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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,VOLKSWAGEN China Public Relations ProposalYear,Todays Topic,Market Overview,Communication Objectives & Strategies,Key Messages Analysis,Program Recommendations,Timeline,Evaluation,Team Structure,Budget Estimation,FH Credential,Market Overview,China Sedan Car Market Overview,Chinese government encourages the auto industry development by issuing new policies,Domestic demands continue to grow by leaps and bounds,From Jan. to Nov., the sales of cars in China reaches 1.7317 million, enjoying 69.95% year-on-year increase,More foreign automobile companies entered the China car market while the existing players are making additional investment,Info. Resource: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Statistics,China Sedan Car Market Overview,Local auto manufacturers are emerging as potential competitors in China sedan car market,The overall price keeps declining due to severe competition and influx of new brands,China domestic brand still perceived as in lack of technological leadership,New Models Emerge in the China Market,2002-2003,Sales Comparison among Foreign Car Makers,Info. Resource: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Statistics,Trends of China Sedan Car Industry,Car industrys annual growth rate sees to hover at 30% in the coming 3-4 years,Investment in China sedan car industry will be focused on,the production facilities,the establishment of network of distribution and services,The competition is going to go beyond price,Trends of China Sedan Car Industry,Multinational auto brands will secure its position in the JV by increasing equity investment,Besides the manufacturing plants, leading multinational auto companies will bring their R&D into China,Corporate reputation and brand image are gradually becoming important factors in addition to product reputation,FH Understanding of Building Corporate Reputation,FH Corporate Reputation Management,A strong corporate reputation remains a key factor for building a successful business in China and it often has very little to do with your brand awareness,Some companies whose products possess high brand awareness in China lack a positive corporate reputation,Companies that lack a positive corporate reputation will suffer financially in the long run,FH Corporate Reputation Elements,Corporate Reputation,Long-Term Commitment,CSR,Product Quality,Partners,Take a Look at VW Corporate Reputation - Where are we?,Commitment to China market,Investment,First foreign automotive manufacturer in China (1984),6 Billion Euro additional investment in upcoming 5 years,Localization level,Know-how sharing with local partners,Primary procurement from local market,Nation-wide service network,Acceleration of senior management localization level,Lack of local R&D (GOLF, POLO sedan, GOL),Take a Look at VW Corporate Reputation - Where are we?,Product,Product quality,Outstanding and reliable product quality with good reputation, such as Jetta, Polo, Bora,Advanced German technology,Pricing,Reasonable pricing to meet up VW global financial target,Non-flexible price policy,Customer satisfaction/perceptions,Acceptable overall customer satisfaction,Part of the VW products are over profit-driven (SANTANA),Take a Look at VW Corporate Reputation - Where are we?,Cooperation with local partners,Good relationship with the Chinese government,JV with Chinese leading car manufacturers,Perception as shared,Trustworthy partnership,Stable engagement,Extended 20-year contract with SAIC in 2002,Extended 25-year contract with FAW in 2003,Relationship with local opinion leaders and industry associations should be strengthened,12 dealers for import cars,Take a Look at VW Corporate Reputation - Where are we?,CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility),Active involvement in China society in fields of civilization, environment protection, education, sports etc,Volkswagen Environment Activity,Volkswagen Sound Foundation,Education Funds for Tong Ji University (310 million Euros),Beijing International Music Festival major sponsor,China Golf Master,Other donations, industry forums and sponsorship,High popularity of part of the above activities by the target audience.,VW CSR & Sponsored Programs At A Glance,Media Survey,Online Database,E communications,Media Survey,We conducted an on-line survey among 500 media, including auto industry media, financial media and lifestyle media,Media Survey,Media response rate: 20%,Summaries:,Accumulative Investment,In China,VWs Additional Investment,In China,Media Survey,Summaries (cont.),Luxury Brand Recognition,Brand Characteristics,Market Share,In China Market,CSR Programs In China,Media Survey Analysis,High recognition,Long-term commitment to China market,No.1 market share though slipping down,Outstanding product quality,Full product line,High awareness on CSR,Low recognition,Brand image in luxury car market,Technology level,CommunicationObjectives & Strategies,Communication Objectives,Long-term Objectives,Improve Volkswagen corporate image and reputation in China,Strengthen Volkswagens leading position in China,Short-term Objectives,Enhance consumers recognition on VW corporate reputation and brand value,Reinforce VW mind-share in China,Overcome current negative issues,Communication Challenges,How to secure VWs leadership position in China Market?,How to leverage VWs brand positioning by communicating flagship products?,How to differentiate VWs new brands from existing brands through product renovation?,Communication Strategies,To deliver continuous, consistent, positive corporate and brand messages to strengthen VW positioning,To build a communication platform leveraging on “Volkswagen 20 years in China” marketing campaign and new product launches and CSR programs,Key Message Analysis,Key Messages,Volkswagens long-term commitment to China market,VWs long-standing commitment to the local industries and communities contributes to the China economic development,6 Billion Euro investment in the coming 5 years and target 1 Million annual sales volume in China market in 2007,Key Messages,VW is the automotive leader in China market,VWs expertise and talent ensure its leading position with the outstanding product quality, advanced technology, efficient service and competitive price,VW is the first automotive manufacturer entered into China market, which benefits its No.1 market share in China car market,Key Messages,VW owns the strong partnership with Chinas leading car manufacturers,VWs trustful relationship with the JV partners,VWs dedication to local R&D in the near future,VWs expertise in building global network benefits the establishment of local network,Key Messages,VW is a good Chinese citizen,A global company with strong commitment in China,Devote itself to various fields in Chinas social progress,VW dedicates in balancing social and economic benefits,Program Recommendations,Communication Tactics,Communication Tactics,For Chinese Media,Press release,To share continuous and consistent voice with all target media,Tailor made and disseminate key messages to the target media in different sectors (e.g. business, general, lifestyle and trade media),Mass media,VW corporate information,VW long term commitment,VW localization process,VW credit,CSR activities,Communication Tactics,For Chinese Media,Business media,VW global and/or regional financial information,VW global/Asia Pacific quarterly/annual sales report,VW global annual/mid-year financial report,Auto industry media,Product R&D in China market,VW latest concept car,VW import car product information,Sales promotion information,New configuration,Prize award,Lifestyle & Sports media,VW sponsored social events (cultural, entertainment, sports),Communication Tactics,For Chinese Media,Feature article,Media selection,Most influential mass/business/industry media,Geographical considerations,Tightly connected to the ongoing PR events,Angles,VW China operation & development,VW Brand story,VW product information,Hero VW executives feature,Communication Tactics,For Chinese Media,Media roundtable,Media selection,Suggest involving more media organizations and journalists,Propose to invite some opinion leaders to host the media roundtable,Topics,Industry trends,Government regulations,VW strategy,CEO visit,Communication Tactics,Ongoing Media Relations for Chinese Media,Media tour,Top 5 Auto Show in Europe/U.S./Tokyo,VW headquarter: Wolfsburg,Key media salon,Media test drive,Media gathering party & media incentives,Communication Tactics,Explore more opportunities,To identify more potential opportunities for the enhancement of VW corporate reputation,Sole automotive sponsor for Beijing Olympic 2008,An Ting Automotive Town plan and story,Communication Tactics,For Foreign Media,Press release,Focus on positive business & financial news,China government rules & regulations,Auto industry status & trends,Authority insights,VW China corporate,Investment,Merge & acquisition,VW China sales figures,Roundtable (Breakfast meeting),In-depth interview opportunity,Ongoing media relations build up and maintenance,Communication Tactics,For Dealers,Annual dealer seminar,Annual sales review,Upcoming year sales forecast,Contract renewal,Dealer training,Product and technology briefing,Sales & communication skills education,Service quality improvement,Quarterly dealer survey,Communication platform between VW and dealers,Timely feedback,Effective solutions,Program Recommendations,Media Database Management,Online Database,FH communicates with the client,Time-efficient,Cost-effective,Through this online, interactive database management system we manage,Media relations,Government relations,Marketing activities,Data management: Reports, Quotes, Clips, Project files,E-communication: e-newsletters, e-invitation, e-audit,Online Database,Home page,Online Database,Media contacts,Online Database,Journalist profile,Online Database,Daily news,Online Database,Documents exchange,Online Database,E communications,Program Recommendations,Corporate Reputation Management,Corporate Reputation Management,We believe that a strong corporate reputation remains one of the keys to building a successful business in China and it has very often little to do with your brand awareness,Some brands of high brand awareness may be found low in possessing positive in corporate reputation,Companies in lack of positive corporate reputation will not sustain a continuous financial health,Our research module focus on identifying issues that are both high in relevance and acceptance of a brand in the local context:,Commitment to China market,Investment,Localization of senior management,presence,Product quality,Product quality,Pricing,Customer satisfaction/ perception,Corporate Reputation Management,Cooperation with local partners and key customers,Perception as shared,Trustworthy,Level of commitment/engagement,Corporate citizenship and philanthropy,Issue Ownership,Activities and involvement level,Awareness and the impact as seen from those activities,Corporate Reputation Management,Program Recommendations,Crisis Management,What is Issues & crisis management?,Issues and crisis management is a relatively new field of management,The process includes forecasting potential crises and planning how how to deal with them,Crisis management in the face of a current, real crisis includes identifying the real nature of a current crisis, intervening to minimize damage and recovering from the crisis,Crisis management often has strong focus on public relations to recover any damage to public image and assure stakeholders that recovery is underway,Why a crisis situation needs to be managed?,A crisis situation usually results in:,discontinuity or disruption of operation,damage to the brand and trusts,loss of assets (lives/properties) availability,not meeting expectations,bad press,amounting pressure coming from different constituencies groups,How to deal with a crisis a tool analysis,Focus on strategic planning and building up a system,The crisis plan should be reflect the nature of your business,It should be feasible and easy to operate,Select the partner you would want to work with and the tools that most fit your needs,Seven Steps of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,#,Steps,Description,1,Perform preparatory work,Develop a failure definition, contact flow diagram, gap analysis and preliminary worksheet and interview schedule.,2,Collect data,Interview facility personnel to determine what the failures are, their frequencies and their impacts.,3,Summarize & encode results,Input into an electronic spreadsheet and determine any redundancies.,4,Calculate loss,Multiply frequency X impact for every failure event in the analysis.,5,Determine Significant Few,Determine the 20% or less of the failures that result in 80% of the losses.,6,Validate results,Verify that the results are valid.,7,Issue a report,Communicate results .,Crisis Frequency Analyze,Secondary Attention,Top Attention,Crisis Management Training,Basic theory of crisis management,Crisis management tools,Media training,Program Recommendations,A few inputs for upcoming projects,Volkswagen 20 years in China,Strategies,Leverage 20 year celebration to raise overall profile of VW corporate image and brand perception in China,Build up more psychological linkage between VW brand and Chinese consumers,Addressing the close cooperation with top 2 local auto manufactures,Highlight the dedicated Chinese citizenship of VW China and well-balanced social/economic benefits,1-,year campaign runs through 2004,Volkswagen 20 years in China,Campaign slogan,“,Excellence Volkswagen Life,”,“,精彩,大众,生活”,Key messages,No.1 promised total investment amount up-to-date,No.1 entrance into China market,No.1 market share in 20,th,consecutive years,No.1 service network in China mainland,1-,year campaign runs through 2004,Volkswagen 20 years in China,Initiate an activity looking for No.1 car user of all VW products that ever launched in China during Beijing International Auto Show,Online column with Sina,Print ad on most influential mass media nation-wide and/or world-wide media,Final qualified users awarded VW headquarter tour,Consumer story,VW and my life/family/business,Media track,Program I Looking for No.1 VW user,Volkswagen 20 years in China,Screen in,Different car drivers room of all VW car,SANTANA JETTA PASATT ,Different street corner view,1984 Shanghai, people all in blue and gray,1991 Beijing, people driving JETTA,1993 Shenzhen, Deng Xiaoping announced new economy policy,1999 all cities, new era approach celebration,2001 all cities, many brand new and model new cars on the street,2004 Shanghai, Grand Hyatt, Oriental Pearl Tower,Screen out,2004 Shanghai, Phaeton driving to the future,Program II Video Production,Volkswagen 20 years in China,To select one most influential mass media in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou,Open a title column on selected page,Topic: 20 years excellence - my 20 years in China,Selected celebrities 20-year life story,Encourage readers and consumers draft article for their 20-year life in China,Award,20 years Excellence,Reward,VW 20 years Celebration Ceremony presence,Program III Title Column,Volkswagen 20 years in China,Program IV Product placement,CAR,车,?,Chapter I CSR Programs,Tree Planting Festival March, 2004,Annual CSR activity to demonstrate VWs continuous commitment to the China environment protection,Chapter I CSR Programs,China Golf Master Sponsorship April, 2004,The first time for VW as major sponsor to support the China sports development,To maximize the communication efforts,To involve as more media categories as possible,Mass/Industry/Lifestyle/Sports,To arrange a few programs for media,Workshop VW CSR programs display in past 20 years,Golf day Create an opportunity for media golf practice, star player coach if possible,Test drive Driving experience during tournament,Chapter II Beijing International Auto Show,Auto Show theme suggestion,Excellence Volkswagen Life,To be consistent with 1-year campaign theme,Tactics,Communicate VW family 20 years excellent performance in China through media day,To officially launch 20-year celebration programs,Chapter III Phaeton Launch,Strategic considerations,A demonstration of VW full product range presence in China,Shift the mindset on VW high profile brand recognition,Luxury Brand Perception,Price Range,Low,High,High,Benz S,BMW 7,Audi A8,VW Phaeton,Chapter III Phaeton Launch,Target consumers New Elites,Demography,Mainly male, 30 55 years old,Entrepreneurs,High purchasing power and multi car owners,Lifestyle,Breaking the established rules,Contemporary,Strongly interested in modern technology,Highest requirements on convenience and safety,Very independent,Likes,Politics, economy, science and technology,Culture, social life, outdoor activities,Chapter III Phaeton Launch,Pre-event,A few feature stories about Greek Mythology specific on “Phaeton”,To link likes between target consumers and Greek Mythology which is a symbol of unique taste,Event,Venue decorated as Greek temple with mysterious atmosphere and cultural background,A Greek style drama arranged as launch gimmick,Phaeton launched glorious under the AV/lighting efforts,Post-event,Focus on one-on-one marketing through driving experience to influent consumers decision-making,Idea I Greek Mythology,Chapter III Phaeton Launch,Pre-event,Arrange a Dresden tour for key media and hot prospects to visit the transparent workshop,Event,Venue decorated as transparent workshop through video play covering all side walls and ceilings,Attract attendees looking for Phaeton located in somewhere of the workshop while experiencing different manufacturing processes,Post-event,Focus on one-on-one marketing through driving experience to influent consumers decision-making,Idea II Transparent Workshop,Chapter III Phaeton Launch,Chapter IV VW 20 years in China Celebration Ceremony,“,Excellence Volkswagen Life,”,“,精彩,大众,生活”,Excellence,Excellent China social progress during past 2 decades,Government officials attending the SVW, FAW-VW signing ceremony,Excellent achievements VW contributed to China auto industry,All No.1 VW car users over the past 20 years would be invited to the ceremony as special appointed VW user,Chapter IV VW 20 years in China Celebration Ceremony,“,Excellence Volkswagen Life,”,“,精彩,大众,生活”,VOLKSWAGEN,VW CSR efforts over the past 20 years,VW strong partnership with leading auto manufactures,VW full range products greatly benefit public since 1984,Chapter IV VW 20 years in China Celebration Ceremony,“,Excellence Volkswagen Life,”,“,精彩,大众,生活”,Life,20 celebrities driving VW cars presence at the ceremony,Business,Entertainment,VW family,VW loyalty,Different VW product category,Chapter V - VW Night on Beijing Intl Music Festival,VW top Chinese original music night,On-line campaign to vote for the best Chinese original musician, band, singer, etc. over the past 2 decades,Award ceremony and concert on Beijing International Music Festival,Program I,Chapter V - VW Night on Beijing Intl M


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