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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,投诉信,Complaints,Business relationships do not always run smoothly. People make mistakes. Accidents happen. Inefficiency and delays in production lead to late deliveries. Poor quality control leads to complaints of product unreliability. Slack handling leads to breakages. So, people complain. The contents of the complaint letters should be constructive, and your tone should be controlled.,The common causes for complaints,1) damaged or faulty goods,货物受损或有瑕疵,;,2) deferred/ delayed delivery,延误交货,;,3) false documents,单据有误,;,4) inconformity (short weight, wrong goods, unsolicited goods etc),交货有误,(,数量有误、货物不符或未经订购收到货物,);,5) Inferior quality,质量没有达到要求,The,purpose,of the complaining/claim letter is to convince the reader that you are a fair and honest customer who is justifiably dissatisfied, and that you have a legitimate complaint that deserves a desired response.,The main contents of a complaining letter is :,1. to give the reasons for complaints,2. to provide the solutions,How to write a complaint letter,:Keep in mind that most errors are unintentional, and realize that most businesses and organizations want to address and clear up complaints quickly in order to have satisfied customers or members.Be brief. Keep your letter to one page, and write short paragraphs, rather than long ones.Be honest and straightforward, and include sufficient detail to back up your claim and to show that you have thoroughly researched the subject. However, omit irrelevant details. Keep your letter concise and professional.,Maintain a firm but respectful tone, and avoid aggressive, accusing language.Send only photocopies of receipts and other documents, and retain all originals. Keep a copy of the letter for your records.In many cases, you can increase the effectiveness of your letter by getting several others to sign it with you. This is particularly the case when trying to influence or change legislation, denouncing material from the media, and so forth.If a company has repeatedly given you bad service and refuses to correct the situation and you feel that your only recourse is to pursue legal action, voice your feelings in a tactful but firm way. However, dont threaten legal action unless you are willing to follow through with it.,If your letter focuses on a single individual, avoid making generalizations about the company or organization.If you need to make a complaint to or about people that you will still have contact with on a regular basis, your letter needs to accomplish its purpose without destroying the relationship. Use tact, and be direct, but respectful.,Include your contact information (name, address, phone number, and e-mail address), if desired, so that the,person(s,) can reach you to discuss any questions or concerns.If a first letter does not bring action, assume a stronger but still respectful tone in the next one. If two or three letters do not resolve the problem, send one to the president or CEO of the company or entity. In each case, be firm but polite.,Consider this,strategy,when writing a claim letter: 1 - opening paragraph (Identify the product or service) 2 - explain the problem (what is wrong, giving dates, places etc ) 3 - describe extent of damage, inconvenience 4 - what action/compensation expected (propose solution) 5 - close (End the letter respectfully),Tip,: Suggest why it is in the recipients best interest to grant your request: appeal to the recipients sense of fairness, desire for continued business, but dont threaten. Find some way to view the problem as an honest mistake. Dont imply that the recipient deliberately committed the error or that the company has no concern for the customer. Toward the end of the letter, express confidence that the recipient will grant your request.,Typical sentences for reasons of complaints,1. We have received many complaints from the customers concerning the tooth brushes under our Order No. 6678.,我们收到了许多客户对你们供应,6678,号订单牙刷的投诉。,2.,On checking the camera I discovered that it did not (or did not appear to) function.,经检查我发现照相机,(,似乎,),不能正常使用。,3.,I really must complain about the quality of the goods that you recently sent us.,对于贵方最近发送的货物存在的质量问题,我不得不向您提起投诉。,4. You have supplied items which fall far below the standard expected.,贵方提供的物品,质量远远未能达到所期望的标准。,5.,After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage in number.,经对照发票之后,发现数量少了很多。,6. We have received the 15 cases of Green Tea you sent us, but regret to say that on examination, five of them were found to be in a badly damaged condition. This was apparently attributable to faulty packing.,我方已收到你方运来的,15,箱绿茶,但遗憾的是,经检验,其中五箱损坏严重。很明显这是包装不良所致。,7. When we discussed delivery dates, you assured us that you could deliver by 2 December. However, the goods are now two weeks overdue/late.,当初商议交货日期,贵方曾允诺于,12,月,2,日之前一定交货。然而这批货现已延误两周。,8. Your invoice states that the consignment contained 1GHz Pentium X computers, whereas, in fact, it contained 450 MHz Pentium II computers.,贵方发票上注明,这批货物是,1GHz,奔腾,X,电脑,而实际上收到的是,450MHz,奔腾,II,电脑。,9. You have supplied items which fall far below the standard expected.,贵方提供的物品,质量远远未能达到所期望的标准。,10. The standard of workmanship of your products is inadequate.,贵方产品的工艺不能令人满意。,11. You have sent us goods which we did not order. We should like to point out that we did not order the consignment of laptop computers which was recently delivered.,贵方运送之货物,我方并未订购。我们在此指出,我们没有订货, 最近却收到了一批便携式电脑。,Typical sentences for solutions,1. We should be obliged if you would replace the goods you delivered with the correct ones.,贵方若能更换发错的货物,我们将不胜感激。,2. We should be grateful if you would give me/us a complete refund for the defective goods which were delivered.,对于这批瑕疵货物,贵方若能全数退还货款,我们将不胜感激。,3. We should appreciate your looking into this matter and arranging for delivery within the next three days.,谨希望您对此进行调查,三天之内安排发货,我们将不胜感激。,Sample Letters,Dear,Mr,Lee,Delayed delivery of Order No. 4853-01-98,You will remember that last month we ordered 24,Tanson,1GHz Pentium X Computers. When we discussed delivery dates, you assured us that you could delivery by 2 December. However, the goods are now two weeks overdue, and I have heard nothing from you to confirm a definite delivery date.,We urgently need these computers to upgrade the administrative functioning of our offices, and you slowness is causing a great deal of inconvenience.,I should appreciate you looking into this matter and arranging for delivery of these computers within the next three days.,I am afraid that if you are unable to delivery within this period, we shall be compelled to cancel our order and purchase from another supplier.,Yours sincerely,for ADCO INDONESIA,LTd,Kadir,Aboe,Office Manager,A letter of complaint about wrong goods,关于交货有误的投诉信,Dear Sirs,Our Order No. 123,We duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods on arrival of steamship “Prince” at Hamburg.,We thank you for your prompt execution of this order. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in case No. 3,Unfortunately when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles, and we can only presume that a mistake was made and the contents of this case were for another order.,As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our own customers, we must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacements at once. We attach a list of the contents of case No. 3, and shall be glad if you will check this with our Order and your copy of you Invoice.,In the meantime we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal; please let us know what you wish us to do with it.,Yours faithfully,复投诉信,Replies to complaints,Replies to complaints are also called adjustment letters: to adjust a difficult situation to the benefit of both the writer and the reader. Adjustment letters must be prompt.,Predict problems that may appear.,Write your reply in a mild and roundabout tone.,Structure and typical sentences,Part,One:tell,the receiver about your getting its complaint, and show your thanks for their bringing the matter to your attention.,Part Two: tell them about your investigation and results.,Part Three: you either bear the responsibility and compensate them or you refuse to take the responsibility, and provide a compromise.,Sample sentences for Part One,1. I refer to your letter of 10 October regarding . Thank you for (We appreciate your) bringing this matter to our attention.,现就您,10,月,10,日来函所提关于,的事做出回复。感谢您提出此事使我们注意。,2. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look into our delivery procedures.,感谢您给予我们机会,引起我们对公司的出货手续的注意。,Sample sentences for Part Two,1. Having checked with our suppliers, it is clear that they mistakenly sent us a consignment of faulty disks. Apparently, the damage was caused during the production process, and the suppliers are currently recalling all of batch 761b.,我们向本公司的供应商作了核实,确认他们将一批不良光碟错发给本公司。显然,质量问题是在生产过程中产生的。供应商目前正在追回这批批号为,761,的产品。,2. The delay was due to poor weather conditions.,发货延误是因为天气情况恶劣。,3. Because of the mail strike, we did not receive your order until 23 September.,由于邮政人罢工,我们,9,月,23,日才收到贵方订单。,Sample sentences for Part Three,1,),bear the responsibility and compensate,1.,I really must apologize for the inconvenience you have been caused. We take all our customers comments seriously. With this in mind, we are more than happy to replace the faulty disks. ,对于此事给贵公司造成的不便,我们深表歉意。,我们素来重视客户意见。本着这一原则,本公司非常乐意更换这批不良光碟。,2. With mutual cooperation, this case has been settled amicably and we shall remit to you amount of,3,009 in compensation for the loss arising,therefrom,.,由于双方合作,此事已友好解决,我方将汇,3, 009,英镑,赔偿你方损失。,2,),refuse to take the responsibility, and provide a compromise,1.,I am afraid the delay in delivery has been due to our not receiving the order for two weeks. I regret, therefore, that we cannot guarantee delivery before New Year. However, as it is clear that you have been inconvenienced by this unfortunate situation, we are prepared to offer you the loan of 24,Tanson,Pentium II (450 MHz) computers until such time as we can deliver your order.,恐怕此次交货延误的原因在于本公司未能及时收到订单,比预期晚了两周。因此我们无法保证在新年之前交货,对此本人深感遗憾。,然而无论如何,此事已给贵公司造成不便。鉴于此,在贵公司所订之货交付之前,我们愿意暂借给贵公司二十四台,Tanson,奔腾,II (450MHz),电脑。,2. I regret to inform you, therefore, that we cannot give you a refund. In this case, the goods are of saleable quality, so a refund is out of the question. However, at,Videx, we feel strongly that your satisfaction is our top priority. So, in order to make up for some of the inconvenience you have suffered, we should like to offer you the chance to buy the L16 at an unbelievably low price. .,因此我很遗憾地通知您,我们不能接受您退款的要求。在这种情况下,我们的货品是可出售之合格产品,因此退款是不可能的事。然而,,Videx,电子产品公司素来客户至上,让客户满意是我们的宗旨。为了弥补您所遭受的不便,本公司愿意以惊人的低价向您出售,L16,型录影机。,Sample letters,Dear,Mr,Aboe,I refer to your letter of 18 December regarding delivery of your order for 24,Tanson,1GHz Pentium X Computers. Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention.,According to our Accounts Departments, although we discussed delivering the above computers by 2 December, if fact we did not get your order until 18 Decemberthe same day as your letter of complaint. I am afraid the delay in delivery has been due to our not receiving the order for two weeks.,I regret, therefore, that we cannot guarantee delivery before New Year. As I mentioned earlier this month, this time of year is very busy for us. However, as it is clear that you have been inconvenienced by this unfortunate situation, we prepared for offer you the loan of 24,Tanson,Pentium II (450MHz) computers until such time as we can deliver your order.,If this arrangement is acceptable to you, please contact me by return so that I can make the necessary arrangements.,Yours sincerely,for INTERFACE COMPUTERS,Lee Jung Hyun,Mr,Lee Jung Hyun,Sales Supervisor,Dear Sirs,Your Order No. 123 per S/S “Prince”,Thank you for your letter of November 11. We were glad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly, but it was with great regret that we heard case No. 3 did not contain the goods you ordered.,On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in the packing, through a confusion of numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready.,We have already cabled to inform you of this, and we enclose a copy of the telegram.,We shall be grateful if you will keep case No. 3 and contents until called for by the local agents of World Transport Ltd., our forwarding agents, whom we have instructed accordingly.,Please accept our apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error.,Yours faithfully,


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