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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Summary,writing,What,is a good summary?,How to write a summary?,What do you find difficult in summary writing?,Criteria for a good summary,A summary is a brief restatement of the essential thought of a longer composition.,Cover all the key points.,Use brief, concise, original and correct academic language.,Show clear logic of the article by using proper linking words.,Within limited number of words.,Writing procedures,Read,writing style & main topic,Read,U,nderline,key words and phrases.,main idea of each paragraph,structure or logic of the,article,Write a draft.,Polish your article.,Mind map,Type of writing:,Descriptive,Narrative,Argumentative,Expository,Main idea:,Cause and effect of global warming,illustration,technique in expository writing,giving example,using quotations,making contrasts,making comparison,Giving definitions,analysing cause and effect,presenting research results,using statistics,making classifications,cause and effect of global warming,Para1,Para2,Para3,Para4,Phenomenon& cause,further explanation,evidence &,prediction,effect,cause and effect of global warming,Para1,Para2,Para3,Para4,Phenomenon& cause,further explanation,evidence &,prediction,effect,global warming/ human activity,burning of fossil fuel-greenhouse gases-greenhouse effect-global warming,measurements of CO2.,predict the increase of temperature,scientists different attitudes towards the rise of temperature. (catastrophe/ positive),cause and effect,thanks,to/owing to/due,to,result from,as a result/consequence of,as,a result/consequence,therefore/ consequently/ thus,result in,contribute,to,lead,to,increase,go up,rise,climb,soar,Checklist,for summary,writing,Have I covered all the main points and left out the unimportant details?,Have I used concise language and avoided redundancy?,Have I avoided copying sentences from the given text?,Have I used,linking words to connect sentences logically and naturally?,Does my writing contain awkward clauses or non-standard wording that affect meaning?,Are there any grammatical errors in tenses, plurals and verb forms?,Have I checked spelling, punctuation and capitalization?,Is my handwriting neat and legible?,Its well accepted that global warming is caused by human activity,specifically,the burning of fossil fuels, because it produces greenhouse gases that contribute to the rise in temperature. Data shows an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and,accordingly,scientists foresee a continuous increase in temperature. W,hile,some scientists believe it will be catastrophic, others claim it is a blessing, encouraging productivity and diversity of life.,What have we learned?,quotations-(1) supporting evidence (2) additional information,statistics- supporting evidence,examples-supporting evidence/ making a list,general word and specific word,1. Scientists believe that global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels.,2. Scientists believe that global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels, because it will produce greenhouse gases which trap heat from the sun, thus leading to the greenhouse effect and contributing to the rise in earth temperature.,3. Scientists believe that global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels, because it produces too much extra greenhouse gases, which in turn worsens the greenhouse effect.,There is no doubt that. and that it is human activity that has caused global warming rather than a,random,but natural phenomenon.,(para1),Most scientists,subscribe to,the view that the increase in the earths temperature,(para2),This is when small amounts of gas in the atmosphere,like carbon dioxide,methane and water vapour, trap the heat,(para2),Scientist Charles Keeling made accurate,measurements,of the amount of CO2.,(para3),One the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that an increase in the temperature by 5 degrees would be a,catastrophe,. Some other scientists also predict there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, severe storms, floods,droughts, and famines,.,(para4),


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