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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Book 1Origins of Western Philosophic Thinking,1,Introduction,1. What is philosophy,2. Sources and Influences,(1) Asian or Oriental,(2) Biblical or Hebrew,(3) Egyptian,2,3. Cultural Foundations,(1) Pursuit of Wisdom,(2) History and Literature,(3) Myths and Religions,4. Other Conditions,(1) Natural Conditions,(2) Social Conditions,(3) Political Institutions,3,The Pre-Socratic Philosophers,Texts:,(1) Diels, H.,Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th ed. revised by Walter Kranz, Weidmann: 1951.,(2) Kirk, G. S., Raven, J. E., Schofield, M.,The Presocratic Philosophers, 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1983.,4,1. The Early Ionians,1. Thales,(1) Thales Words:,Others say that the earth rests on water. For this is the most ancient account we have received, which they say was given by Thales the Milesian, that it stays put through floating like a log or some other such thing.,5,(2) Aristotles interpretation,A. Water is the principle of all things.,B. Water is the best.,C. All things are full of gods.,(3) Current understanding,Whatever is real is in some significant sense “alive”.,(4) Why Thales is regarded as the first philosopher in Greece?,6,2. Anaximander,(1) The apeiron as the principle,The apeiron, an eternal substance, boundlessly large and without any definite characteristics: neither hot nor cold, neither wet nor dry, neither white, black, nor any other color.,(2) Other understanding of apeiron,A. Aristotle: the intermediate,B. Simplicius: the mixed,7,(3) Why apeiron is over water,(4) Cosmology,A. Universe as a closed, concentric system,B. Universe is in the necessary and eternal motion from the motivation of apeiron,8,3. Anaximenes,(1) The air as the principle,(2) The structure of the universe,(3) The grounds of motion,9,4. Xenophanes,(1) Critique of myths and religion,A. Anthropomorphic-theism,B. Polytheism,(2) Philosophical cognition,“The clear and certain truth no man has seen, / nor will there be anyone who knows about the gods and what I say about all things.,”,10,


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