Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland Preparing Youth

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,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2008,Mastertextformat bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,Mastertitelformat bearbeiten,Folie,*,Mastertextformat bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,Mastertitelformat bearbeiten,Mastertextformat bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,Mastertitelformat bearbeiten,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2008,*,Barbara E. Stalder,University of Basel/Institute of Sociology,INNOVATIVE APPRENTICESHIPS:,Promoting Successful School-to-Work Transitions,17 18 September 2021, Turin,Low Achievers Risky Pathways: PISA literacy Scores as Predictors of Upper Secondary Enrolment and Graduation,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,2,PISA: results 2000,More than 20% of the 15 year old in Switzerland with literacy level smaller than or equal to 1.,Literacy according to PISA captures students “ability to apply knowledge and skills in key subject areas and to communicate effectively in problem analysis and problem solving.,Reading literacy is defined as “the ability to understand, use and reflect on written texts in order to achieve ones goals, to develop ones knowledge and potential, and to participate effectively in society (OECD/PISA 2001, p. 21).,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,3,PISA: results 2000,More than 20% of the 15 year old in Switzerland with literacy level smaller than or equal to 1.,Level 1,: At best, young people who attain competence level 1 have,rudimentary,reading skill. While they can retrieve individual items of information from texts and combine them with their existing knowledge,they cannot use this reading for learning to any satisfactory extent,.,Below level 1,: Young people who do not attain level 1 have serious problems retrieving items of information from a very simple text. They are,unable to identify the main topic of the text or to link what they have read to aspects of their day-to-day knowledge,.,(Press release Federal Statistical Office, December 2001),Research questions,Assumption: Successful transition from compulsory school to upper secondary education seems endangered,Objective and subjective criteria of successful transition:,Success is “as a state in which individuals are employed after leaving school, perform at levels acceptable to their employers, and have positive attitudes towards their work environments and job requirements (Ng & Feldman, 2007, p. 116).,Objective: Enrolment in and graduation from certifying upper secondary education (=VET-diploma)?,Subjective: Enrolled in apprenticeship, which corresponds to interests and skills?,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2021,4,Vocational education and training (upper secondary),Apprenticeships: “dual VET,80%,More than 250 occupations,Different intellectual levels: from low to very high status,Full-time VET colleges,20%,Few occupations,High intellectual level, high status,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2021,5,Apprenticeships in 2006:,20 occupations account for 61% of apprenticeships/VET-programmes,Source: OPET 2021,Dual VET: Levels of certification,3-4 year apprenticeship,Low, medium and high academic requirements and prestige,Federal diploma of vocational education and training,Possibility to combine with vocational matura (prof. bacc.),Vocational matura,Always in addition to apprenticeship (parallel or afterwards),Admittance to universities of applied science,2 year apprenticeship (new!),New programme, 20 occupations, more to come,“More practically gifted young people,Possibility for special support if needed,Basic federal certificate of vocational education and training,Findings from the Swiss longitudinal Youth Study TREE,Research objective: Description and explanation of pathways from school to work,Focus: Critical, non-linear pathways, at-risk youth,Longitudinal design, annual surveys, 7 additional waves until 2007,Based on first PISA-study 2000,Sample: 5500 school-leavers from all language regions,Not so smooth TRansitions from Education to Work,Objective success: enrolment in education,Not reached upper secondary certification in 2006:,Level,1: 38% Level 2: 21% Level 3: 8% Level,4: 3%,Source: TREE,Risk factors of early dropout,(no certificate until 2006),Multinomial logistic regression:,Educational situation in 2001 in cert. education,in gap year/intermediate solution (odds ratio: 3.26),Not participating in any kind of education (odds ratio 9.43),Migrant background Swiss,First generation (odds ratio 2.21),Reading literacy level 2,Level 1 or below (odds ratio 1.8),VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2021,9,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,10,Subjective success: Work related attitudes,Is there a difference between youths with,different levels of literacy and,in educations/occupations with different academic requirements,as regards,learning opportunities/variability of work,work overload at school,satisfaction with education,9/27/2024,11,Learning opportunities/variability of work,; levels of literacy (L) and educational status (E),L: n.s.; E: *, L by E: n.s.,9/27/2024,12,Work overload at school;,levels of literacy (L) and educational status (E),L: *; E: *, L by E: *,9/27/2024,13,Satisfaction with education;,levels of literacy (L) and educational status (E),L: n.s.; E: *; L by E: *,9/27/2024,14,Conclusion,School leavers with (very) low literacy skills:,Majority enrols in upper secondary education and graduates succesfully,Apprenticeships with good opportunities for learning most important - educational satisfaction high,But:,Low-achievers in short educational programmes - disadvantaged in the labour market later on?,Importance to find direct access to upper secondary; literacy skills do less matter - unequal opportunities during transition from lower to upper secondary education.,Only small differences between VET graduates and persons without post-compulsory certificate whatsoever - Quality of VET diploma?,Outlook: Life-long learning focus!,Stalder, B. E., Meyer, T., & Hupka-Brunner, S. (2021). Leistungsschwach - Bildungsarm? Ergebnisse der TREE-Studie zu den PISA-Kompetenzen als Prdiktoren fr Bildungschancen in der Sekundarstufe II (Are low achievers necessarily dropouts? PISA scores as predictors of upper secondary graduation. Findings from the Swiss PISA follow-up TREE). Die Deutsche Schule, 100(4), 436-448.,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2021,15,9/27/2024,16,Work overload in company;,levels of literacy (L) and educational status (E),L: n.s.; E: *, L by E: *,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,17,PISA-low-achievers: Educational participation in 2001 and 2002 (level of literacy =1),9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,18,Patterns of educational trajectories, 2001 2002levels of literacy,PISA; levels 4 and 5 omitted,level 1 or below,level 3,level 2,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,19,PISA-low-achievers: Patterns of educational trajectories (level of literacy =1),irregular-“critical“,or,regular-critical“,regular - not critical“,9/27/2024,ECER 2002 - B. E. Stalder,20,Literacy levels and requirements of occupations in 2001,Educational pathways in Switzerland:,3 years after compulsory school,2000,2002,2001,2003,school leavers (9th grade),80000 youth,no access,24%,direct acces to,VET 49%,general education 27%,stay 64%,gen. educ. 22%,VET 42%,change,10%,drop,3%,delayed access,16%,noacc,7%,stay 55%,VET 35%,Gen. Educ. 20%,change 4%,drop,Stay 7%,change,drop,in,Stay 13%,change,drop,delayed acc 4%,no acc 3%,finish,Source: TREE,Enrolment in education by country of birth:one and two years after compulsory school,Switzerland,Italy, Spain,Balkan, Turkey, Portugal,Source: TREE,Maybe, not a final conclusion,Despite of several problems and challenges:,There is no alternative to dual VET in Switzerland,This is a common understanding of (most) of the VET-partners,However,(More) school-based programmes will be needed,if all young people shall attain upper secondary education certification,If companies cannot offer enough training places,If academic requirements of VET increase and more basic, general knowledge is needed before starting VET,If,Stalder, B. E., Meyer, T., & Hupka-Brunner, S. (2021). Leistungsschwach - Bildungsarm? Ergebnisse der TREE-Studie zu den PISA-Kompetenzen als Prdiktoren fr Bildungschancen in der Sekundarstufe II/Are low achievers necessarily dropouts? (PISA scores as predictors of upper secondary graduation. Findings from the Swiss PISA follow-up TREE). Die Deutsche Schule, 100(4), 436-448.,Hupka, S., Sacchi, S. & Stalder, B.E. (2006). Does the Swiss VET System encourage inequity? Analysis of factors that predict the access to upper secondary education. Bern: TREE.,Stalder, B. E. (2003). Schule, Arbeit, Ausbildungszufriedenheit (School, work and educational satisfaction). In Bundesamt fr Statistik (Ed.), Wege in die nachobligatorische Ausbildung. Die ersten zwei Jahre nach Austritt aus der obligatorischen Schule (pp. 59-79). Neuchtel: Bundesamt fr Statistik.,More from and about TREE: or,Selected Publications,Youth Unemployment 2006; 15-24 year olds in Europe,Source: Eurostat; BFS/Die Volkswirtschaft,Results: Change and dropout (Frequencies),Freq,.,%,CHANGE,- occupational relegation (RELE),221.5,10.7,- changing occupational field (OC-CH),59.8,2.9,- changing training company (CO-CH),145.3,7.0,DROPOUT,(DROP),142.4,6.9,TOTAL change and dropout,569.0,27.5,LINEAR TRANSITION without change,1502.6,72.4,Swiss Educational,System,VET in Switzerland - Brisbane 2021,27,Compulsory school,9 years; age 6-15;,primary school (years 1-4/6),lower secondary (years 5/7-9),up to four different tracks,Responsibility of cantons and communes,Upper secondary education,Vocational education and training: 2 to 4+ years,General education programmes:,3 to 4 years,Responsibility of Federal government, cantons and prof. organisations,Tertiary education,Universities and universities of applied science,Non-university bound professional education and training,Responsibility of Federal government, cantons and professional organisations,65%,25%,2700,municipalities,


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