5. writing-E基础(标点)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.4 谈标点运用,书面写作的标点不仅起着停顿的作用,而且各种停顿赋予了丰富的意义和内涵。,标点一方面减轻了读者的阅读疲劳,另一方面则是书面表达必不可少的要素。,是否使用标点、如何使用大不一样,如:,Did the cat eat Mary?,Did the cat eat, Mary?,Percy, the cat has run away.,Percy, the cat, has run away.,1,标点不会本质上改变作品的风格,但运用是否正确却很大程度上左右着作品的质量。请跟随本章思路,脚踏实地地学习这些“无所谓”的“小小标点”吧。,1.4.1句末标点:,通过三种完整句式了解,陈述句:,W,e hear much about solar energy.,Many Canadians speak French.,疑问句:,Do our big cities have a future?,Why has your policy changed?,2,感叹句:,Send in your coupon now!,Sell real estate in your spare time!,句号(,period),用于陈述、祈使及语气轻微的感叹句后:,John wrote to tell me of his new job.,Please shut the window.,What a pity that the Olympic Games have become so politicized.,3,2. 用于间接引语为疑问句的句末:,Ted asked me whether I was good at boardsailing.,3. 用于缩写后:,Dr./Mr./Ms./Feb./Dec./R.M.Williams/N.M./,S.C./Ph.D./M.A./M.D.,4.,数字中充当小数点:,$5.98/ $352.56,特别注意:,句子以缩写结尾,句末只用一个句点:,Send the money directly to Lincoln Dollar, M.D.,4,问号(,question mark),1.,疑问句尾:,Where are you going?,2.,直接引语中的疑问句:,“,Which way do I turn?” she asked.,3.,表示怀疑:,Saint Thomas Aquinas, 1225(?)-1274, considered faith more important than reason.,特别注意:,5,1. 直接引于是疑问句并出现在句末:,Looking puzzled, she asked, “What am I supposed to do with all these forms?”,2.,直接引语不是疑问句但引语所在的句子是疑问句:,Did John say, “Today we should go to New York”?,3.,长句和复杂难句不要忘记问号:,How is the student who enters college as a freshman supposed to find her way through the maze of instructions and regulations printed in small print in the college catalog?,6,惊叹号(,exclamation mark),:,用于感叹句尾,表达生气、惊讶、恼怒、害怕、兴奋等强烈的情感:,Ouch! Something bit me!,Silence! Get up! Close the book!,And this man wants to be present!,I refuse to listen to this garbage!,注意:过多使用惊叹号会适得其反,削弱表达效果。,7,1.4.2 逗号(,comma),:,使用最为广泛,由,and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet,等连接两个分句的连词前:,The bell finally rang,and,George rushed out of the room.,The match was over,but,the spectators refused to leave.,We went inside,for,it had started to rain.,We had better apologize,or,she will not speak to you again.,8,注意:数个短小的独立分句可加快句子节奏。,2. 一系列结构相同的词汇、短语或分句并列时使用逗号:,The gardener sprayed the grass, trees, and shrubs with pesticide.,On a stark, cold, gray day the men began their search for the missing child.,George Washington was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.,9,注意:,下面表达中不能用逗号,green summer jacket; big German shepherd; yellow kitchen oven; brown Siamese cat; strong window shutters; sweet little old lady. and,不能用于这些词之间,但修饰语顺序可以互换的并列修饰语间可用,and/or,没有,and/or,时,用逗号:,e.g. An expensive, well-tailored suit is a necessary investment for a young executive.(,顺序可互换),10,She is certainly a happy and carefree person.(,有,and),The only vegetables Harry will eat are carrots or broccoli or corn.,3.,在复合句中,从句在前主句在后,逗号隔开:,Although she promised to meet me for lunch, Caroline never arrived at the restaurant.,As soon as I finish my paper, Ill join you for dinner.,11,注意: 主句在从句前,不用逗号;,主从关系紧密且从句短,不用逗号。,4. 较长的修饰性短语,通常用逗号与句子的主干部分隔开:,In the house on the hill, I saw people moving,slowly as if in a dream.,By the end of the first half of the tournament,our team had won nine games.,12,5. 用于表示惊讶、怀疑、同意、承认、停顿及思考等含义的感叹词或副词后:,Why, even a child knows that!,Well, you cant have everything!,6.,句子以副词开头,副此后常跟逗号:,Reluctantly, Mr. Simpson told his oldest employee that he was selling his business.,Unfortunately, the midterm exam grades were lower than expected.,13,7. 直接称呼的名词用逗号隔开:,Dorrie,you must get ready for school now.,Get away from that hamburger, you mangy dog.,8.,非限定性定语从句的前后用逗号:,His father, who has run a grocery store for thirty years, retired this week.,Her remark, which was not meant to be unkind, offended Jane.,14,可有可无的信息用逗号隔开;如定语在句,中必不可少,则不能用逗号:,The student who wins the state finals in speech will get $1,000.,以上规则适用于短语和同位语:,The sparrows, hunting for food in the snow, sensed,the cats approach and took off suddenly.(,非必要),The child playing in the sandbox is my nephew.(,必要),15,9. 插入语要用逗号与其他部分隔开,:,The students behavior at the concert, it seems to me, was example.,Spring, I believe, has finally come to stay.,Of course, not everyone shares my concern for this issue.,Plato and Aristotle wrote in the same language, namely, Greek.,16,10. 逗号用来分开比较性或重复性结构:,Many students are interested only in a degree, not in an education.,Produce, produce! This is the law among artists.,Hurry, hurry, hurry! Thats all I ever hear.,11.,逗号隔开直接引语和其他部分,:,After a pause he said, “ Ill join you in a minute.”,“Not that complaint again,” she protested.,17,12. 逗号前后构成强烈信息对比:,Lee is only lazy, not stupid.,His wife, not his brother, needs the money more.,The days were warm, the nights cool.,不能使用逗号情况列表如下:,18,错误,正确,原因,The governor-elect, promised to work to change the way public education is funded in our state.,The governor-elect promised to work to change the way public education is funded in our state.,主谓之间不能用逗号,The United States has a government of, the people.,The United States has a government of the people.,介词与介宾之间不能用逗号,Henry Aaron smacked, the ball out of the park.,Henry Aaron smacked the ball out of the park.,动宾之间不能用逗号,Louise will become, a concert pianist if she continues to study,Louise will become a concert pianist if she continues to study.,动词和补语之间不能用逗号,19,错误,正确,原因,I have tried to understand Marshall but, his behavior continues to puzzle me.,I have tried to understand Marshall, but his behavior continues to puzzle me.,连接主句的并列连词之后不能用逗号,Michael asked for my forgiveness, and said he would try harder.,Michael asked for my forgiveness and said he would try harder.,连接两个不是主句的并列连词前不能用逗号,The math test covered, improper fractions, common denominators, and, mixed fractions.,The math test covered improper fractions, common denominators, and mixed fractions.,系列短语的第一项之前和最后一项之后不能用逗号,The faded, frayed, curtains must be replaced.,The faded, frayed curtains must be replaced.,修饰语和被修饰语之间不能用逗号,20,错误,正确,原因,Kurt believes in some unusual ideas such as, reincarnation, transmigration, and mental telepathy.,Kurt believes in some unusual ideas, such as reincarnation, transmigration, and mental telepathy.,Such as,和,like,之间不能用逗号,The school board present said that, “ we are considering a ten-month school year.”,The school board present said that “ we are considering a ten-month school year.”,由,that,引导的宾语从句不能加逗号,21,逗号的其他用法:,日期、地址、非正式信函的称呼后、数字等。,1.4.3分号和冒号,二者关系可通过下列说明:,We did not bully or threaten; we knew that justice was on our side.(,分号连接的使句子,连接的主句间关系比句号连接的关系更密切),We asked for just one thing: the return of our stolen land.(,冒号后的内容是前面所提事物的具体解释,二者是等同的,相当于,namely),22,分号(,semicolon),1.,功能上与句号接近,区别是句号分割两个独立句子,分号使两句话共存一句中。,关系密切的两句间用分号。,My oldest sister is the boss in our family; what she says goes.,Some parents weigh every word they speak; others, in contrast, do not think twice about their harsh language.,23,2. 连接两个主句的副词,(,e.g. also, however, thus, besides, instead, meanwhile, nonetheless, therefore, certainly, likewise, then, nevertheless, next, furthermore, similarly, subsequently, still, consequently, moreover, indeed,finally etc.),之间用分号:,The car I want to buy is a real bargain;,furthermore,the bank is offering me an excellent financing rate.,The content of your paper is excellent;,however,you need some help with punctuation.,24,3.,各并列项间有逗号时,为清晰,要把这些项目用分号隔开:,Dr. Jackson, the president of the college; Dr. Page, the academic dean; and Jean Brown, the student body president, all support the change in rules.,Three persons were mentioned in her will: John, her brother; Martin, her nephew; and Helen, her faithful friend.,25,冒号(,colon):,用来引导解释说明、举例、等,表示其前后内容的等同性质:,Rick writes soap opera scripts for one reason:,money,.,All Terrys efforts were directed toward one goal:,she wanted to learn how to skydive.,They served an old-fashioned breakfast:,fishballs, brown bread, and baked beans,.,26,注意:,1. 动词与其宾语、补语间不用冒号,介、宾间也不用:,The following students will compete in the debate: David Haynes, Lorenzo Ruiz, and Clara Jakes.,- The students who will compete in the debate are David Haynes, Lorenzo Ruiz, and Clara Jakes.,Im afraid of these: heights, small rooms, and water.,- I am afraid of heights, small rooms, and water.,27,2. 如果冒号后的引语较长,冒号后要分行:,Describing the power of a thunderstorm through the poetic,vernacular of his character Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain,writes:,It would get so dark that it looked all blue-black outside,and lovely; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that,the trees off a little ways looked dim and spider - webby;,and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the,trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves,28,3. 冒号前必须是一个完整的句子:,Occupations that interest me: beekeeper, horse groomer, dog trainer, veterinarian.,- Occupations involving animals interest me: beekeeper, horse groomer, dog trainer, veterinarian.,29,4.,一句话中不要用两个或以上的冒号,以免混乱:,She needed three things: a new hat, warmer gloves, and boots that would be serviceable in all kinds of bad conditions:snow, slush, mud, and rain.,- she needed three things: a new hat, warmer gloves, and boots that would be serviceable in snow, slush, mud, and rain.,30,5. 冒号或分号使用是否恰当,可以插入,namely,进行检验:插入符合句意的,用冒号,不符合则用分号:,Dinner arrives: (namely) a tuna fish sandwich and a cup of tea.,We slaved for years: we remained as poor as ever.(,插入,namely,不符合句意,因此应改冒号为分号),31,冒号的其他用法:,1. 用于表示时间的一组数字间,(2:30),和比率间(1:2)。,2. 用于商务信函正式心寒的敬称后:,Dear Sirs:,3.,引用圣经章与节之间(,John 3:16),4.,出版物城市与出版商之间:,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co.,32,


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