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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,Pets,Task,Talk about your favourite pet,1.What is its size Is it big or small,2.What about its colour (eyes, fur, paws),3.Is it clever (friendly, lazy, noisy),4.What does it eat,5.What does it like/dislike,Poppy the cat (Listening),How old is Poppy,What colour is her fur how much does she weigh,3. Whats her personality(性格),4. What is her favourite food,5. Where does she sleep,Answer the questions:,1,My favourite pet is a _ .,2,She has _,_fur and _ paws. Her eyes are _ .She is _ and weighs only _kilograms.,3,She eats _ food ,but she likes _ best. She drinks warm_ .,4,She is friendly and _ . She sleeps in a _ and plays with a _.,5,Amy feeds her every _ , and gives her clean_ ,she also likes to brush her _.,6,She is _ sometimes and she never _ .,Fill in the blanks,Poppy the cat,cat,long,grey,white,green,small,2,quiet,cat,fish,milk,basket,ball,day,water,fur,lazy,worries,How to look after it,Dont frighten it.,Brush her fur every day.,Dont give her fish bones.,Give her enough water.,Dont pull her tail.,Dont give her a shower.,Keep her warm.,Dont chase a cat.,You should play with her,for some time every day.,You must feed her every day,You mustnt feed her too much.,Plan of presentation,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,Say what kind of animal it is .,(Para. 1),Describe its appearance .,(Para. 25),Describe its personality .,Write about its food , its home , its likes and dislikes.,Write about how you look after it .,Say why your favourite animal is special .,(Para. 6),eyes, ears, nose,colorful feathers/tail, blue and green wings, paws,lovely, clever, friendly,appearance,personality,Describe your pet.,parrots,seeds and nuts,sleep in the cage,say hello, sing, fly, knock on the cage door with his beak when it is hungry,lifestyle,1. feeding habits,2. sleeping places,3. activities (like/ dislike),How to look after it,feed it every day, clean the cage, change the water,Useful expressions,I love/like myvery much.,My looks like ,He/she is always very friendly/quiet/happy/noisy.,Usually he/she eats ,He/she lives in a cage/basket/box.,He/she usually sits/lies on the bed/floor.,He/she likes/does not like ,He/she needs ,We uaually/sometimes ,We should/ought to/should not/ought not to,Writing,Work out the outline大纲 of parrots, then write an article according to your outline.,Which verbs can describe the activities of these animals,Animals,Activities,Dogs,bark, bite, jump, fight, hunt, eat bones, walk/run in the park, chase cats/ birds/ balls, make a lot of noise, do wonderful tricks,Animals,Activities,Cats,Fish,sit on the sofa, miaow, sleep, chase birds/mice, jump, climb trees, play with balls, eat fish,bubble, sleep with eyes open,swim around, move, live in water, float, stay on the sea bed,Please write about your favorite pet.,My pets name is Pedro. Pedro has long red, blue and yellow feathers and small black eyes. He has a large beak and a very long tail.,When I say Hello to Pedro, he always tries to say Hello back. He is quite noisy sometimes, especially when he is inside,Sample writing,his cage. He likes to fly around inside the flat, but we have to be sure to close the windows before he comes out of the cage.,Pedro likes to eat seeds and nuts. His beak is very strong, so he can open nutshells by himself. He eats a lot and can be very messy.,I have to feed Pedro every day and clean his cage. I always give him fresh water and sometimes a few grapes as a treat.,I like watching Pedro play with his toys. It is fun to talk to him too. His favourite words are Hello and lunchtime. I think he is very funny. You can never be sad around Pedro.,Thank you!,


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