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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新概念英语第1册69课,Word List,year,Every year, last year, next year,数词,+years + old,多大年纪,race,(,1,),名词单数,+ race,比赛(速度的竞赛),horse race / car race / bicycle race,(,2,),be + at the race,观看比赛(只用于人),例:,My wife and I were at the race.,(,3,),in the race,在比赛中,crowd,(,1,)集体名词“人群”,单数名词表示一堆(一类)人,动词用复数。,例句:,The crowd,are noisy .,人群很吵。,(,2,),in the crowd,在人群中,(3)crowded,adj.,拥挤的,stand,站立,起立,exciting,(,1,),以,ing,为结尾的形容词,只用来形容事,。,an exciting race / film / book The book is exciting.,(,2,)加,ed,:,excited“,感到”。,以,ed,为结尾的形容词,只用来形容人,。,I am excited at it.,finish,(,1,),n.,结尾,结束。,An exciting,finish,(,2,),v.“,完成”,后接名词。,(1)finish sth .finish breakfast,(2) finish +v.ing,完成做没事,w,in,(1) v. “,赢”;,win+sth “,赢,东西,/,事”,win the car race (2) winner,赢家,way,路途,名词。,on the way to +,名词(,school / Beijing / the park,) “在去,的路上”,On my way home,在我回家的路上。,On the way to yingkou,在去营口的路上,This way, please!,请这边走,语法,1,hundreds of,数以百计的。,这是用来表示不定数量的复数形式。类似的结构还有,thousands of,(数以千计的),1),前面有具体数词修饰时,不能加,S,如,: one hundred, two hundred ,three hundred eg: I have two hundred and thirty five books.,我有,235,本书,2),当表示不确定的数目时用复数,而且要与,of,连用,: There are hundreds of books on the desk.,桌子上有几百本书,.,in+,年,/,月,/,早午晚,in 2013 ; in May ; in the morning,on+,月日年(具体日期),on Friday ; on June 26th; on April 3rd,1992,at+,具体的时间点,at four oclock,Listen and answer the questions,Is there a car race in our town every year?,Was there a very big car race in 1998?,How many people were there?,How many cars were there in the race?,Who was the winner?,Yes, there is.,No, there wasnt,.,There were hundreds of people there.,There were twenty cars in the race.,The winner was Billy Stewart.,There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race.,There is a,near our town,car race,汽车比赛,every year.,每年,In 1995,there was a very big race.,在,1995,年,There were hundreds of people there.My wife and I were at the race.Our friends Julie and Jack were there,too.,You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.,My wife and I were at the race.,Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.,在赛场上,You can see us in the crowd.,We are standing on the left.,on the right,在右面,turn left,左转,turn right,右转,在人群中,在左面,There were 20 cars in the race.There were English cars,French cars,German cars,Italian cars,American cars and Japanese cars.,There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.,在比赛中,It was an exciting finish.,The winner was Billy Stewart.,He was in car number 15.,Five other cars were just behind him,.,It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him.,在第,15,号车里,On the way home, my wife said to me, “Dont drive so quickly! You are not Billy Stewart!”,On the way home, my wife said to me, Dont drive so quickly! Youre not Billy Stewart!,在回家的路上,句子时态的运用,一般现在时,:表示经常发生的事情或者动作。,现在进行时,:表示正在发生的事情或 者进行的动作。,一般过去时,:过去发生的事情或者动 作。,Eg,:,She cleans her room everyday,but,yesterday,she,forgot,to do it.,一般过去时的应用,动词的过去式,:,在表示过去发生的事情时,句子中的动词需要用过去式。,动词过去式的变化规则:,1.v,ed clean-cleaned,2.,以,e,结尾,d move-moved,3.,不规则动词:,be,动词,is,amwas,助动词,do-did,arewere,实义动词,eat-ate go-went have-had,come-came forget-forgot,buy-bought think-thought,练习,用,yesterday,改写下列句子。,1,.,I am at the church now.,2. My son is at the school today.,3. We are at the office now.,4. There is a bus on the road.,5. Are there any cars here?,6. Here are some butterflies.,介词的用法,At,:具体地点,at school at home,at the weekend,具体时间,at 6 oclock,On,:具体哪一天,on Monday,on 1,st,August,In,:模糊时间与地点,in July in China,Exercises,用,at on in,完成句子,We were_the stationers_Monday.,We were there_four oclock.,They were_Australia_September.,They were there_spring.,_November 25,th, they were_Canada.,They were there_1990.,at,on,关于一般过去时,Eg,:,I was at the cinema last night,.,对划线部分提问,Where were you last night?,We were in Australia in July.,对划线部分提问,When were you in Australia?,Exercises,Sam / Monday ? School,Eg,:,Where was Sam on Monday?,He was at school on Monday.,1.Your father/1996? Here in China,2.you/Match 1,st,? Home,3. they/November? Turkey,4. Mr .and Mrs.Johnson/the weekend? The country,you and Penny/Australia/July,Eg,:,When were you and Penny in Australia?,We were in Australia in July.,You / the office / March 23,rd,You and Sam/home/May 1,st,Your family/Canada/2010,Your sister/Beijing University/last year,一般现在时与一般过去时的用法,二者之间的转换,动词的过去式,过去式的运用,In on at,介词的用法,Lesson 70,When were they there?,be,am,is,are,was,were,was,现在式:,过去式:,Grammar,:,there be,句型的一般过去时,1.定义:表示某地某处有某物。,口诀:有字放前面,有啥放中间,地点短语放后面。,2.构成:,(1)There was + 不可数名词/可数名词单数+表示地点的介词短语。,eg:昨天在杯子里有一些牛奶。,There was some milk in the cup yesterday。,上星期在桌子上有一本故事书。,There was a story book on the desk last week.,变一般疑问句及回答,Was there a story book on the desk last week?,Yes ,there was. No, there wasnt.,否定句:,There wasnt a story book on the desk last week.,(,2,),There were +,可数名词复数,+,表示地点的介词短语。,在比赛中有,20,辆车。,There were twenty cars in the race.,在那里有数以百计的人。,There were hundreds of people there,.,Were you at the office,last night,? - No, I wasnt.,I was at home.,- Were you at the office,last night,?,- No, I wasnt.,-,Were you at school,yesterday,?,- Yes, I was.,-,Where were you,last Sunday,?,- I was,at church.,.,There are some books on the shelf,书架上,。,书架上,有一些书,。,yesterday,There _,a book on the bookshelf.,( is was ),was,yesterday,There _,some books on the bookshelf,.,( are were ),were,There was an apple on the table .,yesterday,There were some apples on the table,.,yesterday,There was a student in the classroom,.,last Sunday,There were some students in the classroom,.,last Sunday,There was a car on the street,this morning,.,There were some cars on the street,.,this morning,Grammar,1.,一般过去时态,There be,句型,There was/ were,2.,介词,in, on, at,1、抄写单词4英1汉,,并背诵,2、背诵课文,3、完成课后练习题,Homework,


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