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I study by working with a group.,(,From,:,Unit 1/Section A,),我通过小组合作来学习。,by,doing,及,by,的用法,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1How do you study for a test,I study _ listening to tapes.(2021 ,长沙),Aat Bby Cto,2The birds can protect themselves _ making a noise that we cant understand.,Aby Bfor Cwith Das,B,A,3_ do you know so much about the UFO,I usually get the information by surfing the Internet. (2021 ,滨州),AHow BWhat CWhich DWhere,4I often go to school _(2021,德阳),Aby busBby a busCby the bus,5We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.(2021,莱芜),Aby Bto Cfor Dwith,6You can improve your English _ reading more.(2021,鞍山),Ain Bwith Cby Dof,A,A,A,C,.按要求完成句子,每空一词。,1She learns English by_listening_to_tapes(对画线局部提问)(2021,自贡),_ _ she learn English,2Working with friends improves my English.(改为同义句),I improve my English _ _ with friends.,How,does,by,working,(1)“bydoing构造在句中作方式状语,表示做某事的方法、方式或到达某种结果而采取的手段。,(2)常用来答复how引导的方式状语从句。,(3)by是介词,意为“以,凭借,通过。,2. I dont know how to increase my reading speed.,(,From,:,Unit 1/Section B,),我不知道怎样提高我的阅读速度。,“特殊疑问句动词不定式构造,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1So beautiful flowers!I cant decide _ for my mom.,For Mothers Day,it cant be better to take some carnations(康乃馨)(2021 ,福州),Awhen to choose Bwhich to choose,Chow to choose,B,2Excuse me.Could you please tell me _ my car,Sure.Park it right here.Ill help you.(2021,龙东),Ahow to stop Bwhere to park,Cwhen to park,3Which dress do you like best,madam,Sorry,I cant decide _ now.(2021,呼和浩特),Ato buy which one Bbuy which one,Cwhich one to buy Dwhich I should buy it,4Excuse me.Could you tell me _ get to the nearest post office,Sorry,I am new here.(2021 ,威海),Ahow can I Bhow I could,Chow to Dwhat I can,B,C,C,5Students should learn how _ problems.(2021 ,雅安),Asolve Bsolving Ccan solve Dto solve,.按要求完成句子,每空一词。,1我们方案去北京,但还没决定何时去。(完成句子)(2021,广州),We are planning to go to Beijing,but we havent decided _ _ _,2I really dont know what I can do to help her out.(改为简单句)(2021,兰州),I really dont know what _ _ to help her out.,3Often we dont know where we can go on Sundays.(同义句转换)(2021 ,茂名),Often we dont know _ _ go on Sundays.,D,when,to,go,to,do,where,to,(1)动词不定式前面加上疑问词what,which,when,where,how等,用在know,tell,wonder,ask,learn,find out等动词或短语之后作宾语。,(2)“特殊疑问词动词不定式构成的短语在句中当“名词用,可以改写成相应的宾语从句,在这种宾语从句中,疑问代词后面必须接及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语(who,why除外)。,3. What a great day,!,(,From,:,Unit 2/Section A,),多好的天气呀!,感慨句,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1_ dangerous it is for a child to swim alone in a river!(2021 ,郴州),AWhatBWhat aCHow,2Listen!Someone is playing the piano.(2021 ,安顺),Wow!_ beautiful music!I like it very much.,AWhat BHow a CWhat a DHow,3Jane Zhang is going to hold a concert here in July.,Really?_ exciting news!(2021 ,长沙),AHow BWhat an CWhat,C,A,C,4_ interesting the book is! I want to buy one,too.(2021 ,贵港),AHow BWhat CHow an DWhat an,5_ good time we have had in the junior middle school!(2021,盐城),AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a,6_ sunshine!Shall we take a walk in the garden?(2021,无锡),AWhat a beautiful BWhat beautiful,CHow a beautiful DHow beautiful,A,B,B,7_ foggy day!(2021,福州),Something must be done to solve the haze problem.,AHow BWhat CWhat a,8_ brave Zhang Hua is!(2021,南京),Yes.He helped his neighbour,Mrs.Sun,out of the fire.,AWhat a BHow CHow a DWhat,C,B,.按要求完成句子。,1瞧,雨下得多大啊!(汉译英)(2021,内江),Look!What a heavy rain!,2你们自己算出了这道数学题。多么聪明的孩子啊!(汉译英)(2021,广州),Youve worked out the maths problem yourselves. _ children you are!,3Our school is beautiful.(改为感慨句)(2021,黔西南),_ our school is!,What clever,How beautiful,what引导的感慨句,主要有以下几种情形:,(1)What(a/an)形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!,(2)What形容词可数名词复数主语谓语!,(3)What形容词不可数名词主语谓语!,how引导的感慨句,主要有两种情形:,(1)How形容词/副词主语谓语!,(2)How形容词/副词!,4.Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.(From:Unit 1/Section B)研究说明如果你对某个东西感兴趣,那么你的大脑就会更加活泼,对你来说也更容易长时间集中注意力了。,pay attention to (doing) sth.构造,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1What else should we pay attention to _ building the bridge,The change of the weather,I think.(2021,淮安),Afinish Bfinished,Cto finish Dfinishing,C,2Food safety is a serious problem in China,we showld _ it.,Alook after Bsearchfor,Cpay attention to Dlook at,3When you visit a museum you should _ instructions and dont be against them.(2021,呼和浩特),Acompare with Blook forward to,Cpay attention to Dtry out,4You must be_careful_of of the broken glasses._,Alook up Bpay attention to,Clook out Dtake care of,C,C,B,.根据汉语完成句子。,1我认为在最近几年里我们已经对乡村留守儿童的教育问题给予了关注。(2021,荆州),I think we _ _ _ _ the education problems of children left behind in villages in recent years.,2当别人嘲笑你时可以不要关注他们。,You may _ _ _ _ others when they laugh at you.,3你最好注意路上的那些标志。,Youd better _ _ _ those signs on the road.,have,paid,attention,to,pay,no,attention,to,pay,attention,to,(1)pay attention to意为“注意,关注,to是介词,后面跟名词、代词、动名词或名词从句。,(2)有些动词短语中的to与pay attention to一样,也是介词。如:,look forward to盼望,期待,be used to习惯于,get down to开场,认真处理,stick to坚持,devote oneself to献身于,5. die/dead/death,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1The old woman _ in 2021.She _ for many years.,Adead,has been dead Bdied,has been died,Cdied,has been dead Ddied,has died,2Lei Feng _ for many years,but his spirit is still encouraging us.(2021 ,广东),Ahas been dead Bhas died,Cdied Dwas dead,3After the serious earthquake,more than 2,000 people _ in it.,Adead Bdeath Cdied Ddie,C,C,C,4The lamb _ for quite some time.(2021,雅安),Ahas died Bdie,Chas dead Dhas been dead,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1His _ (die) made everyone in the city sad.,2How long have your grandpa been _ (die),3My grandpa _ (die) of cancer last year.,D,death,dead,died,单词,词性,词义,用法,die,动词,死;死亡,谓语,dead,形容,词,死的;死亡的,表,语,、定,语,death,名,词,死;死亡,主,语,、,宾语,die,为短暂性动词,当与一段时间搭配使用时,应将,die,换为,be dead.,6.,pleased/pleasant/pleasure,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1Thank you for supporting the volunteer project.,_Many hands make light work.(2021,宿迁),AMy pleasure BAll right,CNever mind DThats right,2Mr.Green is very happy because he is_satisfied_with his students work today.(同义词)_,Ais moved by Bis good for,Cis fond of Dis pleased with,3Did Miss King see your report card,Yes,she did.The smile on her face showed she was very _,Aupset Bworried,Cpleased Dplease,A,D,C,4Its my _ to help you when you are in trouble.,Apleased Bpleasing,Cpleasant Dpleasure,5It is _ to work with a _ person like her.,Apleasing,pleasing Bpleased,pleasant,Cpleasant,pleased Da pleasure,pleasant,6Would you help me clean up the classroom,Bill,_(2021,潍坊),AYes,quite right BNever mind,CThats all right DSure,with pleasure,D,D,D,7Could you help me with my English,_,AThe pleasure BWith pleasure,CIts a pleasure DFor pleasure,B,词汇,词性,意思,pleased,形容,词,高,兴,的,,,满,意的,pleasant,形容,词,令人愉快的,pleasure,名,词,愉悦,,,快,乐,备考跟踪训练,一、单项选择。,1My time in the middle school was one of _ periods of my life.(2021 ,杭州),Aexciting Bmore exciting,Cthe more exciting Dthe most exciting,2_do you improve your listening,I improve my listening_watching English movies.,AWhat,by BHow,by,CWhere,on DWhen,on,3It is necessary for everyone to _ a good habit of reading.(2021 ,济宁),Aenjoy Bchoose Cdevelop Daccept,D,B,C,4Youd better _ the test paper before handed it in.(2021 ,宜宾),Ago ahead Bgo over,Cgo off Dgo on,5Why not_an English club to practice_English,Ato join,to speak Bjoin,speaking,Cjoin,to speak Dto join,speaking,6Must I water the flowers now,mum?(2021,铜仁),No,you _You _ do it later.,Amustnt,must Bmustnt,may,Cneednt,may Dneednt,must,B,B,C,7Do you know that Mr.Zhang passed _ last week,Yes.He died _ illness.,Aaway,of Bon,from Cby,with Doff,as,8When you have difficulty,do remember to _Two heads are better than one.,Amake a decision Bgive up,Cask for help Dgive advice,9Can you tell the differences between these two pictures?(2021 ,丽水),Difference?Oh,no.They look _,Adifferent Bstrange,Cinteresting Dsimilar,A,C,D,10I have great _ in learning math and Im so worried.Could you help me,Sure.ld be glad to.,Atrouble Binterest Cjoy Dfun,11Its 12:00 oclock _Is everything ready _?,Ayet,still Byet,already,Cstill,yet Dalready,yet,12The table is made _ wood and the paper is also made _ wood.,Aof,of Bfrom,from,Cof,from Dfrom,of,A,D,C,13This photo reminded the old man _ the days when he was young.(2021 ,盐城),Awith Bfor Cby Dof,14Im sorry,sir.I cant finish the work on time.,Never mind._,the work is quite difficult.,AAt least BFor instance,CAfter all DFirst of all,15Its too hot.Why not go swimming with us,_(2021,铜仁),AGood idea! BThats right!,CWell done! DCongratulations!,D,C,A,二、完形填空。(2021 ,徐州),When we think of Christmas,we probably think of _16_,Christmas trees and Santa Claus.But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas:the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this.,A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by British writer Charles Dickens(18121870)It is about an old man_17_Scrooge who never laughs or smiles.He only thinks about himself and is_18_to share things with others.He doesnt treat others nicely.He just cares about whether he can_19_and he hates Christmas.One Christmas Eve,Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley,his dead business partner.Marley used to be just like Scrooge,so he was_20_after he died.He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him.He also tells Scrooge to expect_21_ghosts to visit him.,That_,22,_,,,the ghosts visit Scrooge.First,,,the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds him_,23,_his happy days as a child.Then the second ghost,,,the Ghost of Christmas Present,,,takes him to see_,24,_others are spending Christmas this year.Everyone is happy,,,even poor people.The last one,,,the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come,,,takes him to the_,25,_.Scrooge sees that he is dead,,,but nobody cares.He is so_,26,_ that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning,Christmas Day!,Scrooge decides to change his life and_,27,_to be a kind person.He_,28,_celebrates Christmas with his relatives.He also gives gifts to people in need.He now treats_,29,_with kindness and warmth,,,spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.And that is the true_,30,_of Christmas!,( ),16.,A.prizes,B,gifts,C,fireworks,D,tricks,( ),17.,A.names B,naming C,named D,to name,( ),18.,A.unwilling B,glad,C,ready D,impatient,( ),19.,A.make trouble B,make mistakes,C,make more friends D,make more money,( ),20.,A.praised B,punished,C,saved D,recommended,( ),21.,A.two B,three C,four D,five,( ),22.,A.morning B,noon C,afternoon D,night,( ),23.,A.with B,to C,of D,for,( ),24.,A.how B,what C,when D,why,B,C,A,D,B,B,D,C,A,( ),25.,A.past B,present C,future D,front,( ),26.,A.calm B,scared C,angry D,relaxed,( ),27.,A.promises B,fails C,continues D,forgets,( ),28.,A.quietly B,hardly C,sadly D,happily,( ),29.,A.someone B,anyone C,everyone D,nobody,( ),30.,A.friendship B,story C,form D,spirit,C,B,A,D,C,D,三、阅读理解。(2021 ,郴州),There was once a king who had a great palace with a wonderful garden.In the garden,there lived all kinds of animals.All of them enjoyed living there.,There was only one thing in the garden that the king hated:an old tree in the center of the garden.It was so old and dry.This made the king so angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool.However,after the tree was cut down,the animals left the garden.Without the animals,the garden was not so beautiful as before.The king was sad,but he didnt know what had happened.,A young man went to the king,and said he could explain what had happened.“This was because you cut the old tree down, said the young man.“There were thousands of moths(飞蛾) which lived in the tree.Birds needed the moths to eat and then they produced wastes for plants to grow.The plants then attracted many other animals to your garden.So your garden became very beautiful.But as you cut the tree down,the animals had to leave.,“Excellent!said the king,Ill make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again.,“Im afraid it will take many years to finish.It will take many years for the natural balance(生态平衡) to get back again,said the young man.,The king was sad,but all he could do was just to wait.,31Why did the king cut down the old tree?_,ABecause he hated the old and dry tree.,BBecause he wanted to plant a young tree there.,CBecause he didnt want moths to live in the tree.,32What was the result after the tree was cut down?_,AThe garden was more beautiful than before.,BThe animals left the garden.,CThe king was very happy.,33The underlined word“attractedin Paragraph 3 probably means “_ in Chinese.,A驱赶B利用C吸引,A,B,C,34,If the young man made the garden beautiful again,,,the king would _,A,be very angry B,make him rich,C,order him to leave,35,The story tells us that _,A,it will take many years for the natural balance to get back again,B,its easy for us to keep the balance of nature,C,old trees should be cut down,B,A,四、词汇运用。,A)根据句意和汉语提示写单词完成句子。,36I find it very difficult to learn English _ (语法) well.,37Rich _ (知识) can make people wise and helpful.,38If you dont obey the rule,you will be _ (惩罚),39Who is your bike _ (偷) by,40The little boy was so tired that he _(躺) on the floor and fell asleep soon.,grammar,knowledge,punished,stolen,lay,B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。,41How can I get my _ (pronounce) right,42The price of the house is still _ (increase),and we cant afford it.,43Dont talk with _ (strange)It


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