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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Practical Approaches toUsability Testing,Julie Nowicki,President,Optavia Corporation,WEB2000,Goals,Put usability testing in perspective,In the bigger picture of usability,Compared to other techniques,Understand the breadth of usability testing methods available,Be able to focus and choose the right method,Depending on the web sites development stage,Balancing resource costs against benefits of various methods,1,Topics,The role of usability testing,Definition and comparison to other techniques,Designing the usability test,Planning,Choosing specific methods,Tuxedos or jeans?,Summary: Getting what you want,And what your customers want!,2,E-commerce and Usability,Three E-commerce segments,B2C (Business-to-Consumer),B2B (Business-to-Business),B2E (Business-to-Employee),All focus on the,customer,Ability of customer to,effectively complete a task, with,high satisfaction levels,is key to the bottom line,Usability,3,Qualities of a usable Web site,Learnability,Can customers easily grasp how to use the site the very first time?,Memorability,Do customers remember how the next time?,Ease-of-use,Can customers navigate easily?,Is the design consistent and predictable?,Efficiency,Can customers complete tasks and transactions effectively?,Appeal,More than visual: do customers feel positive about the experience?,4,How can usability testing help?,Learnability,Measure time-on-task,Measure success rate,Ease-of-use,Measure errors/false starts,Track navigation patterns (and why),Record comprehension of words and graphics,Efficiency,Measure time-on-task,Appeal,Record facial expressions and comments,Administer post-test survey,5,Characteristics of a usability test,Uses real customers (users),Customers perform actual tasks with the site or a prototype,Data is recorded,May be qualitative or quantitative,Includes customer comments,Provides objective information,Facilitated by a skilled specialist,Observed by a skilled specialist,6,Limitations of usability testing,Based on a few customers,Guinea pig effect,Test environment cannot duplicate the real world,Users know they are being watched,Not thorough by nature,Testing a few tasks, not every aspect of site usage,Some issues are not readily apparent,Use of color and fonts,Accessibility,7,Usability testing compared,Web site log statistics,Automated use testing,Focus groups,QA and system testing,User acceptance testing,Proven usability techniques:,Heuristic evaluation and guidelines reviews,Walkthroughs,8,Tip,Usability,encompasses customer-centered design and evaluation.,However,Usability testing is an evaluation technique.,Usability testing is not a design technique.,9,Customer-centered design process,Analysis,Evaluation,Understand objectives,Understand customers,Understand their tasks,Develop design concept,Specify the details,Test with real customers (usability testing),Review with design specialists,Design,Iterative!,10,Actual Timeline,11,Anatomy of a usability test,Plan and,Design,Report and,Recommend,Conduct,Plan: Answer the big questions,Select the test methods,Get participants,12,Overview of usability testing methods,To prepare for the test, you must,Plan,Answer some big-picture questions,Understand objectives, customers, and tasks,Choose the test methods,Considering a number of parameters,Pick the best usability testing methods for your situation,13,Planning:Big decisions to make first,What are you trying to accomplish?,When will you do the test?,Based on product lifecycle,What are the customer profiles?,What tasks will customers do?,How will you present the results?,How will you make recommendations?,Explore design alternatives,14,What are you trying to accomplish?,Find out how your site compares to the competition,Find out if your new design works for,Existing customers,New customers,Get statistically sound data,15,Tips for setting objectives,Prioritize the four usability components,Learnability,Ease-of-use,Efficiency,Appeal,Be specific,NO,“Registration is easy to use.”,YES,“New customers should be able to complete the registration process in 5 minutes without help.”,16,Tip,Usability testing done early in the design cyclereduces risk.,17,The Cost to Make a Change,Adapted from,Rapid Application Development,by James Martin,Usability,U-test a must,Usability,18,Dont get fooled by online development tools!,Sketches are highly advantageous,They are easy to throw away,People dont assume the system is done,People are more likely to suggest changes,Usability testing can be done with sketches,Tip,19,Tip,Usability testing done late in the production processhelps you plan,for the next iteration.,20,Who are the customers?,Marketing information such as,Age,Income,Education,Career,Experience with the Internet,Experience with online shopping,Anticipated frequency of use (your site),Environment they work in,Home, office,21,What are the tasks?,Creating task scenarios is a,must,!,Dont use language that leads the user,NO,“Go to My Pro change your address to”,YES,“You have moved. Change your address to”,22,Presenting the results,Consider allowing observers during the test,Make sure they do not interfere,Highlight tape,Compelling and efficient,Results of data collection,Summary of issues,prioritized,by,Usability criticality,Implementation effort,Recommendations,23,The next step,Once you have,considered what you want to accomplish, and when,identified your customer profiles,determined the tasks you want customers to perform,decided how to communicate the results,you are ready to design the test methods,24,Test methods:Parameters that you must select,Equipment and facilities,What to measure,Quantitative and qualitative,How to collect measurements,Use of participants (protocol),How many participants,Level of facilitation,Level of participant verbalization,25,Equipment and facilities,Conference room,Paper notes,One camera,Paper notes,Portable lab,Logging software,Lab facility,Logging software,26,Example Usability Labs,Fro,Fro,27,Advantages of video tape,Records very valuable, compelling qualitative data,Page navigation,Expressions,Comments in context,Provides a real snippet of an actual customer experience,Watch out,Someone needs to understand the equipment,Time to setup, review, create highlight tape,28,What to measure: Quantitative,Time on task,Number of errors,Successful completion of task (yes/no),How you collect measurements is determined by facility and equipment,29,What to watch for: Qualitative,Navigation patterns,Getting lost?,Predictability,Understand graphics?,Understand words?,Looking for it to work like something else?,Flexibility,Looking for a quicker way?,Looking for help?,30,Protocols (Use of participants),Individual,Paired,Comparison,Good for competitive analysis,Between-subjects: each customer uses one site,Within-subjects: each customer uses both sites,31,How many participants?,5-8 participants will find 80% of usability problems,4 is good minimum number,Qualitative data,Early prototype,Qualitative and quantitative,Later in development,Paired or comparison protocols,3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,Statistically sound results,32,Level of facilitation,Facilitator in another room,Facilitator in same room,Discussion after each task,Facilitator and participant interact during task,33,Level of participant verbalization,Think-aloud,Heads-down work,34,Interaction,X,Qualitative data,Discussion-oriented,Informal environment,Think-aloud,Quantitative data,Heads-down task,Formal,Lab,Mostly qualitative,User works alone,Formal,Lab,High,Low,Low High,Participant verbalization,Facilitation,35,Putting it all together,Informal Formal,36,Now that weve said that,Can you do informal testing on a production site?,Sure!,Can you do quick, but formal testing in a lab on a prototype?,Sure!,37,What if,Youre in the fast-paced e-commerce environment,You want customer data but you need it,Now (yesterday),Whenever you make significant changes,You want guidance in making design decisions or changes,38,Variation,Informal Formal,39,Resource costs will be determined by your choices,Cost of facilities and equipment,Time for each participant,Your time resources,Planning test,Conducting test,Reporting and decision-making,Staff resources and skill levels,Generally all go up as you move from informal to formal,40,Results,“When we introduced an electronic expense payment system, users declared the application incredibly efficient as early as the testing phase. That never would have happened if we hadnt had the usability group to help us meet our business objectives. No company should ever move forward on a project in todays business environment without some usability in their back pocket.”,From Supervisor of Integrated Business Practices,41,Usability is more than just usability testing,It is a,process,Julie Nowicki,President,Optavia Corporation,JNowick,608 260 9000,42,


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