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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Tortoise and the Hare,Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.,Hi!,Mr.Tortoise,.,What are you doing?,Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.,Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now.,乌龟:,No, I would run with my feet step by step. Im sure I can win. I could be the winner.,兔子:,Can what? Can run? Just like now? Ah, Ah, Ah, You are too slow. I can even walk faster than you run.,乌龟:,Miss Hare, You are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you. That means I can win the match.,兔子:,What? What? A race? With you? You can win? OK. OK. Look at the tall tree. Let me see who can get there first.,乌龟:,OK !,Who will be the winner? Of course, It is me.,Many animals hear about the message that Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare will have a race. They all come to the place near the river.,Mr. Tortoise, Are you ill? You must know your legs are much shorter than Miss Hares. That is to say you would fail the race.,Dont worry. I will try my best. I believe myself.,Oh, My God! Do not join the race, and you will not be the winner.,You are my good friends. Please believe in me. I can win the race .,Ready? Go!,Miss Hare runs very fast, but Mr. Tortoise runs very slowly. A moment later, Miss Hare arrives at a small tree.,Where is Mr. Tortoise? I can not see him. Oh, he is much far behind me. I think he will arrive here at least in the afternoon, Let me have a good rest.,Miss Hare wants to have a rest, but after a moment, he feels a little sleepy.,How tired, but I can not give up. I must insist. I can arrive at the tall tree.,Oh, It is Miss Hare. He is sleeping now. I must run faster at his sleeping time.,Miss Hare is sleeping, while Mr. Tortoise is running much faster now. Now Mr. Tortoise arrives near the tree.,Mr. Tortoise, Come on, Come on. You could be the winner!,Who is making the noise? Ah? Mr. Tortoise? He will win? Oh, no. Let me catch up with him.,Oh,,,It is too late, he is the winner, I fail the race. But I do not know why ?Do you know?,


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