passengers behaving badly,Passengers behaving badly,E,W,rite a letter of complaint to an airline about an,incident that occurred on a flight.,I,n your letter, you should include:,the purpose of the letter,details of the incident,what you want the airline to do,You should write no less than 100 words,Listening,Business travelers problems,A,Problems with business travelers,Listening,Business travelers problems,B,Listen again and answer the questions,1. David Creith is the Customer Service Teaching manager:,a) for which airline,a) British Airways,b) at which terminal,b) Terminal 4,c) at which airport,c) London Heathrow,2. Some people want:,a) _,b) _,c) _,to sit next to their colleague,3. Why is it not possible to give everyone the seat they want,Because the aircrafts are sometimes fully booked.,4. Why do airlines have to oversell flights,Because of commercial pressure.,5. Who are Gold Card holders,Passengers on BAs frequent flights scheme.,6. What do Gold Card holders often ask for,They often ask for seat upgrade.,an aisle,a window,Listening,Business travelers problems,C,David Creith talks about how he deals with telephone complaints.,Listen and complete the chart,Listen _,Find _,Example: _,Not caused by _,_ by _,Make sure it doesnt _,Offer an _ if required,very carefully,the actual cause of the complaint,delayed flight,the airline,or,British Airways,happen again,apology,C,ase study,T,he team-building seminar,B,ackground,C,ompany,H,eadquarters,E,vent,P,articipants,V,enue,T,ime,A,ctivities,P,urpose,IDP, a computer software company,L,os Angeles, USA,A t,eam-building seminar,20 senior managers,V,ienna, Austria,F,riday to Sunday,I,nformal meetings, executive games,R,eward the managers for their hard work,Case study,Hotel details,Hotel,Monarch Hotel,Dorfmann Hotel,Location,Transport,Facilities,Meals,Payment,Secretarial help & interpreter,City center, near top restaurants, Opera House & shopping. 18th century hotel,30 kms outside Vienna, lovely countryside, forest, lake. Modern hotel (1952),Hotel shuttle cars,Hotel luxury bus,Health club, gym, pool,sauna, shop. Facilities shared with other guests,Health club (for IDP guests only), pool, sauna, running track through countryside,Outstanding cooking,Healthy family-style cooking,By 31 Dec,On/before 12 Nov.,10% discount,$40 an hour,Free of charge,C,ase study,N,o of participants,A,rrival time,D,eparture time,T,ype of hotel,E,quipment required,M,eals required,D,etailed arrangements for the seminar,20 (male 12/female 8),R,egistration: 5pm, Friday, 12 Nov.,5pm, S,unday, 14 Nov.,4 or 5 star hotel,O,verhead projector, flip chart, Powerpoint, VCR,F,riday: dinner; Saturday: breakfast, lunch, Sunday: breakfast, lunch,C,ase study,W,riting task,Y,ou are the head of Corporate Travel at Universal Airlines.,W,rite an e-mail to the manager of the hotel chosen for the team-building seminar to confirm the booking, giving details of the number of participants, arrival and departure times, equipment and any other special requirements.,Y,our e-mail should be no less than 120 words.,Thank You !,


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