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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,News Report之,直击“活熊取胆”,1,新闻背景background,背景:2010年5月11日,“福建省环保厅对于归真堂的环保核查公示”在网上公布,归真堂黑熊相关项目已通过上市前的环保核查程序。,2011年2月14日,亚洲动物基金会发表声明,“我们认为,一家以活熊取胆为主业的企业,不应获得上市批准”。,2012年2月1日,中国证监会首次公开IPO首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO审核流程,)福建归真堂药业有限公司位列待审企业之一。,2012年2月14日,NGO组织它基金联合72名社会知名人士,向证监会信访办递交吁请信,恳请对归真堂的上市申请不予批准。,2012年2月18日,归真堂官网挂出公开邀请函,决定2月22日、24日两天开放养熊场。,2,事件真相,truth,The animals Asia foundation亚洲动物基金会have held a media communication媒体沟通会in Beijing recently, in which staff through a documentary纪录片 show the live bears miserable life whose bravery is taken of .The work personnel said, the no drainage tube is to undergo a dangerous and pain surgery on the bears who is at the age of 3,it will eventually lead to bear decay 溃烂and infection, there are statistics that show, 99 percent of the bears who experienced no tube drainage无管引流suffer from cholecystitis胆囊炎, more than half have gallbladder polyps胆囊息肉 , even some are dead because of liver .So it is very difficult to replay the documentary we mentioned just now shown in communication meeting held by the animals Asia foundation. The documentary is completed by their staff after four years of investigations shooting, it tells some situation about the practice of extracting bear bile, let us go to learn about it:,3,最后,Though this is only one part of the documentary ,I believe it reflects the real situation about the practice of extracting bear bile more or less, in contrast to Guizhentang Pharmaceuticals unreal showing.,4,另外whats more,If you want to know more about the documentary of the practice of extracting bear bile ,please search for “月亮熊纪录片土豆” with baidu or click,5,Thank you,for listening.,6,


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