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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语中常用的修辞手法,1.,明喻,simile,Simile refers to a direct comparison between two or more things, normally introduced by like or as.,He has been as drunk as a fiddlers bitch.,1.,他醉得像小提琴手的母狗。,2.,他曾喝得酊名大醉,/,烂醉如泥。,If We havent got any money, we cant buy a television. Its as plain as the nose on your face.,1.,如果我们没有钱,就不能买电视机。这就像脸上的鼻子 一样清楚明了。,2.,没有钱我们就不能买电视机。这就像秃子头上的虱子,明摆着的事。,Mr. Smith may serve as a good secretary, for he is as close as an oyster.,史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他嘴巴紧得像牦蛎,.,史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他守口如瓶。,2.,隐喻,metaphor,Metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more things achieved by identifying one with the other.,That lady tries to make sheeps eyes at her new boss.,1.,那位女士想向新老板投去绵羊之眼。,2.,那位女士想向新老板献媚。,There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman.,1.,法国人的性格中混合有老虎和猿的成分。,2.,虎恶猿狡的性格,法国人兼而有之。,Washington refused to make any comment on this proposal.,华盛顿拒绝对此建议发表评论。,(,metonymy ,用华盛顿代美国政府),The baby was brought up on the bottle.,这个婴儿是用瓶装奶喂大的。(,metonymy ,用奶瓶代奶,),3.,借代,metonymy,Didnt you swear youd never again believe anything in trousers?,1.,你不是曾发誓不再相信穿裤子的任何东西了吗?,2.,你不是曾发誓不再相信男人了吗?,But for making money, Twains pen would prove mightier than his pickax.,when a married couple saw red lawyer saw green.,1.,夫妻看到红色时,律师看到绿色。,2.,夫妻吵得脸红耳赤之日,正是律师招财进宝之时。,I did not cry, I could not. My cheeks were as hot as fire, and my very eyes burnt in my head.,1.,我没有哭,我哭不出来。双颊热得如火,眼睛在头上燃烧。,2.,我没有哭,我哭不出来。双颊热得火辣辣的,两眼好像在冒火。,4.,夸张,hyperbole,He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.,1.,他沿街跑下去,喧闹如十马奔腾。,2.,他沿街跑下去,喧闹如万马奔腾。,Your wife is going to hit the ceiling when she learns that you were not telling her the truth.,1.,要是你的妻子知道你没跟她说真话,她会蹦到屋顶那么高。,2.,要是你的妻子知道你没跟她说真话,她会气得暴跳如雷。,He commented with a crushing sense of despair on mans final release from earthly struggles.,5.,双关(,pun,),Lets see how the wind blows, then decide whether we should swim against or with the stream.,咱们先看看风向如何,然后决定是逆流而上还是随波逐流,., What do lawyers do when they die?, Lie still.,1. ,律师死了以后干啥?,静静地躺着。,2. ,律师死了以后干啥?,身子动弹不得,口里却依然撒谎。,Policeman: What made you think that you could park your car there?,Tourist,:,Well, there was a big sign that read: “Fine for Parking”.,1.,警察:你怎么想到了把车停在那里?,游客: 噢,那里有个牌子,上面写着:停车的好地方!,2.,警察:你怎么想到了把车停在那里?,游客:噢,那里有个牌子,上面写着:适于泊车!(注:英语中的,fine,既有“好”的意思,也可表示“罚款”。),6.,委婉,(,euphemism,),After services, she will be laid to rest beneath a simple slab of black marble beside her husband, King George 6th.,葬礼结束后,她被安放在一块普通的黑色大理石板下休息,边上紧挨着她的丈夫乔治六世。,葬礼结束后,她被安葬在一块普通的黑色大理石墓碑下,边上紧挨着她丈夫乔治六世的坟墓。,He commented with a crushing sense of despair on mans final release from earthly struggles.,“George,” I say to my apprentice, “shut shop up. My old friend John Baines is going to his long home today.”,“,乔治,” 我对徒弟说,“打烊吧。我的老朋友约翰,.,贝恩斯,快要回老家了”。,“乔治,” 我对徒弟说,“打烊吧。我的老朋友约翰,.,贝恩斯,今天快不行了。,”,Just as I was beginning to find the ride long,7.,拟人(,personification,),Hunger breaks stone walls.,饥饿打破石头墙,饥饿不饶人。,Can you tell me anything more about Father of Waters?,你能否再讲点河流之父的故事,?,你能否再讲点美国密西西比河的事?,Spring has no speech, nothing but rustling and whispering, but spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking.,春天没有言语,只有春风荡漾的沙沙声和万物复苏的低吟声。然而,春花怒放,春叶萌发,春水奔流,春天欢腾地、无休止地追逐着,这一切比言语要丰富得多。,The young moon lies on her back tonight.,8.,移就,transferred epithet,An expensive failure can be made into an asset if you have learnt from it, but Monsanto still has some learning to do.,1.,只要你能从中吸取教训,一个昂贵的失败可以变成一笔财富。不过,曼山托公司依然需要对教训予以总结。,2.,失败的代价虽然昂贵,然而只要你能从中吸取教训,它也能化成一笔财富。不过,曼山托公司依然需要对教训予以总结。,I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug, and cried like a child.,1.,我把头埋在悲惨的被单和毯子下面,像孩子样哭了起来。,2.,我非常难过,一头扎进被单和毯子,像孩子一样哭了起来。,The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed.,1.,老人整夜躺在那不眠的床上。,2.,老人躺在床上,彻夜未眠。,9. Synecdoche,提喻,1.The case had erupted round my head not long after I arrived in Dayton.,10. antithesis,对语,& parallelism,The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must come from below.,That is our policy and that is our declaration.,11. Irony,反讽,What a noble illustration of the tender law of his favored country! They let the poor go to sleep.,这个例证多么有力地证明了他所偏爱的国家法律是多么温和,他们竞然允许穷人睡觉。,Ridicule,嘲笑:,mopped his bald dome in silence.,sarcasm,挖苦,: there is some doubt about that (unit 10),12. Oxymoron,矛盾修辞法,Malone called my conviction a “victorious defeat”.,A living death,Changelessly changing,13. Alliteration,头韵法,Willful waste,makes,woeful want,.,14. onomatopoeia,As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear.,15. anti-climax,Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for itsoysters.,16. Rhetorical question,Was I not at the scene of the crime?,Who,knows?!,


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