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,Unit 2 Whats your hobby?,R-,精通版,六年级上册,Lesson 10,提示,:,点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,一、根据图片及首字母提示完成句子。,1.,F,is my grandpas hobby.,2. My aunt likes,c,m,.,ishing,ooking,eals,3. Does she often,p,f,?,Yes, she does.,4,. My fathers hobby is,d,t,.,lant,lowers,rinking,ea,二、单项选择。,(,)1. Look _ my new dress.,A. of,B. at,C. to,(,)2. Do you like cooking _?,A. meal B. an meal,C. meals,B,C,(,)3. Whats _ hobby?,A. you father B. your father,C. your fathers,C,(,)4. _ tennis is _ hobby.,A. Play; my mum,B. Playing; my mums,C. Plays; my mums,B,点拨:,play tennis,在句中作主语,故,play,用动词的,-ing,形式。,(,)5. Is your hobby reading?,_,A. Yes, I am.,B,. No, it isnt.,C. No, Im not.,点拨:,主语为,your hobby,,所以用,it,回答。,B,三、选择合适的选项补全对话。,【,上下文联系法,】,方法点拨:,此题采用,上下文联系法,解答。首先要结合给出的句子了解对话谈论的话题,然后联系上下文补全对话。第,1,空由答语,“No, he doesnt. ”,可知是以,Does,开头的一般疑问句,选项中只有,B,选项符合,故选,B,。,Jean,: Look at the photo. This is my dad.,Mike,: Wow! He is cool. 1. _,Jean,: No, he doesnt.,Mike,: Whats his hobby?,Jean,: 2. _,A. His hobby is fishing.,B. Does he like planting flowers?,C. She is cooking meals.,D. I like reading and collecting books.,B,A,Mike,: What is your mother doing?,Jean,: 3. _,Mike,: What do you like?,Jean,: 4. _,A. His hobby is fishing.,B. Does he like planting flowers?,C. She is cooking meals.,D. I like reading and collecting books.,C,D,四、阅读短文,完成任务。,Helen is from Britain. She lives in Shanghai with her parents now. She is a student. Her father teaches English in her school. Her mother is a doctor. They all like watching TV. But they like different programs(,节目,). Helens father likes news and sports.,He usually plays basketball with his students. Helens mother likes watching shows. Helen likes cartoons. She thinks they are very interesting.,(,一,),阅读短文,判断句子正,(T),误,(F),。,(,)1. Helen is in Shanghai now.,(,)2. There are three people in Helens family.,(,)3. Helen likes watching TV, but her parents dont.,T,T,F,(,)4. Helens father plays basketball with his friends.,(,)5. Helens mother likes watching news.,F,F,(,二,),阅读短文,选择正确答案。,(,)1. The best title is _.,A. My hobby,B. Helens familys hobbies,C. Different programs,B,(,)2. Where does Helens mother work?,A. At a school.,B. At a hospital.,C. On a farm.,B,


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