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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,17,*,Eleventh edition,STEPHEN P. ROBBINS,MARY COULTER,School of Management, Shanghai University,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Mangers as Leaders,Chapter,9,-3,Contents,Who Are Leaders and What Is Leadership,Early Leadership Theories,Contingency Theories of Leadership,Contemporary Views on Leadership,Leadership Issues in the Twenty-First Century,2,Who Are Leaders and What Is Leadership,?,3,Leaders and Leadership,D,Leader,领导, Someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority,4,Leaders and Leadership,D,Leader,领导, Someone who can,influence others,and who has,managerial authority,5,Leaders and Leadership,D,Leadership,领导力, What leaders do; the process of influencing a group to achieve goals,管理者为取得目标而做的一系列影响群体成员行为的过程,Ideally, all managers,should be,leaders,Although groups may have informal leaders who emerge, those are not the leaders were studying,6,Leaders and Leadership,Leadership research has tried to answer:,What is an effective leader?,如何成为有效的领导?,7,Q1,:,Do you think leaders have particular traits?,领导是否有特质?,Researchers at the University of Cambridge found: “Men with longer ring fingers,compared with their index fingers, tended to be more sucessful in the high-frequency trading in the London financial district.”,8,Q2: If yes, What are traits of leaders in your opinion?,9,Outlines,2. Early Leadership Theories,Trait Theories,Behavioral Theories,University of Iowa Studies,The Ohio State Studies,University of Michigan Studies,The Managerial Grid,10,2.1 Trait Theories,(1920s-30s),特质理论,Personal trait identification research,Physical stature, appearance, social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability, unsuccessful.,11,2.1 Trait Theories,(1920s-30s),特质理论,Leadership,(,领导力),trait identification,research successful,Drive,内在驱动力,The desire to lead,领导愿望,Honesty and integrity,诚实与正直,Self-confidence,自信,Intelligence,智慧,Job-relevant knowledge,工作相关知识,Extraversion.,外向性,12,Exhibit 171Seven Traits Associated with Leadership,Source:,S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke, “Leadership: Do Traits Really Matter?”,Academy of Management Executive,May 1991, pp. 4860; T. A. Judge, J. E. Bono, R. llies, and M. W. Gerhardt, “Personality and Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review,”,Journal of Applied Psychology,August 2002, pp. 765780.,P461,13,Limitation of trait theory,Trait theories Focused on traits, ignored interaction of leaders and their group members as well as situational factors,Further thinking about leadership,What effective leaders did?,Behaviors,14,2.2 Behavioral Theories,行为理论,(,1,),University of Iowa Studies,(Kurt Lewin),爱荷华大学研究,Identified three leadership styles:,Autocratic style,独裁风格,:,centralized authority, low participation,Democratic style,民主风格,:,involvement, high participation, feedback,Laissez faire style,放任风格,:,hands-off management,15,Exhibit 172Behavioral Theories of Leadership,P462,Research findings,:,mixed results,No specific style was consistently better for producing better performance,Employees were more satisfied under a democratic leader than an autocratic leader.,16,Behavioral Theories (contd),(2) Ohio State Studies,俄亥俄州立大学,Identified two dimensions of leader behavior,Initiating structure,定规维度,:,Consideration,关怀维度,:,17,Behavioral Theories (contd),(2) Ohio State Studies,俄亥俄州立大学,Identified two dimensions of leader behavior,Initiating structure,定规维度,:,The extent to which a leader defined his or her role and the roles of group members,。,It included behaviors that involved attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals.,领导者界定自己和成员的角色的程度,包括组织安排工作,梳理工作关系和明确目标的程度,Consideration,关怀维度,:,The extend to which a leader had work relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members ideas and feelings.,领导者在工作中尊重下属的看法和情感并与下属建立相互信任的程度。,18,Exhibit 172Behavioral Theories of Leadership,P462,Research findings:,mixed results,High-high leaders generally, but not always, achieved high group task performance and satisfaction.,Evidence indicated that situational factors appeared to strongly influence leadership effectiveness.,19,Behavioral Theories,(,3,),University of Michigan Studies,密歇根大学研究,Identified two dimensions of leader behavior,Employee oriented,员工导向,:,emphasizing personal relationships,(employees needs, interpersonal relationships),Production oriented,生产导向,:,emphasizing task accomplishment,( technical or task aspect of job),20,Exhibit 172 (contd) Behavioral Theories of Leadership,P462,Research findings:,Leaders who are employee oriented are strongly associated with high group productivity and high job satisfaction.,21,(,4,),The Managerial Grid,管理方格,D,Managerial Grid,Appraises leadership styles using two dimensions:,Concern for people,关心人,Concern for production,关心生产,Places managerial styles in five categories:,See next page Exhibit 17X Managerial grid,22,Exhibit 17xTheManagerialGrid,Source:,Reprinted by permission of,Harvard Business Review,. An exhibit from “Breakthrough in Organization Development” by Robert R. Blake, Jane S. Mouton, Louis B. Barnes, and Larry E. Greiner, NovemberDecember 1964, p. 136. Copyright 1964 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.,P374,23,Exhibit 172 (contd)Behavioral Theories of Leadership,P462,24,Outline,3.,Contingency Theories of Leadership,The Fiedler Model,Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory,Robert Houses Path-Goal Model,权变的领导理论,25,Contingency Theories,If, Then,26,3.1 The Fiedler Model,费德勒模型,D,The Fiedler Model,费德勒模型,If a managers leader style is this, then he/she should work in this situation,If a situation is that, then that situation needs a that type of leader,Assumptions of Fiedler:,There are different types of works (situations) and different types of managers.,Leaders do not readily change leadership styles.,A certain leadership style should be most effective in different types of situations.,Matching the leader to the situation or changing the situation to make it favorable to the leader is required.,27,3.1 The Fiedler Model,费德勒模型,D,The Fiedler Model,费德勒模型,Proposes that effective group performance depends upon the proper match between the leaders style of interacting with followers and the degree to which the situation allows the leader to control and influence.,领导风格与员工的匹配;领导者能够控制和影响情境的程度;绩效取决于这两者的匹配,28,key factors in leadership success,How to identify styles of leadership,How to evaluate the situation,29,How to match?,-The Fiedler Model (contd),Measurement and Match,测量与匹配方法:,Leader ship style:,Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire,最难共事者问卷,Determines leadership style by measuring responses to 18 pairs of contrasting adjectives.,pleasant-unpleasant,cold-warm,boring-interesting,High score ,64,:,a relationship-oriented leadership style,关系取向,Low score, Telling,命令型,R2: followers are unable but willing Selling,教练型,R3: followers are able but unwilling Participating,参与型,R4: followers are able and willing Delegating,授权型,38,3.3 Path-Goal Model,路径,-,目标模型,罗伯特 豪斯,States that the leaders job is to assist his or her followers in attaining their goals and to provide direction or support to ensure their goals are compatible with organizational goals.,领导者的工作是帮助下属达到他们的目标,为下属提供指导与支持,以确保下属各自的目标与组织的目标保持一致。,Leaders assume different leadership styles at different times depending on the situation:,Directive leader,指示型,Supportive leader,支持型,Participative leader,参与型,Achievement oriented leader,成就导向型,39,Exhibit 174Path-Goal Theory,路径,-,目标理论 罗伯特 豪斯,P468,40,Some Prediction & Conclusions,Some Predictions,Directive leadership,Supportive leadership,Participative leadership,参与型,Achievement oriented leadership,成就导向型,.,Conclusion,Leaders compensates for shortcomings,Employee performance and satisfaction,Explaining already clear tasks/tasks able to be handled,Employee performance and satisfaction,R,P468,41,Learning Outlines,4. Contemporary Views of,Leadership,Transactional and transformational leaders.,Charismatic and visionary leadership.,Team leadership.,42,4.1 Leader-Member Exchange,(,LMX) Theory,Leader-Member Exchange Theory,The leadership theory that says leaders create in-groups and out-groups and those in the in-group will have higher performance ratings, less turnover, and greater job satisfaction,How to choose members: similarities, competence. Characteristics drive the decisions,43,4.2 Transformational Leadership-Transactional Leadership,变革型与交易型领导,Transactional Leadership,交易型领导,Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by exchanging rewards for their productivity.,Transformational Leadership,变革型领导,Leaders who stimulate and inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes.,Focus on followers interesting and development needs, help followers by looking at old problems in new ways,Researches support TL,Business, military leaders,Leaders in Start-up firms,44,Think different,45,乔布斯希望挖走百事可乐高管约翰,斯卡利,(John Sculley),,因此对斯卡利说,:,46,4.3 Charismatic-Visionary Leadership,领袖魅力型与愿景规划型领导,Charismatic Leadership,领袖魅力型领导,D,An enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways.,Ex: Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of A,47,Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of A,48,4.3 Charismatic-Visionary Leadership,领袖魅力型与愿景规划型领导,Characteristics of charismatic leaders:,Have a vision.,Are able to articulate,表达,the vision.,Are willing to take risks to achieve the vision.,Are sensitive to the environment and follower needs.,Exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary.,Ex: Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of A,49,4.3 Charismatic-Visionary Leadership,领袖魅力型与愿景规划型领导,Charismatic Leadership,领袖魅力型领导,Most research shows positive relationship between charismatic leadership and high performance and satisfaction,Charismatic leadership can be learned.,EX: charismatic courses,Charismatic leadership is not always productive, most appropriate when the followers task has an ideological purpose or when the environment involves a high degree of stress and uncertainty,50,4.3 Charismatic-Visionary Leadership,Visionary Leadership,愿景规划型领导,A leader who creates and articulates a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation.,Visionary leaders have the ability to:,Explain the vision to others.,Express the vision not just verbally but through behavior.,Extend or apply the vision to different leadership contexts.,EX: Chiairman Mao Zhedong,Founders of many venture companies,51,4.4 Team Leadership,团队领导,Team Leadership Characteristics,Having patience to share information,Being able to trust others and to give up authority,Understanding when to intervene,Team Leaders Job,Managing the teams external boundary,Facilitating the team process,Coaching, facilitating, handling disciplinary problems, reviewing team and individual performance, training, and communication,52,Exhibit 175Specific Team Leadership Roles,P472,53,Learning Outline,5. Leadership Issues in the Twenty-First Century,Five sources of a leaders power.,Issues todays leaders face.,自,54,5.1 Managing Power,Sources of Leaders Power,Legitimate power,法定权力,The power a leader has as a result of his or her position.,Coercive power,强制权力,The power a leader has to punish or control.,Reward power,奖赏权力,The power to give positive benefits or rewards.,Expert power,专家权力,The influence a leader can exert as a result of his or her expertise, skills, or knowledge.,Referent power,参照权力,The power of a leader that arise because of a persons desirable resources or admired personal traits.,Most effective leaders rely on several different forms of power to affect the behavior and performance of their followers.,55,5.2 Developing Credibility and Trust,Credibility (of a Leader),信誉,The assessment of a leaders honesty, competence, and ability to inspire by his or her followers,对领导的诚实、胜任力和鼓舞他人的能力的判断。,Trust,信任,Is the belief of followers and others in the integrity, character, and ability of a leader.,为人、人格和领导能力的信仰。,Dimensions of trust:,integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty, and openness.,正直,能力,一贯,忠诚,开放,Is related to increases in job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, job satisfaction, and organization commitment.,56,Exhibit 176Suggestions for Building Trust,Practice openness.,Be fair.,Speak your feelings.,Tell the truth.,Show consistency.,Fulfill your promises.,Maintain confidences.,Demonstrate competence.,P474,57,5.3 Empowering Employees,Empowerment,授权,Why empower employees?,Quicker responses problems and faster decisions.,Addresses the problem of increased spans of control in relieving managers to work on other problems.,58,5.4 Leading Across Cultures,Effective leaders use different leading styles in different cultures,Universal Elements of Effective Leadership,Vision,愿景,Foresight,远见,Providing encouragement,鼓励,Trustworthiness,值得信耐,Dynamism,充满活力,Positiveness,积极性,Proactiveness,主动性,59,Exhibit 177Selected Cross-Cultural Leadership Findings,Korean leaders are expected to be paternalistic toward employees.,Arab leaders who show kindness or generosity without being asked to do so are seen by other Arabs as weak.,Japanese leaders are expected to be humble and speak frequently.,Scandinavian and Dutch leaders who single out individuals with public praise are likely to embarrass, not energize, those individuals.,Effective leaders in Malaysia are expected to show compassion while using more of an autocratic than a participative style.,Effective German leaders are characterized by high performance orientation, low compassion, low self-protection, low team orientation, high autonomy, and high participation.,Source:,Based on J. C. Kennedy, “Leadership in Malaysia: Traditional Values, International Outlook,”,Academy of Management Executive,August 2002, pp. 1517; F.C. Brodbeck, M. Frese, and M. Javidan, “Leadership Made in Germany: Low on Compassion, High on Performance,”,Academy of Management Executive,February 2002, pp. 1629; M. F. Peterson and J. G. Hunt, “International Perspectives on International Leadership,”,Leadership Quarterly,Fall 1997, pp. 20331; R. J. House and R. N. Aditya, “The Social Scientific Study of Leadership: Quo Vadis?”,Journal of Management,vol. 23, no. 3, (1997), p. 463; and R. J. House, “Leadership in the Twenty-First Century,” in A. Howard (ed.),The Changing Nature of Work,(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995), p. 442.,P475,60,5.5 Gender Differences and Leadership,Research Findings,Males and females use different styles:,Women tend to adopt a more democratic or participative style unless in a male-dominated job.,Women tend to use transformational leadership.,Men tend to use transactional leadership.,Other findings- MF leaders,Problem solving ability MF,Care FM,Control MF,Performance-who has better performance?,61,Exhibit 179Where Female Managers Do Better: A Scorecard,Source:,R. Sharpe, “As Leaders, Women Rule,”,BusinessWeek,November 20. 2000, p. 75.,自,62,5.6 Becoming An Effective Leader,Leader Training,Training is more likely to be successful with individuals who are high self-monitors than those who are low self-monitors.,Individuals with higher levels of motivation to lead are more receptive to leadership development opportunities.,63,5.6 Becoming An Effective Leader,Substitutes for Leadership,领导的替代,Follower characteristics,Experience, training, professional orientation, or the need for independence,Job characteristics,Routine, unambiguous, and satisfying jobs,Organization characteristics,Explicit formalized goals, rigid rules and procedures, or cohesive work groups,64,Terms to Know,leader,leadership,behavioral theories,autocratic style,democratic style,laissez-faire style,initiating structure,consideration,high-high leader,managerial grid,Fiedler contingency model,least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire,leader-member relations,task structure,position power,situational leadership theory (SLT),readiness,leader participation model,path-goal theory,transactional leaders,65,Terms to Know (contd),transformational leaders,charismatic leader,visionary leadership,legitimate power,coercive power,reward power,expert power,referent power,credibility,trust,empowerment,66,


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