体育英语 第六讲(足球)

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Sports English (6),Major Professional Termsfootball (1),All-out attacking 全攻型打法,away match 客场比赛,back-heel pass 脚后跟传球,back pass 转身传球,bicycle kick 倒勾球,break through 突破,Captain 队长,centre circle 中圈,centre field 中场,centre forward 中锋,cheering team 拉拉队,corner area 角球区,corner ball 角球,corner kick 发角球,curved ball 弧线球,defender 后卫,defensive wall 人墙,delay the game 延误比赛,direct free kick 直接任意球,dive header 鱼跃顶球,drawing lots 抽签,dribble past 带球过人,evict/eject 罚出场,Major Professional Terms football (2),extra period 加时赛,fake a ball 假摔,final eight 前八强,first half 上半时,foot over 抬脚过高,football 足球;橄榄球(美、澳、加),forward 前锋,four-three-three-formation 4-3-3阵型,free back / spare man 自由中卫,free kick 任意球,Major Professional Terms football (3),goalie,/ goalkeeper 守门员,hacking / stamping 蹬踏犯规,half (back) 前卫,handball 手球犯规,head 头球,indirect free kick 间接任意球,intercept,断球,juggle,颠球,kick 踢球,kick off 开球,legal charging 合理冲撞,Major Professional Terms football (4),linesman 巡边员,long pass 长传,long shot 远射,make a goal 破门得分,midfield 中场,offside 越位,opposing half 前场,outside 出界,own goal 乌龙球,own half 后场,pass back 回传,penalty kick 罚点球,Major Professional Terms football (5),penalty shootout 点球决胜,place kick 定位球,rear defender/ (full) back 后卫,red card 红牌,relegation 降级,second half 下半时,shoot 射门,soccer 足球 (美式英语),tackle 铲球,tackle from behind 背后铲球,Major Professional Terms football (6),throw-in 掷界外球,tip-in 补射,tight-defense 密级防守,trap/stop 停球,winger 边锋,yellow card 黄牌,Major Football International Organizations and Tournaments (1),Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) 国际足球联合会,Asian Football Confederation (AFC) 亚洲足球协会,Confederation African de Football (CAF),非洲足球联合会,Union of European Football Association (UEFA),欧洲足球协会,Oceania Football Confederation (OFC),大洋洲足球联合会,Chinese Football Association 中国足球协会,FIFA World Cup 国际足联世界杯赛,Olympic Soccer Tournament 奥运会足球比赛,The Womens World Cup Soccer Tournament,女子世界杯足球赛,Asian Cup 亚洲杯赛,European Cup 欧洲杯赛,European Champions League 欧洲冠军杯赛,England Premier League 英格兰超级联赛,Italian Serie A League 意大利甲级联赛,German Division One League 国甲级联赛,Spanish Division One League 西班牙甲级联赛,French Division One League 法国甲级联赛,Chinese Serie A League 中国足球甲级联赛,Major Football International Organizations and Tournaments (2),Part 5 reading material,Football 1,The origin of the game “Football” dates back to the early recorded history. Documented evidence,a,manual,of Chinese military during the Han,Dynasty,in about 2nd century BC, describes an organized activity resembling football. It was known as “Cuju”.,英dnst 美 dansti 英 mnjul美 mnjul,Modern football was reinvented by the English, and developed in European land and South Africa countries. On 26th October, 1863, the worlds first rules for football game were born in Cambridge University of England. Thus, that day has been remembered as the date of birth of modern football. On 21st May,1904, the Federation International of Football Association (FIFA) was founded in Paris.,Football 2,In 1900 at the Paris Olympic Games in France, football started to appear as a performance sport, rather than a competitive event. In 1908, football officially became one of the events in the Olympic Games. The first FIFA World Cup was held in 1930.,Nowadays, football is the international term for the most sensational sport. While in the United States and,Latin,America, soccer seems to be the most acceptable word for football, which originated from,association,football. In these areas, football usually refers to rugby.,英 ltn 美ltin,Football 3,Modern football is an eleven-a-side field game. The team is divided into some sections: goalkeeper, defensive players, midfield players and offensive players. The goalkeeper is the only player who may touch or move the ball with the arms or hands.,Football is played outdoors on a grassy pitch about one hundred and five meters long and seventy meters wide. At each end there is a goal 2.44 meters high and 7.32 meters wide. A football match usually lasts ninety minutes, consisting two forty-five minutes halves (the first half and the second half). The aim of the football match is to score goals and prevent the association from scoring goal.,Football 4,Questions,Where was the ancient football originated?,Where did the modern football produce?,When did football become an Olympic official event?,When was the Federation International de Football Association founded?,When was the first FIFA World Cup held?,


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