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(26 words),HOW ADVERTISING WORKS,We hear advertisements,on the radio/,and come across them,on the Internet,. Even some of the,casual garments,we wear,/,have brand names,attached to,them,/,which,turn us into,walking advertisements.,With,so many messages from,advertisers,/,filling,our daily lives, it is important to understand,/,how advertisements work. Then we can,avoid being controlled,by them.,Unit 5 Inside Advertising,1. advertise vt.,1)If you want to _ your product, you must,advertise,it.,vi.(+for),2)The company is,advertising for,typists in the newspapers.,advertiser,advertisement,advertising,sell,Para. 1 expose,接触,.,vt. to uncover (to something harmful),暴露,1) Dont,expose,your skin,to,the sunlight.,vt. disclose, make known,揭露,2) Lu Xun,exposed,the evil of the old society in his works.,3) They,exposed,the true aims of the war.,Do you know how many ads you are exposed to in your daily life,be exposed to ,暴露于,;,与,接触,be exposed to new ideas / experiences / problems,接触各种思想,/,经历,/,问题,他还是个孩子的时候就接触了艺术。,He,was,exposed,to,art when he was a little child.n. exposure (to),流利的英语要求广泛地接触英语环境。,Fluent English requires,wide/extensive exposure to,the English environment.,Para 1 Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements.,甚至在我们穿的有些休闲服上也印着品牌的名字,这就把我们变成了“移动广告。, Yao Ming has been described as the “Walking Great Wall by some Western sportswriters.,姚明被西方一些体育新闻记者形容为“移动的长城。,(比喻身材高大的中国人), He is the “walking dictionary in our class.,他是我们班上的“活词典。,(比喻词汇量很大), You would become a “walking target if you dressed in such a bright color.,如果你穿这么鲜艳的衣服,你很容易成为“活靶子。,(比喻非常惹眼),attach (vt.) : fasten or join one to another,1. He attached a label to his uniform in case it might get lost.,2.He attached a stamp (to the letter).,3. Do you attach much importance to what he said,4. This hospital is attached to our medical department.,a school attached to the university大学附属学校,a childs deep attachment to his parents,孩子对父母深深的依恋,附属,附上重视,贴上,贴上,Para1,我们的日常生活中,充满了,众多的广告信息,可见了解广告如何发挥作用是很重要的事情。,With,so many messages from advertisers,filling,our daily lives,it is important to understand,how advertisements work,.,1)With nothing _(do) at the weekend, I will sleep for a whole day.,2)With the work _(do), he left.,3) He was asleep with his head _.枕在手臂上,4) Jack was lying on the bed with all his clothes _.穿着衣服,R:With + O. + O.C. (to do/doing/done/,with的复合构造 adj./adv./介词短语),to do,done,on his arms,on,Para. 2 An advertisement is,a message or announcement,that informs or influences people.,广告是告知人们或对人们起影响作用的信息或告示。,inform sb. (of/about sth.),Please,inform,us,of,any changes of address.,inform (that clause),I have been,informed,that,the couple will marry next year.,be well-informed,消息灵通的,Para 3: How do advertisers make effective advertisements,Advertisers must pay the media / for displaying their ads. Their money would be wasted / if the message didnt reach its target audience, in other words, the people the advertisement intends to persuade. For example, adolescent dles()nt boys are more likely to buy computer games than any other group, so it makes sense to make computer game ads / that appeal to this group.,It,makes sense,to make computer game ads _ appeal to this group.,针对这个群体制作有吸引力的电脑游戏广告,是有意义的,。,makes sense,合理,可行,;,有意义,说得通,照顾好自己的身体是明智之举。,It,makes sense,to take care of your health.,你的话毫无意义。,What you say,makes no sense,.,that/which,Para. 3 fit in / intoand how the product would fit into their lives.,The drawer is too small and the books wont,fit,in,.,He,fitted,the photo,into,the frame.,The doctor cant,fit in,any more visits this week.,安排时间,;,放进去,;,fit in (with),How do you fit in in the new company,He tried to fit in with the others, _it was difficult.,adj. be fit to do / be fit for,R: 他适合这个岗位。,adj. He isfitforthe position.,R: vt. / vi. Eg. 这条裙子非常适合她。,The dress fitted her perfectly/well.,but,适应,Para. 4,appeal to your target, : be attractive or interesting to; make an earnest request,Her sense of humour,appealed,to,him enormously.,她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。,I,appeal to,all like-minded people to support me.,我呼吁所有志同道合的人来支持我。,Some,advertisements appeal to peoples desire to save money.,Others,are more likely to be noticed,/,if they are funny. Ads that,feature,rich and famous people,/,will,grab the attention,of those,who admire,people like that. Some adverts, like the _(,环保,) advertisement below, appeal to our,conscience,or our desire to be,worthy,citizens.,admiring,environmental protection,Para. 5 Ads that,feature,rich and famous people will,grab the attention,of those who admire people like that.,以,有钱人和名人,为特色,的广告会,抓住,那些对他们羡慕的人的,注意力,.,Her articles,feature,many complex sentences.,她的文章的特点是有很多复杂的句子。,R:,这部片是特别报道江门一中的。,The film,features,Jiangmen No.1 Middle School.,feature,v.,是,.,的特色,特写,放映,n.,面貌特征,容貌,特色,特写,她的眼睛是她最漂亮的,地方,。,Her eyes were her best,feature,.,Impatience is a,feature,of our age.,急躁是现代人的特征。,Para 5 Some adverts,like the environmental protection advertisement below,appeal to,our,conscience,or desire to be,worthy,citizens.,还有一些广告就像下边那种有关环境保护的广告,就符合我们的良知,或者说迎合了我们想成为有价值的公民的愿望。,have no,conscience,毫无良心,have a clear / good,conscience,问心无愧,have a guilty / bad,conscience,良心不安,内疚,worthy citizens a worthy champion / winner,He is,worth,y,of,our praise.,be,worth,y,of,being done /to be done,be,worth,sth./ doing sth.,Its,worthwhile,doing/to do sth.,值得尊敬,当之无愧,1). Is that book worth _,Yes, it is worthy _twice.,A. reading; being read,B. to read; to be read,C. of being read; reading D. reading; of being read,It is worthy of being read=It is worthy to be read.,It is worthwhile to read/reading.,D,2). Her achievements are _ of high praise.,3). It is not _quarreling with him.,worthy,worthwhile,Para. 7,It would be no use,advertising,products on radio if the ad,relies,on,visual effects.,It is no use,doing,做某事没有用处,It is no use crying over spilt milk.,覆水难收。,I dont think it any use,going any further,.,我认为继续下去没有用处,。,rely on,依靠,指望,They rely on themselves now, _ is much better.,他们现在依靠自己了,这比以前要好得多。,You cant rely on him _,assistance,/ to,help,.,你不能指望他的帮助,。,which,for,v.,(Para 8),However good an advertisement is,people are unlikely to be persuaded if the product is unsuitable.,一那么广告无论制作得多么好,如果产品不适宜,也不可能使人信服。,句型:howeveradj./adv.主语动词 no matter how adj./adv.主语动词:此句型引导让步状语从句,意思是 “无论/不管多么,_,he always spares sometime for his child.,无论他多么忙,他总要抽出时间陪儿子。,However busy he is, R:,模仿造句,(1),无论我回家多么晚,妈妈都会等着我。,_,(2),无论发生什么事情,你都应该和我在一起。,_,(3),不管你在哪里工作,你都能找到时间学习。,_,No matter what/Whatever happens,,,you should stay with me,However /No matter how late I came back, Mother was always waiting for me.,No matter where/Wherever you work,,,you can always find time to study,Para. 8 Would really good advertising persuade you to buy products and services you have no use for,have no use for sth.,不需要,;,用不着,have no use for sb.,讨厌,人,I,have no use for,people_.,我讨厌那些不努力的人。,who dont make an effort,On the other hand, _ (expose) constantly to advertisements / can help to change our opinions over time. This is _ governments all over the world pay a lot of money _ ads / on such things _ road safety. They believe these adverts will _ 影响the way / people think about their driving habits / and will subsequently 随后,后来reduce _ number of road accidents.,being exposed,why,for,as,affect,the,How effective are advertisements,To be concluded:,1.,接触,2.,附于,3.,重视,4.,换言之,5.,适合,6.,吸引,呼吁,7.,以名人为特色的广告,8.,引起,的注意,9.,值得尊敬的市民,10.,在,.,起很大的作用,1.be exposed to ,2. be attached to,3.attach much importance to,4.in other words,5.fit in,6.appeal to,7.ads that feature famous people,8.grab ones attention,9. worthy citizens,10.play a big part in,11.跟汽车有关的效劳,12.做没用,13.依靠,14.不需要,15.诸如路面平安之类的广告,16. 有意义,17. 另一方面,11.services relating to cars,12.Its no use doing,13.rely on,14.have no use for,15.such ads as road safety,16. make sense,17. on the other hand,翻译:,1.,这本书告诉你怎样在旅行期间防止生病,(avoid ),2.,他们认为让儿童接触暴力电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为,.(expose),3.,我通知他太太他已平安抵达,.(inform),4.,有些广告符合我们的良知,或迎合我们想成为高尚公民的愿望。,(appeal to),5.,既然我已经戒烟了,现在就用不着打火机了。,( have no use for),6.,这位作家去世的时候,作品尚未完成,真可惜啊。,(with+,宾语,+,宾补,),7.,你装糊涂是无济于事的。,(have no use for),8.,她的成就值得给予最高赞赏。,(worthy of),翻译:,1.,这本书告诉你怎样在旅行期间防止生病,.(avoid),The book tells you how to,avoid,get,ting,ill while traveling.,2.,他们认为让儿童接触暴力电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为,.(expose),They considered it almost a crime to,expose,children,to,violence on TV.,3.,我通知他太太他已平安抵达,.(inform),I,informed,his wife,of,his safe arrival.,/,that,he arrived safely.,4.,有些广告符合我们的良知,或迎合我们想成为高尚公民的愿望。,(appeal to),Some adverts,appeal to,our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.,5.,既然我已经戒烟了,现在就用不着打火机了。,( have no use for),I,have no use for,the lighter now that I,ve given up smoking.,6.,这位作家去世的时候,作品尚未完成,真可惜啊。,(with+,宾语,+,宾补,),It is a pity that the great writer died,with his works unfinished,.,7.,你装糊涂是无济于事的。,(it is no use),It is no use,pretend,ing,you didn,t know.,8.,她的成就值得给予最高赞赏。,(worthy),Her achievements,are worthy of,the highest praise.,


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