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,*,Lesson 6,连词,连词是用于连接名词、短语或句子的虚词,不单独作句子成分。,考点一 并列连词,并列连词是用来连接语法地位相同的单词、短语以及句子的连词。并列连词主要分为表示并列关系、转折关系、因果关系及选择关系的并列连词。,分类,连词,例句,并,列,关,系,and,(和;与),,both. . . and,(既,又),,not only. . . but also,(不但,而且),,neither. . . nor,(既不,也不),Mr. Brown is,not only,our teacher,but also,our friend.,布朗先生不仅是我们的老师,而且是我们的朋友。,转,折,关,系,but,(但是),,however,(然而),,while,(然而),He is very young,but,he knows a lot.,他虽然很小,但是知道很多。,分类,连词,例句,因,果,关,系,so,(因此;所以),,because,(因为),,for,(因为),Bill doesnt come to school,because,he is ill.,比尔今天没来上学是因为他生病了。,选,择,关,系,or,(还是;否则),,either. . . or,(或者,或者),Nick is,either,in London,or,in Paris.,尼克不是在伦敦就是在巴黎。,考点二 从属连词(用于引导从句),1.,引导宾语从句的从属连词,that,,,if(whether,),。例如:,I know,that,the dog is very clever.,我知道那条狗很聪明。,We dont know,if/whether,it will rain tomorrow.,我们不知道明天是否下雨。,2.,引导状语从句的从属连词,时,间,when, whenever, as, while, before, after, until, till, since, as soon as,I was watching TV,when,she came back.,当她回来的时候,我正在看电视。,地,点,where, wherever,They were good persons. Where they went, they were warmly welcomed.,他们都是好人。因此他们走到哪里都受到热烈欢迎。,原,因,as, because, since,He isnt at school,because,he is ill.,他没去上学因为他生病了。,目,的,so that, in order that,I came here,so that,I can see her.,我来这儿是为了能看见她。,结,果,so/such. . . that. . .,Its,such,a good movie,that,Id like to see it again.,它是这么好的一部电影以至于我想再看它一次。,条,件,if, unless,We wont give it up,unless,we run out of time.,我们不会放弃它,除非我们用尽时间。,1.,(,2012,六盘水),The man was so tired, _ he still went on working.,A. so B. but C. or D. and,【解析,】,选,B,。由句意:那个人是那么累,但是他仍然继续工作。可知前后两句存在转折关系,故选,B,。,2.,(,2012,恩施),The boy is _ clever that everybody _ him.,A. such; likes B. so; likes C. so; like,【解析,】,选,B,。由,that,前,clever,是形容词故用,so,修饰;,everybody,作主语时谓语动词用单数,故选,B,。,3.,(,2011,潍坊),Mom, when shall we go to Weifang,Museum this weekend?,Oh, sorry. Im going to Beijing for a meeting. _ Saturday _ Sunday is OK.,A. Neither; nor B. Both; and,C. Either; or D. Not only; but also,【解析,】,选,A,。句意:,妈妈, 我们这个周末何时去潍坊博物馆啊?,哦,对不起。我将去北京开会。周六和周日都不行。,neither. . . nor,既不,也不。故选,A,。,4.,(,2011,宜宾),He didnt go to school yesterday _ he was ill.,A. because B. because of C. if D. so,【解析,】,选,A,。由句中前后两部分的意思可知,后半部分在表明前面“没有上学”的原因,排除,C,与,D,项;,because,后跟句子而,because of,后跟单词或短语。故选,A,。,5.,(,2011,临沂),Dont forget to wash hands _ you have meals.,A. before B. until C. through D. unless,【解析,】,选,A,。句意:你别忘了饭前洗手。,before,在,之前。故选,A,。,6.,(,2011,滨州),What was your brother doing at this time yesterday?,He was reading a magazine _ I was writing an e-mail at home.,A. as soon as B. after,C. until D. while,【解析,】,选,D,。,as soon as,一,就,;,after,在,之后;,until,直到,为止;,while,当,的时候,和,同时。由答语句意“他在家读杂志而我在写电子邮件”可知,两个动作同时进行,故选,D,。,7.,(,2011,聊城),How do you like the story?,Interesting, _ the end of it is not perfect.,A. so B. though C. or D. because,【解析,】,选,B,。,though“,虽然;尽管”,根据答句句意“很有意思,尽管结局不完美。”可作出判断。,


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