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I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.,.重点单词,1_(,adj,.)相反的;相对的;对抗的,2_(,v,i,. &,v,t,.) 恢复,重新找到;弥补,3_(,v,t,. &,v,i,.) (使)感到振奋;(使)感到 高兴,4_(,adj,.) 可利用的;可达到的;有效的,5_(,n,.) 缺乏;没有;缺少的东西,(,v,t,. &,v,i,.) 缺乏;短少;没有,6_(,adj,.) 无保护的;无防卫的;无掩 护的,7_(,n,.) 治疗;疗法;对待;处理,8_(,prep,.) 凭借;通过(某种手段或某 人);经过;经由,9_(,adj,.) 错误的;假的;伪造的,答案,.词汇拓展,1strength_(,adj,.)强大的_(,v,t,.)加强,2discourage_(,n,.)勇气_(,v,t,.)鼓励;激励,3cheer_(,adj,.)愉快的;高兴的,4defenceless_(,v,t,.)防护;防御;辩护_(,n,.)防御工事;防卫设备,5persuade_(,n,.)说服;说服力_(,adj,.)有说服力的,6prevention_(,v,t,.)防止,预防,答案,.重点短语,1be free _ 不受的影响;没有的,2_ the fullest 充分地,3_ the contrary 正相反,4_ a chance 冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下,机会,5_ the moment 暂时,目前,6keep sb./sth. _ doing 阻止做,7suffer _ 遭受(痛苦、病、损失等),8cheer (sb.)_ (使)感到振奋,(使)感到,高兴,9become infected _ 受感染的,10_ sb./sth.,adj,. 使处于某种状态,11break _ 毁掉;垮掉;分解,12live _ 忍受;与住在一起,答案,12with,.重点句型,1I wish I could remember more about my mum.,我希望能记得母亲更多的情况。,2I wish people would find out the facts.and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.,我希望人们了解实情,不要把我当作坏人或危险人物。,.重点语法,The Subjunctive Mood 1(虚拟语气1),.词汇聚焦,1,persuade,v,.,说服,劝说,思维拓展,persuade sb. into doing sth.,persuade sb. out of doing sth.,persuade sb. that使某人相信,persuade sb. of sth.,指点迷津,如果说不服,劝不服,则用如下结构:,try to persuade sb. to do sth./into doing sth.,advise sb. to do sth.,I persuaded him of its truth.,He was persuaded to give up smoking.,I have never persuaded him into taking others advice.,Alice trusts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.,A. suggest B. attract,C. tempt D. persuade,解析:,根据trust“相信;信任”可知,“只有你可以劝服她放弃那么愚蠢的想法。”故用D。,答案:,D,They didnt agree with us at first, but in the end we _ them into carrying out the plan.,A. persuaded,B. tried to persuade,C. succeeded to persuade,D. advised,解析:,句子中but表示前后意义转折,隐含着他们同意我们的意见。所以空格处表达“成功劝服”,排除B、D两项;succeed后接in doing,不接不定式。,答案:,A,2lack,v,. & n.,缺乏,短缺,思维拓展,for lack of因缺乏,have no lack of不缺乏,lack for nothing一无所缺,be lacking in在缺乏,lack money/courage缺钱/缺乏勇气,be short of缺乏,缺少,run short of sth.把用尽,sth. run short不足,短缺,She showed a lack of humour.,He completely lacked conscience.,Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.,A. lacked B. lacking of,C. lacking D. lacked in,解析:,lack意为“缺乏”,是及物动词,though是连词。前半句意为“虽然缺钱”,作后半句的状语,故lack用现在分词形式。,答案:,C,That was another example of _ experience.,A. a lack with B. lack from,C. their lack for D. their lack of,解析:,“缺乏”应为lack sth.或lack of sth.,前者为及物动词,后者为名词。,答案:,D,3strength,n.,体力,气力,指点迷津,strength, force, power与energy,strength着重指人的“体力”。,force指物理学意义上的“力”,也指为做某事而使用的力量,还可指武力。,power指能力、权力,着重行动所根据的能力、本领或职权。,energy指生理上的“精力”,物理学定义中的“能,能量”。,Hes a man of great energy.,Dont use force on your friend.,Knowledge is power.,To regain their _ after an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.,A. force B. energy,C. power D. health,解析:,本题考查名词辨析,依据题意“在激烈的比赛之后,为了恢复能量,运动员们躺在草坪上。”可知应该用energy。,答案:,B,4recover,v,.,从,中痊愈;恢复,思维拓展,recover ones sight恢复视力,recover from a cold感冒痊愈,recover oneself恢复健康,recover ones strength恢复体力,recover health恢复健康,recover consciousness恢复意识,He recovered from his illness.,Has the country recovered from the effect of the war yet?,She forgot her dialogue, but she soon _ and went on with her lecture.,A. recovered herself B. returned to normal,C. lived through D. returned,解析:,由题意知空格处表示“恢复常态”。,答案:,A,5suffer,v,.,受苦,遭受(病痛,损害等),忍受,忍耐,思维拓展,suffer for因某事而受罚,suffer from遭受,患,注,suffer作为及物动词时,意为“遭受,忍受”(常用于否定句、疑问句)。,The injured man was still suffering.,His health suffered terribly for heavy drinking.,_ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.,A. Having suffered B. Suffering,C. To suffer D. Suffered,解析:,本题考查分词短语作状语。分词作状语,其逻辑主语须是句子的主语,而本句的主语看似是it,其实它是形式主语,真正主语是不定式,而不定式前应视为省略了其逻辑主语for people。这样一来就清楚了,应用现在分词,再根据already的提示,应用完成时态。,答案:,A,6chance,n. &,v,.,机会,机遇;可能性;碰巧,思维拓展,by chanceby accident偶然,by any chance万一,have a chance to do.有机会做,have a chance of doing.,have no chance to do.没有机会做,have no chance of doing.,chance to do.happen to do.碰巧做,It (so) chanced/happened that.碰巧,take a chance冒险试一试,chance on/upon偶然找到,on the chance of指望着,Ive been waiting for the chance to speak to her.,She could have been given a chance to be a manager.,There is _ that the sick child will get well.,A. chance B. a chance,C. possible D. a possibility,解析:,There is应该接名词,排除C;D项,去掉a;chance“机会,可能性”,可数名词用于句型There is a chance to do/of doing, There is a chance that.(同位语从句)。,答案:,B,7contrary,n.,相反,对立面,反面;,adj.,完全相反的,对抗的,They say hes guilty, but I believe the contrary.,I hear youre enjoying your new job.,On the contrary, I find it rather dull.,Contrary to all our advice, he gave up his job.,指点迷津,on the contrary, on the other hand与in contrast,on the contrary用来表示完全不赞成别人刚刚说过的事。,on the other hand用来表示同一方面不同的事实。,in contrast则表示两个很不相同的事实之间惊人的差异。,It rarely rains in the desert, but on the other hand it rains a lot in the coastal areas.,It is hot in the desert in the day, but in contrast its very cold at night.,You seem to show interest in cooking.,What? _, Im getting rid of it.,A. On the contrary B. To the contrary,C. On the other hand D. To the other hand,解析:,四个选项的介词短语所表示的意思不同:A项“相反地”;B项“和这相反地”;C项“另一方面”;D项“到另一方面”。答语所陈述的是与第一个对话者所说的相反的情况。,答案:,A,.短语突破,1,live with与,一起生活,忍受,思维拓展,live by靠为生,live on以为主食;继续活着,live through经历过,经后还活着,live for为而活着,live off依赖生活,live up to遵守,不辜负,live ones dream实现梦想,I dont enjoy the situation, but I can live with it.,He lived through two world wars.,2first of all首先,思维拓展,in all(altogether)总共,全部,at all根本,全然(多用于否定句中,加强语气),after all毕竟(表让步),all in all总而言之,all over到处,all around/round在周围,到处,all through完全,all right没关系,可以;健康的;令人满意的,指点迷津,first of all首先,第一(表事物的排列顺序),at first(in/at the beginning)开始,起初(表某一事物的开头,常与but连用,前后有对比的含义),above all首先(强调重要性),注,三个词组很容易混淆,但只要记住前两个词组中有first(与顺序、时间有关)就不难记住它们之间的区别了。,Children need many things, but _ they need love.,A. after all B. at all,C. at first D. above all,解析:,句意为:孩子们需要很多东西,但最重要的是爱。,答案:,D,3,for the moment暂时,思维拓展,for a moment一会儿,not for a moment一刻也不;绝不,a moment ago刚才,at any moment随时,立刻,at the moment此刻,现在,at the last moment在最后一刻,刚刚赶上,have ones moments也有走红/得意的时刻,the moment (that).一就,For the moment we are content to watch and wait.,Im busy at the moment, but Ill do it later.,_ would I suggest that you do it carelessly.,A. For a moment B. For the moment,C. At the moment D. Not for a moment,解析:,因题干用了倒装结构,所以只有D项符合要求。全句意为:“我绝不会建议你粗心大意地做这件事。”,答案:,D,4free from不受,影响的,The old lady is never free from/of pain.,Keep the surface free from dirt by putting a cover over it.,思维拓展,get/give sth. for free免费得到/赠送,free of charge免费,be free to do自由地做,随意地做,be free of没有的,摆脱的,set free释放,be free with对大方,随便,of ones own free will出于自愿,a smokefree room/area无烟室/区,All the products bought from this company will be repaired _ within three years.,A. freely B. for free,C. of free D. free of money,解析:,句意是“所有从这家公司购买的产品三年内免费维修”。repair sth. for free表示“免费”,还可以用free, free of charge。freely意思是“自由自在地”。,答案:,B,These tickets are _. The film company gave them away to us _.,A. for free; free B. free; freely,C. free; for free D. for free; free of charge,解析:,表达“免费”在are后作表语,只能用形容词free,作状语可以用free, for free, free of charge。,答案:,C,.句型归纳,1,I wish I could remember more about my mum,.我希望能记得母亲更多的事情,wish后面的宾语从句用了could,是虚拟语气,表示不能实现的愿望。,思维拓展,表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去式(be常用were)。,表示将来不能实现的愿望,从句谓语动词用“would/could动词原形”。,表示过去不能实现的愿望,从句谓语动词用had done或could/would have done。,指点迷津,wish与hope,两者后都可接动词不定式;hope后接宾语从句要用陈述语气;wish后可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语是不定式/形容词/过去分词/副词,而hope则不可接复合结构;wish后可接双宾语,hope则不可。,wish用作名词时,其后可接不定式,也可接for引导的短语,但不能是“for doing”形式。,wish用作名词,作“祝愿,祝福”讲时,常用复数形式。,I wish it were spring all the year round.,I wish you could go shopping with me next Sunday.,We wish we had arrived in Beijing two hours earlier.,I wish I were young forever.,How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden.,A. has B. had,C. will have D. had had,解析:,wish后跟的宾语从句是表示对现在的一种愿望,故用一般过去时,选B。,答案:,B,2For some, medicine can help keep them alive.对有些病人来说,药物可以帮助他们维持生命,思维拓展,keepsb./sth.,adj,. 使保持,keepsb./sth.doing使一直处于,keep a record保持记录,keep back阻止,keep fit保持健康,keep.in mind把记在心中,keep in touch with与保持联系,keep on doing继续做,keep.out of不使入内,keep up with赶上,指点迷津,keep doing和keep on doing两个短语都有“重复”和“继续”之意,用法基本相同,但相对而言,keep on doing指有间断地继续做,在语气上强一些,强调决心和毅力;keep doing指无间断地做,不含感情色彩。,“阻止某人做”可以使用:keep sb. from doing; stop sb. from doing; prevent sb. from doing。“被阻止做”则使用:be kept/stopped/prevented from doing,其中keep主动结构与被动结构中的from不可省略。,Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?,No, dear. They dont _ well. Put them in the fridge instead.,A. keep B. fit,C. get D. last,解析:,根据句子中两个地点名词cupboard和fridge可以推知谈话内容是把桃子保存好,所以使用keep表达“保留,保存”之意。fit的意思是“安装”;get的意思是“得到”;last的意思是“持续”,要与表时间的词语连用。,答案:,A,His funny jokes _ laughing all through the meal.,A. kept us B. kept on us,C. kept us from D. kept,解析:,句意是“他有趣的笑话让我们在整个吃饭的过程中笑个不停”。keep sb. doing的意思是“让某人不间断地做某事”;keep on后接doing,但不接sb. doing; keep sb. from doing的意思是“阻止某人做某事”;keep doing的意思是“不断地做”,但此时主语是his funny jokes,与题意不符。,答案:,A,3I don,t think it is a good decision that.我认为,不是一个好的决定。,think后接宾语从句时,如具有否定意思且主语为第一人称,则习惯上否定主句中的think而不是否定宾语从句的谓语,这就是“否定的转移”。,指点迷津,类似这种用法的动词还有suppose, expect, imagine, believe等。另外,以上句子变反意疑问句时,反问在宾语从句上,且用肯定形式,但如果主句的主语不是第一人称时,则反问在主句上。,I dont think he will come today, will he?,You dont think he will come today, do you?,当提问think后的宾语从句中的某一成分,变特殊疑问句时,往往把主句变为一般疑问句,从句语序不变。如:,I think,the,_,new,_,words,are useful.,What do you think are useful?,I think he has managed to prevent,an,_,accident,.,What do you think he has managed to prevent?,注,I dont think.我想不会。,I thought.我本来以为。,I had thought.我原先认为。,Who would have thought.谁会想到?,思维拓展,I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect宾语从句,I dont think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect宾语从句,疑问词do you think/believe/suppose/imagine.?,反意疑问句:,I think he is honest, isnt he?,I dont think he is honest, is he?,但:He thinks we should go climbing, doesnt he?,I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so.,I dont think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so.,I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect not.,但:I hope so/not.,Im afraid so/not.,I guess so/not.,I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, _?,A. do I B. dont I,C. will they D. wont they,解析:,在否定转移的句型中,因为是否定句,故变反意疑问句时,用肯定形式,且同宾语从句的主语一致。,答案:,C,4Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes: 医学研究表明艾滋病毒不能通过下列途径传播:,via,prep,. 经由,由途径,We went to London via Siberia.,He sent me a love letter via one of my friends.,5I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV.与艾滋病毒携带者在游泳池里游泳、握手、亲吻我会感染艾滋病毒。,by,prep,.靠,用,通过,表示方法、手段或所用的工具,后面可以接动名词作宾语。,指点迷津,by, with与in,by通常表示方法或手段,也可以接动名词表示某种手段;,with表示使用具体的工具;,in表示所用的原料、材料或途径。,The street is lighted by electricity.,She saw a strange bird with her own eyes.,I filled in an application form in ink.,I paid the bill in cash.,Apples are usually sold by _ weight, and eggs are sometimes sold by _ dozen.,A. the; the B. /; a,C. /; the D. the; a,解析:,by weight固定搭配,意为“按重量,以斤两计”;但表示具体的计量单位前应加the。,答案:,C,Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.,A. by B. at,C. to D. from,解析:,此题考查固定搭配by an inch,句意为“幸运的是,仅差一英寸,子弹险些击中上尉”。,答案:,A,请同学们认真完成课后强化作业,谢谢!,


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