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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新概念一高级语法,宾语从句专项复习,郑州新东方青少部 李倩,The object clause,CONTENTS,About text book,About students,About aims,About Teaching Methodology,About procedure,About text book,新概念一高级语法,(郑州新东方青少部自主研发教材,About students,Grade 6 to Grade 8,NCE I,About aims,Be able to master the rules and usage of,the object clause.,About Teaching Methodology,Communicative Language Teaching,Situational Language Teaching,About procedure,First, lead in Obama by my self-introduction.,Second, present kinds of exercises about the object clause.,Finally, let the students practice the skills.,Third, sum up the rules of the object clause.,Dawn,李倩,Obamas coming is called the new “Dawn of the America.,Maybe Dawns coming will be the new “Dawn of your English study.,Eg:-,I think (that),he loves his wife very much.,-What do you know about Obama?,I think (that),.,简单的说,一个句子中动词欠宾语,而宾语是一个句子,叫宾语从句,I think (that),he loves his wife very much,.,宾语从句的语序,主句,+,谓语,+,连接词,+,从句,主语,+,从句,谓语,+,其它,宾语从句之Tip1:引导词陈述句子用that,什么是宾语从句?,Are you?,Can you?,Game: “Yes or No questions,Do you like Chinese food?,He/She asks,if/whether,Obama likes Chinese food.,He/She asks,if/whether,一位同学当Obama,但他只需答复:Yes or No.,其他同学可以问他任何问题,问之前应先把,前一位同学的问题变成一个宾语从句,宾语从句之Tip2:引导词一般疑问是否if,whether替,宾语从句之Tip3:语序从句永保陈述序,If you were a reporter, what questions do you want to ask Obama?,What/Who/Where/When/Why/How,I want to ask Obama,what,food he likes.,I want to ask Obama,宾语从句之Tip4:引导词 特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词,Challenge: Who has the best memory?,Who is your favorite singer?,Where will you go next weekend?,What food do your daughters like?,The reporter asked Obama,She said that_.,Guess:,What did Michelle say?,she,would,be the best first lady of America,I will be the best first lady of America!,宾语从句之Tip5:(时态主句假设为过去时,从句时态向前移。,Rules:,Can you find the rules?,宾语从句规那么:,1.,引导词:,2.,时态:,3.,语序:,陈述句子用that;,一般疑问是否if,whether替;,特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。,主句假设为现在时,从句时态应看意;,主句假设为过去时,从句时态向前移。,从句永保陈述序,中考考试说明宾语从句考试目标,理解宾语从句,并掌握它们的用法,b / c,级要求,b,级:,对知识的领会、理解和转换。,c,级:,对知识的分析、重组和运用,并用语言做事。,( )34.May I come in?Im sorry I am late.,Come in,please.But could you please tell me_?,A.why you are late again,B.who you talked with,C.what were you doing then,D.how do you come to school08年河南中考真题, 35.What time will Mr Brown be back to China?,Sorry. I dont know_.,A. when did he go abroad,B. why he is going abroad,C. how soon will he be back,D. how long he will stay abroad 09年河南中考真题,沙场练兵,-,真题重现,After the review of,the object clause,can,you master it well?,The final exam is coming, can you pass it?,


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