2019届高三语法专题复习---句子成分及句子分类教学课件 (共23张PPT)

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2019届高三语法专题复习---句子成分及句子分类教学课件 (共23张PPT)_第1页
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2019届高三语法专题复习---句子成分及句子分类教学课件 (共23张PPT)_第2页
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2019届高三语法专题复习---句子成分及句子分类教学课件 (共23张PPT)_第3页
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高三语法专题复习-句子成分及句子分类 优秀小组 优秀个人About Your Preview Assignment Wu Bin, the hero bus driver of Hangzhou, kept calm ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )when he was in danger.( )同位语系词表语时状行为(实意)动词:系动词:am is are, was were be seem, look, sound, smell, feel become, turn, grow, go,getprove, remain, stay, keep 主语 I heard my name called.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )主语谓语 He handed me the newspaper.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )主语谓语宾语 宾语宾补宾语双宾结构: hand sb. sth. 或 hand sth. tofor sb. 宾补结构: 听到我的名字 (hear my name) 我的名字被喊 (my name called) 9种句子成分主语 谓语 表语 宾语 宾补 定语 状语同位语 插入语主语谓语 I saw a cat running across the road.I had my hair cut yesterday.The war made him a soldier.New methods make the job easy.I often find him at work.The teacher asks us to take notes.He brought me the latest issue of Times.He bought a beautiful skirt for his daughter. 找出是双宾结构的句子:什么可以做宾补? adj. adv. 现在分词、过去分词、不定式、介词短语、名词 5个家庭She is a great mother. She seems talented in bringing up her baby. She doesnt work.She has a 4-year-old son.She tells him stories (every night).The stories make the boy happy. 简单句系表家庭丁克家庭独子家庭双子家庭有媳家庭 简单句只包含一个主谓结构,而且句子的各个成分都是由单词或短语表示的。 Being a great mother, she seems talented in bringing up her boy. As a great mother, she seems talented in bringing her boy. She is a great mother, talented in bringing her boy. She who is a great mother seems talented in She is a great mother and she seems. She is a great mother; she seems. 并列句She is a great mother.She seems talented in bringing up her boy.She is a great mother and she seems talented in bringing up her boy.and 顺接 but 转折or 选择so 结果for 原因 My brother and I went to school at half past seven in the morning and came back home at seven in the evening.并列句有两个或两个以上简单句,并由并列连词连接起来的句子叫并列句。 There is plenty of rain in the south while there is little in the north.表对比 “然而”We were packing to leave for a weekend when my daughter heard cries for help. “突然” 复合句(从句)She is a great mother. She seems talented in bringing up her boy.She is a great mother, who seems talented in bringing up her boy. I remembered that I had met him somewhere. China is not what it used to be.Whether we will have the sports meeting depends on the whether.The news that he will retire this year proves true.宾从表从主从同位从“左顾右盼”名词性从句 This is New York, which I have visited for 3 times.Have you seen the book whose cover is yellow?定语从句名词后跟从句 状语从句I didnt recognize him until he took off his sun glasses. when, as soon as, beforewhere,whereverbecause, as, since, now that as though, as if,asalthough, even if, no matter howif, as long asso ( such) that, in order that, in caseso that (can) il时间状条件状地点状原因状方式状让步状结果状看引导词目的状结果状 并列关系2个句子之间的关系从属关系and, but, or, so, for, while, when who, that, which, whenShe is a great mother.She seems talented in bringing up her boy. 1. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, and most _ are family members.A. of them B. of whom 2. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most _ are family members. of them B. of whom 2个句子之间的关系B 2013重庆 知识树 Group work 小组合作 要 求构建知识树内容:句子的分类每组完成2个知识树,选择1份提交。1. 活动时间7分钟。 However, who specialize in ageing the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years.找 句子主干(主、谓)many scientists are doubtfulabout it and say简单句: 并列句:One tiny 9 inch-plant bought for $ 1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, it is well on its way to the front door. and l t i i ll on its way 找并列连词 -分别找主干 It wasnt unusual to hear a man say that he didnt know that his friends marriage was in serious trouble until his friend appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa, while a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage.复合句:剃掉从句找到主干-加入从句


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